Test 1 Flashcards
What does the neck extend to and from?
From the base of the skull and inferior border of the mandible to the first rib.
What are the landmarks of the anterior and lateral neck?
Thyroid cartilage (of larynx). Hyoid bone. Cricoid cartilage. Clavicle. Jugular or suprasternal notch of the manubrium. Mandible. Mastoid process (of temporal bone). Transverse process of atlas. Styloid process (of temporal bone).
What vertebral level is the thyroid cartilage of the larynx located at?
What vertebral level is the hyoid bone located at?
T/F: The cricoid cartilage is a cartilage of the larynx.
What is the skin of the neck primarily innervated by?
C2, C3, C4 spinal nerves.
What is the trigeminal nerve also known as?
Cranial Nerve V.
What muscle does the superficial fascia contain?
(Depresses the mandible, tightens and wrinkles the skin of the ant. lat. neck, depresses lower lip and angle of the mouth).
What 3 veins does the facial vein drain into?
Ext. jugular v.
ant. jugular v.
internal jugular v.
What are the borders of the anterior triangle?
Inferior border of the mandible.
Midline of the anterior neck.
What are the borders of the posterior triangle.
What does the sensory innervation of the SCM?
C2, C3. (Spinal n.)
What does the motor innervation of the SCM?
CN XI (Accessory n.)
What are the actions of the SCM?
Unilateral: ipsilateral flexion and contralateral rotation of the neck and head.
Bilateral: Flexion of neck and little extension of head.
What are the borders of the carotid triangle?
Posterior belly of digastric m.
Superior belly of omohyoid m.
What does the carotid triangle contain?
Common carotid a. and carotid bifurcation (internal and external carotid aa.). Internal jugular v. CN X (vagus n.).
What are the borders of the supraclavicular triangle (subclavian triangle)?
Inferior belly of omohyoid m.
What are contents of the supraclavicular triangle (subclavian triangle)?
Subclavian a. and v.
Elements of the brachial plexus.
Phrenic n.
What are the borders of the occipital triangle?
Inferior belly of omohyoid m.
What are the contents of the occipital triangle?
CN XI (accessory n.) Several cutaneous nerves from cervical plexus.
What forms the cervical plexus?
Ventral rami of C1-4 spinal nerves.
What are the 5 types of branches of the cervical plexus?
Cutaneous. Communicating or hitchhiker branches. Ansa Cervicalis n. Phrenic n. Motor branches to mm. of the deep anterior neck.
What are the 4 main terminal cutaneous branches that exit the deep neck along the posterior border of the SCM?
Lesser occipital n. (Ventral rami of C2 fibers; Innervates the skin of posterior scalp behind the ear).
Great auricular n. (ventral rami C2, C3 fibers; Sensory innervation to skin below and anterior to external ear and part of ear and skin over angle of mandible.
Transverse cervical n. (Ventral rami C2, C3; Innervates most skin of the anterior neck).
Supraclavicular nn. (Ventral rami C3, C4; Radiates over clavicular region with medial, intermediate, and lateral branches; Innervates skin of base of neck, upper thorax, and top of the shoulder).
What is CN XII also known as?
Hypoglosyl n.