Test 1 Flashcards
What defines class 1
Mesiobuccal cusp of max 1st molar is centered on the buccal groove of the mandibular 1st molar
Class II is defined by what
Mandibular first molar is distal to the maxillary first molar
What defines class III
Mandibular first molar is mesial to maxillary first molar
Anterior guidance:
Anterior teeth limit mandibular movements
Bennett angle
Angle between sagittal plane and average path of non-working condyle
Balanced articulation (occlusion)
Simultaneous occlusal contact of teeth in centric and eccentric positions
Border movement:
Mandibular movement at the limits dictated by an atomic structures
Border position
A position of the mandible when it is at the limit of active or passive movement
Canine protected articulation (canine guidance, cuspid guidance, cuspid rise)
Vertical and horizontal overlap of canine teeth disengage the posterior teeth in excursive movements of the mandible
Centric cusps (supporting cusps, functional cusps, stamp cusps)
Lingual of maxillary and buccal of mandibular
Centric occlusion
Occlusion of opposing teeth when mandible is in centric relation
Centric relation
Most retrusive position of mandible
Condylar guidance:
Part on articulator that controls movement of mobile member
Curve of spee
Curve from canine to molar
Curve of wilson
Viewed from front lingual cusps of mandibular teeth are lower and mandibular teeth have a lingual tilt to their crowns
Mandibular translation (Bennett movement, sideshift)
Mediolateral movment of mandible when viewed in frontal plane
Mutually protected articulation:
Posterior teeth prevent excessive contact of anterior teeth
Anterior teeth disengage the posterior in all excursive movements
Physiologic occlusion
Absent of signs and symptoms or pathosis
Deflective occlusal contacts
Any tooth surface that hinders the desired occlusal contact during movement
In lateral movement, the non working condyle moves how
Forward and medial
How to find interocclusal rest distance?
Anterior guidance is determined by what 2 things
Lingual concavities of maxillary anterior teeth
Vertical and horizontal overlap of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth
What are the 8 determinants of mandibular movement? (3 posterior, 2 anterior, 3 other)
Inclination of articular eminence
Medial wall of glenoid fossa
Intercondylar distance
Horizontal overlap of anterior teeth
Vertical overlap of anterior teeth
Occlusal plane
Curve of spee
Neuromuscular response
Arcon vs. non arcon articulator
Arcon have condyles connected to lower member
Non-arcon have condyles connected to upper member