TEST 1 Flashcards
Why is human population growth often considered the foremost environmental problem?
Increasing population strains resources and creates additional wastes.
What is uniformitarianism?
a concept that states that present processes operated in the past, at similar rates
What is sustainability?
development that ensures that future generations will have equal access to the resources that our planet offers
How are the impacts of natural hazards linked to population growth?
Population growth concentrates people and resources, such that the impacts of an individual natural hazard can be greater.
What is a scientific theory?
a hypothesis that has withstood extensive testing
A group of individuals capable of interbreeding is called a(n)
What is the Gaia hypothesis?
a set of hypotheses that likens the Earth to a superorganism with interrelated, mutually adjusting systems
What percent of Earth’s history had elapsed before the first organisms appeared?
As an ecosystem evolves following disturbance, it follows the path of
One result of wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park is
regrowth of streamside vegetation
Which of the following does NOT describe a mineral? Naturally occurring, Inorganic, A specific chemical composition, or Always comprised of one element
Always comprised of one element
What is limestone made of?
Which of the following minerals is a common clay mineral used for making pottery?
The mineral property “cleavage” refers to the
the tendency for a mineral to split along planar surfaces as a result of its atomic structure
Which is the hardest of the following minerals? Calcite Gypsum Talc Quartz
For mineral identification purposes which of the following is the least reliable physical property? Streak Cleavage Color Hardness
The concept that identifies that the three basic groups of rocks are all related is called the
rock cycle
Rocks that form from the solidification of magma are called
Intrusive igneous rocks
How many cleavage planes does muscovite and biotite have?
The chemical formula (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 describes what mineral
Isotopes are
atoms of the same element with different atomic masses
Which of the following is not a mineral? volcanic glass ice quartz plagioclase feldspar
Volcanic Glass
Why are silicate minerals the most common minerals in the crust?
because oxygen and silicon are the most common elements in the crust
Why are ferromagnesian minerals easily weathered?
they are prone to oxidation
Intrusive igneous rocks differ from extrusive igneous rocks primarily in their
crystal sizes
Detrital sedimentary rocks differ from chemical sedimentary rocks in that
detrital sedimentary rocks are composed of visible pieces of preexisting rocks
Some metamorphic rocks are potential environmental hazards because
foliation can represent a plane of weakness in the rock
Plastic deformation results in
permanent change in shape of the rocks