Test 1 Flashcards
What does the neck extend to and from?
From the base of the skull and inferior border of the mandible to the first rib.
What are the landmarks of the anterior and lateral neck?
Thyroid cartilage (of larynx). Hyoid bone. Cricoid cartilage. Clavicle. Jugular or suprasternal notch of the manubrium. Mandible. Mastoid process (of temporal bone). Transverse process of atlas. Styloid process (of temporal bone).
What vertebral level is the thyroid cartilage of the larynx located at?
What vertebral level is the hyoid bone located at?
T/F: The cricoid cartilage is a cartilage of the larynx.
What is the skin of the neck primarily innervated by?
C2, C3, C4 spinal nerves.
What is the trigeminal nerve also known as?
Cranial Nerve V.
What muscle does the superficial fascia contain?
(Depresses the mandible, tightens and wrinkles the skin of the ant. lat. neck, depresses lower lip and angle of the mouth).
What 3 veins does the facial vein drain into?
Ext. jugular v.
ant. jugular v.
internal jugular v.
What are the borders of the anterior triangle?
Inferior border of the mandible.
Midline of the anterior neck.
What are the borders of the posterior triangle.
What does the sensory innervation of the SCM?
C2, C3. (Spinal n.)
What does the motor innervation of the SCM?
CN XI (Accessory n.)
What are the actions of the SCM?
Unilateral: ipsilateral flexion and contralateral rotation of the neck and head.
Bilateral: Flexion of neck and little extension of head.
What are the borders of the carotid triangle?
Posterior belly of digastric m.
Superior belly of omohyoid m.
What does the carotid triangle contain?
Common carotid a. and carotid bifurcation (internal and external carotid aa.). Internal jugular v. CN X (vagus n.).
What are the borders of the supraclavicular triangle (subclavian triangle)?
Inferior belly of omohyoid m.
What are contents of the supraclavicular triangle (subclavian triangle)?
Subclavian a. and v.
Elements of the brachial plexus.
Phrenic n.
What are the borders of the occipital triangle?
Inferior belly of omohyoid m.
What are the contents of the occipital triangle?
CN XI (accessory n.) Several cutaneous nerves from cervical plexus.
What forms the cervical plexus?
Ventral rami of C1-4 spinal nerves.
What are the 5 types of branches of the cervical plexus?
Cutaneous. Communicating or hitchhiker branches. Ansa Cervicalis n. Phrenic n. Motor branches to mm. of the deep anterior neck.
What are the 4 main terminal cutaneous branches that exit the deep neck along the posterior border of the SCM?
Lesser occipital n. (Ventral rami of C2 fibers; Innervates the skin of posterior scalp behind the ear).
Great auricular n. (ventral rami C2, C3 fibers; Sensory innervation to skin below and anterior to external ear and part of ear and skin over angle of mandible.
Transverse cervical n. (Ventral rami C2, C3; Innervates most skin of the anterior neck).
Supraclavicular nn. (Ventral rami C3, C4; Radiates over clavicular region with medial, intermediate, and lateral branches; Innervates skin of base of neck, upper thorax, and top of the shoulder).
What is CN XII also known as?
Hypoglosyl n.
What is embedded within the wall of the carotid sheath?
Ansa cervicalis n.
(Has 2 roots/rami: Superior and Inferior).
What forms the phrenic n.?
(Motor and sensory innervation to the diaphragm).
What is used for activities such as swallowing and speech?
Intrahyoid mm.
Sternohyoid- C1-C3; Sternothyoid- C1-C3; Omohyoid- C1-C3; Thyrohyoid- C1, HH with CN XII
What innervates the digastric m.?
Ant. Belly: CN V (trigeminal n.)
Post. Belly: CN VII (facial n.)
(the bellies are joined by the intermediate t.)
What muscle parallels the post. belly of the digastric m.?
Stylohyoid m.
usually the tendon of insertion splits and passes on either side of the intermediate t.
What muscle helps form the floor of the oral cavity?
Mylohyoid muscle.
Found within the submental triangle
What are the 3 attachments of the digastric m.?
Mandible, mastoid process, hyoid.
What are the 3 pairs of scalenes?
Anterior, middle, and posterior.
all scalenes are innervated by the lower cervical ventral rami
What exits the neck through the scalene triangle?
Subclavian artery.
Roots of the brachial plexus.
(Both can be compressed in the scalene triangle, which could lead to neurovascular problems w/ upper extremity).
What are the suprahyoid mm.?
Digastric m., stylohyoid m., mylohyoid m., and geniohyoid m.
What are the 4 prevertebral mm.?
Longus colli (C2-C7 ventral rami).
Longus capitis (C1-C3 ventral rami).
Rectus capitis anterior (C1-C2 ventral rami).
Rectus capitis lateralis (C1-C2 ventral rami).
What are the 3 layers of the deep fascia of the neck / deep cervical fascia?
Superficial: Investing layer; surrounds trap and SCM.
Pretracheal: Defines visceral compartment of neck; Surrounds thyroid gland, trachea, esophagus, larynx, pharynx, and infrahyoid mm.
Prevertebral: Surrounds deep mm. of ant. neck, and cervical spine and deep mm. of post. neck.
What do the 3 deep fascia layers form?
Carotid Sheath.
contains common carotid a., int. jug. v., CN X (vagus n.), ansa cervicalis n.
Where does the right common carotid artery originate from?
Brachiocephalic a.
Where does the left common carotid artery originate from?
Aortic arch
At what point do the common carotids bifurcate and what do they form?
Bifurcate into the int. and ext. carotid aa. at the superior border of the thyroid cartilage.
What is the carotid sinus reflex?
incr. BP –> stimulation of carotid sinus –> stim. of CN IX –> CNS –> vasodilation, decr. H.R. –> decr. B.P.
Which carotid artery travels deep and superiorly to the base of the skull?
Int. Carotid Artery.
Enters the skull via the carotid canal and is distributed to the brain and eyeball/other orbital structures
What are the 8 major branches of the ext. carotid artery?
Superior thyroid a. Ascending pharyngeal a. Lingual a. Facial a. Occipital a. Posterior auricular a. Maxillary a. (deep to mandible). Superficial temporal a.
What does the superior thyroid artery supply (4)?
Thyroid, larynx, infrahyoid mm., and parts of the SCM.
What does the ascending pharyngeal artery supply?
Pharyngeal wall
What does he lingual artery supply? (2)
Tongue and floor of the oral cavity.
Where does the facial artery travel and what does it supply?
Travels through the submandibular triangle and crosses over onto the face at about the mid-body of the mandible. It traverses across the superficial face and terminates at the medial angle of the eye.
Supplies submandibular gland, ant. face up to orbit, and sup. and inf. lip. (does NOT supply the upper and lower teeth).
What does the occipital a. supply?
Post. scalp.
parallels the greater occipital n.
What does the posterior auricular a. supply?
Parts of the ext. ear and some of the skin behind the ear.
What are the 2 terminal branches of the ext. carotid a.?
Maxillary a. (supplies lower teeth and mandible, maxilla and teeth of upper jaw, the 4 mm. of mastication, and dura mater around the brain.)
Superficial temporal a. (Supplies much of the superficial structures of the parieto-temporal region of the head and parotid glands).
What are the 4 major branches of the subclavian a.?
Internal thoracic a. (supplies ant. wall of the thorax and breast).
Vertebral a. (Supplies deep neck structures, spinal nerves, and the spinal chord. Ultimately it becomes one of the major arteries to the brain).
Thyrocervical trunk.
Costocervical trunk (Supplies deep post. neck structures and the thorax.)
What are the 4 branches of the thyrocervical trunk?
Inf. thyroid a. (supplies thyroid gland, esophagus, larynx, and trachea).
Ascending cervical a. (supplies deep cervical structures).
Transverse cervical a. (supplies trapezius, rhomboids, and levator scapula mm.).
Suprascapular a. (supplies supra and infraspinatus mm.).
What does the subclavian v. and int. jugular vein form?
Brachiocephalic v.
Major vein that drains blood from the brain.
What drains the deep neck structures?
Vertebral vv.
What level is the thyroid gland found at?
C5, C6, C7.
straddles the lower larynx and upper trachea.
What joins the 2 lobes of the thyroid gland?
Sometimes a third lobe forms at the midline called the pyramidal lobe
What 2 things does the thyroid gland synthesize and secrete?
Thyroxine (incr. cellular metabolism).
Calcitonin (decr. blood Ca++)
What are the 3 thyroid vv.?
Superior, middle, and inferior.
Primarily drain into internal jugular vein
What are the 4 (2 pairs) parathyroid glands?
Superior parathyroid gland (left and right).
Inferior parathyroid glads (left and right).
(Embedded in the post. aspect of the thyroid gland).
What does the parathyroid hormone synthesize and secrete?
Parathyroid hormone (incr. blood Ca++).