Test 1 Flashcards
Principle of Non-Contradiction
Something cannot be and not be at the same time and in the same way
Principle of life and unity in the body; the form of the body
Powers of Vegetative Souls
- Augmentative
- Nutritive
- Reproductive
Powers of Sensitive Souls
- Exterior Senses- see, hear, smell, feel, taste
- Interior Senses- imagination and memory
- Concupiscible Appetite- desire good as itself
- Irrascible Appetite- desire good as arduous
- Locomotion- action
Powers of Rational Souls
- Intellect- Ability to abstract forms
2. Will- Rational Appetite (desires good that will aid us in attaining happiness)
Habitual disposition of a power to the good
The ability to discern the true good in every circumstance and the correct means to attain it (Perfects our intellect)
The firm and habitual disposition to render another their due (Perfects our will)
The virtue which moderates the attraction to pleasure and provides balance in the use of created goods (Perfects our concupiscible appetite)
The virtue which enables us to persevere in the pursuit of arduous goods (Perfects our irrascible appetite)
Sanctifying Grace
A supernatural state of being infused in the soul by God; a created participation in divine life
Natural Gifts
- Soul
2. Body
Supernatural Gifts (effects of sanctifying grace)
- Sanctification of soul
- Supernatural beautification of soul
- We are friends of God
- We are children of God; heirs of heaven
- We are temple of Holy Spirit
-infused moral virtues
-infused theological virtues (FHC)
-Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Preternatural Gifts / Gifts of Integrity
- Freedom from inclination to sin
- Freedom from suffering
- Bodily immortality
- Infused knowledge of natural and supernatural truths
Supernatural End
We have an end by nature that we cannot obtain by our natural powers