Test 1 - Chapter 2 Flashcards
The specialized support and services provided to students with diverse needs to assist them in achieving learning expectations.
The changes made to instructional practices, materials, or technology, assessment strategies, curriculum content, and the learning environment in order to meet the strengths, needs, and interests or individual students.
assistive technology
Devices that allow students, especially those with specific needs, to participate fully, or even partially, in ongoing classroom activities.
resource room
A special education classroom where students go for brief periods during the day for specific help in problem areas.
supported education
The model of teaching used when students with exceptionalities are included in general education classes with the supports necessary for them to achieve success.
The physical environment in which a student is educated.
circle of friends
A peer support network for an individual student fostered by the classroom teacher.
dual education system
The education model that supports separate programs for students with exceptionalities and those in general education.
Changes in policy that will support students with exceptionalities in learning.
continuum of services
A model that provides placement and programming options for students with exceptionalities along a continuum of least-to-most restrictiveness.
A general term used in this text for paraprofessionals or teacher aides.