Test 1 Flashcards
another name for HR
personnel administration
HR planning, recruitment and selection
job analyses, forecasting HR requirements, planning, recruiting, hiring
HR development
orienting/training, designing programs, team building, designing systems to appraise performance, develop career plans
Compensation and benefits
comp and benefits
safety and health
helping those with personal probs
Employee and labor relations
intermediary between organization and union, discipline
HR research
HR info base, employee communication systems.
Who does the HR stuff?
operating manager, HR generalist, HR specialist
laying off large numbers of employees
subcontracting work to an outside company specialized in that particular type of work
continuous and proactive assessment of mission-critical work and its staffing requirements
rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, services and speed
primary function of HR department
provide support to operating managers on all HR matters
equal employment opportunity
right of all people to work and advance on the basis or merit, ability and potential
disparate impact
unintentional discrimination -employment practices that appear to be neutral but adversely affect a protected class of people
disparate treatment
intentional discrimination -clearly treating one class of employees differently from other employees
reverse discrimination
alleged preferential treatment of a minority over another group rather than equal opportunity
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
keystone federal legislation, covers disparate treatment and impact, created EEOC
Equal Pay Act
men and women must be paid the same for doing the same or similar jobs
Age Discrimination in Employment Act
prohibits discrimination against employees over 40 years, if company has 20+ employees, no more mandatory retirement (except for at age 65 if you a high-paid exec)
-if age is a big deal, you can be forced into retirement (pilot)
Rehabilitation act
Can’t discriminate against the handicapped, affirmative action plans for large firms
Pregnancy discrimination act
requires employers to treat pregnancy as any other medical condition with regard to fringe benefits
Americans with disabilities act
gives disabled persons increased access to services and jobs -can’t ask if a applicant has a disability -must provide reasonable accommodation
Civil Rights Act
permits women, people with disabilities, and religious minorities to have a jury trial and sue for punitive damages if they can prove intentional hiring and workplace discrimination
Family and medical leave act
lets qualified employees to take prolonged unpaid leave for family and health-related reasons without fear of losing their jobs (serious illness of self or family member, birth, adoption)
Americans with disabilities amendment
broadened the scope of coverage and the rights of employees with physical and mental impairments
Executive order 11246
requires federal contractors not to discriminate against employees and they have to have an affirmative action program too
legal powers of the EEOC
- make regulations and enforce civil rights laws
- can initiate litigation and intervene in private litigation
employment parity
proportion of minorities and women employed by an organization must equal the proportion in the labor market
occupational parity
proportion of minorities and women in various occupations within an organization must equal to their proportion in the labor market
when there are less minorities or females in a job category at one place than compared to the labor market
more minorities or women than in the labor market
relevant labor market
geographical area in which a company recruits its employees
right-to-sue letter
notice by EEOC to charging party if EEOC decides not to file a lawsuit on their behalf
bona fide occupational qualification
permits employer to use religion, age, sex or national origin as a factor in employment practices because it is necessary
examples of BFOQ
customer preference (of sex), preachers
affirmative action plans
outlines goals and timetables for remedying past discriminatory actions
other areas of employment discrimination
religion, native americans, sexual orientation, HIV status
job analysis
determining info relating to the nature of a specific job
job design
structuring work and giving specific work activities
products of job analysis
job description (synopsis of nature and requirements), job specification (descriptions )
job analysis activities
recruitment, selection, orientation, training
sociotechnical approach to job design
employers should design jobs by taking a holistic view of the entire job situation (role, nature, autonomy)
job scope
number and variety of tasks performed
job depth
freedom of workers to plan and organize their own work, work at their own pace, move around and communicate
Each employee decides when to start and end the workday as long as the hours encompass the core period
compressed work week
number of hours worked per day is increased and number of days in the workweek is decreased
working at home or while traveling and being able to interact with the office
job sharing
two or more part-time people who perform a job that would normally be held by 1 full-time person
reasonable accomodation
employer must alter conditions of a particular job to enable the candidate to perform all essential functions (if no undue hardship)
potential problems with a job analysis
top managemnt support is missing, only a single means and source are used for gathering data, supervisor and jobholder don’t help design