Test #1 Flashcards
saevus, a um
fierce, savage
fors, fortis, f:
chance, destiny
vincō, vincere, vici, victus
to win, conquer
superbus, a, um
proud, arrogant
cornû, ûs, m.
animal horn, an object made of animal horn; a bow
iste, ista, istud
that, that…of yours
decet, decere, decuit
to adorn, be right for (+ acc.); it is right, suitable
premo, premere, pressî, pressus
to press, press down, oppress, cover
sternô, sternere, strâvî, strâtus
to lay out, spread, strike down, defeat
sagitta, ae, f
a bow
fax, facis, f.
laus, laudis, f.
praise, reputation, praiseworthy act, honor
figo, figere, fixî, fixus
to drive in, insert, transfix, pierce, fix, press
arcus, ûs, m.
a bow
cêdô, cêdere, cessî, cessûrus
to go, proceed, (+ dative): to yield to, be inferior to
percutio, percutere, percussî, percussus
to strike, beat, shake violently
penna, ae, f
wing, feather
opus, operis, n.
work, task, function, purpose
fulgeô, fulgêre, fulsî, fulsûrus
to shine brightly, gleam
os, ossis, n.
laedô, laedere, laesî, laesus
to hurt, harm, wound
aemula, ae, f.
female rival
coerceô, coercêre, coercuî, coercitus
to confine, hold back, restrain
lex, legis, f.
law, rule, regulation, order
nemus, nemoris, n.
woodland, forest, (sacred) grove
lustrô, -âre, -âvî, -âtus
to wander through, roam, move around
nepos, nepotis, m/f
grandchild, descendant
chance, destiny
fors, fortis, f:
fierce, savage
saevus, a um
to win, conquer
vincō, vincere, vici, victus
proud, arrogant
superbus, a, um
animal horn, an object made of animal horn; a bow
cornû, ûs, m.
that, that…of yours
iste, ista, istud
to adorn, be right for (+ acc.); it is right, suitable
decet, decere, decuit
to press, press down, oppress, cover
premo, premere, pressî, pressus
to lay out, spread, strike down, defeat
sternô, sternere, strâvî, strâtus
a bow
sagitta, ae, f
fax, facis, f.
praise, reputation, praiseworthy act, honor
laus, laudis, f.
to drive in, insert, transfix, pierce, fix, press
figo, figere, fixî, fixus
a bow
arcus, ûs, m.
to go, proceed, (+ dative): to yield to, be inferior to
cêdô, cêdere, cessî, cessûrus
to strike, beat, shake violently
percutio, percutere, percussî, percussus
wing, feather
penna, ae, f
work, task, function, purpose
opus, operis, n.
to shine brightly, gleam
fulgeô, fulgêre, fulsî, fulsûrus
os, ossis, n.
to hurt, harm, wound
laedô, laedere, laesî, laesus
female rival
aemula, ae, f.
to confine, hold back, restrain
coerceô, coercêre, coercuî, coercitus
law, rule, regulation, order
lex, legis, f.
woodland, forest, (sacred) grove
nemus, nemoris, n.
to wander through, roam, move around
lustrô, -âre, -âvî, -âtus
grandchild, descendant
nepos, nepotis, m/f