Test 1 Flashcards
Cleft Lip and Palate (cause, prevalence):
Failure of processes to merge. Prevelance: Native American, Asian, White, Black.
Lateral: Maxillary and Mandibular.
Oblique: Lateral nasal process and Maxillary.
Cleft Lip: Maxillary and medial nasal.
Median Cleft: Two medial nasal processes.
CP= failure of palatal shelves to fuse (bifid uvula is minimum manifestation) if syndromic its CP only, if nonsyndomic (more common) its CP and CL.
Submucosal cleft= palate shelves get close enough that the mucosa cover it but bones aren’t fused.
Peirre Robin Sequence
CP, Mandibular Micrognathia, glossoptosis
Commissural lip pits
Corners of the mouth, on vermillion border
Paramedian lip pits
Symmetrical just off center pits on the lower lip. Van der woude
Ascher syndrome
Double lip, blepharochalasis, nontoxic thyroid enlargement
Fordyce granules
ectopic sebaceous glands. Raised yellow papules
White appearance on buccal mucosa, disappears when stretched and comes back when released
big tongue, beckwidth-weiddermans syndrome. Caused by 1) muscular hypertrophy 2) vascular malformations 3) other (lymphangioma, downs syndrome ect)
Lingual Thyroid
big thyroid in back of throat. Between foramen cecum and epiglottis. Has difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) talking (dysphonia) breathing (dyspnea). Dx by iodine/technetium-99/ct/mri
Geographic tongue:
PMN swelling on tongue. White/yellow serpentine lines that move around. Erythema migrans when not on tongue
Fissured tongue
AKA scrotal tongue. Deep fissured tongue. Pts complain of bad breath, burning, and bad taste
Coronoid hyperplasia
Overgrowth of coronoid. Deviates to ipsilateral side. Typically only during open
Condylar hyperplasia
Overgrowth of the condylar process. Deviates to contralateral side. Even at rest
Stafne defect
Saliva gland gets in mandible formation, radiopacity below the mandibular canal “lingual mandibular salivary gland depression” submandibular gland (mostly serous with some mucins)
pathologic cavity lined by epithelium. Typically fluid filled and continue to grow bc of hydrostatic pressure
Globulomaxillary radiolucencies
radiolucency in the anterior maxilla. Commonly is radicular cyst or periapical granuloma. Usually in the lateral incisor area.
Nasopalatine duct cyst
incisive canal cyst” cyst below the incisive papilla. Duct should be less than 6 mm wide.
Dermoid cyst
has dermis structures in the lining (hair, and sebaceous glands)
Lymphoepithelial cyst
FOM (most common), ventral tongue, soft palate. waldeyers ring (palatine tonsils, lingual tonsils, pharyngeal adenoids) White/yellow asymptomatic mass less than 1 cm. has lymph tissue in it.
Progressive hemifacial atrophy
atrophy on one side of the face. Possible hx of trauma. Lyme disease can be a big cause. Look at tongue
Apert syndrome
downward slant of lateral palpebral fissures. Mouth is trapezoid shape. 75% have cleft soft palates or bifid uvula. Syndactyly (malformation of limbs)
Mandibulofacial dysostosis/treacher-collins syndrome
defects of 1 and 2 branchial arches. Coloboma (notch on outer portion of eyelid) hypoplastyic zygomatic arch. micrognathia
Turner’s hyperplasia/turner’s tooth
periapical inflammation of the primary tooth
Congenital syphilis
hutchisons incisors, mulberry molar, interstitial keratitis (blindness), 8 nerve deafness
Post developmental loss of tooth structure (attrition, abrasion, erosion, abfraction):
Attrition: tooth on tooth,
Abrasion: tooth on not tooth.
Erosion: chemical (perimolysis is erosion caused by gastric secretions)
Abfraction: loading causes cervical notches
one or more missing teeth. anodontia: no teeth oligodontia: six or more missing teeth. If missing a primary tooth you will most likely miss permanent tooth
more than normal teeth. Mesiodens= extra tooth between centrals.
Count teeth and normal number but one is big and enarged
Two teeth have fused together
tooth fusion on the cementum. Extractions are hard, need to do both
curved root
Dens-ino-dente (dens ivaginatus
): tooth inside a tooth. Deep invagination of a tooth that is lined by enamel. Most common is maxillary lateral incisors. radiograph don’t be confused with pulp champber
Dens evaginatus
most common is mandibular premolar: tooth on a tooth
lowered pulp chambers. Look like mermaid fins 1) klinefelters 2) tricho-dento-osseus 3) amelogenesis imperfecta
Amelogenesis imperfecta
radiographically- sharp pointy teeth with thin enamel
inadequate deposition of enamel. Pocketed enamel
laid down properly but doesn’t mature: snow capped
doesn’t mineralize properly. Brown and yellow. Flakes off easily
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
mutation of DSPP. Blue tinted teeth. No pulp in radiograph, bulbous crowns and thin roots
Dentin dysplasia (type I
rootless teeth
dentin dysplasia type II
hotdog on a stick pulp and blue tint
Regional odontodysplasia
non hereditary. Ghost teeth. Shell of teeth
Sequelae of periapical pathology
sinus tract (intraoral and cutaneous). 2) osteomyelitis (infection of bone. Causes sequestra) 3) cellulitis (infection of soft tissue) 4) condensing osteitis (localized area of bone sclerosis. RO area by roots)
Periapical granuloma
Radiolucent area by root tip. On histo filled with granulation tissue ( lymphocytes, plasma cells-purple and blue with pink)
Periapical abcess
RL filled with pus (PMN all pink)
Periapical cyst
has epithelium around it (“spider web” looking thing)
expanding lytic destruction, suppuration, sequestra formation, invulcrum (necrotic bone surrounded by healthy bone)
Ludwig’s angina
cellulitis in the neck (mandibular tooth [molar])
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
cellulitis in the upper face (maxillary tooth [molar])
Plasma cell gingivitis
bright red, hypersensitivity reaction (big red gum causes this- cinnamaaldehyde)
Localized juvenile spongiotic gingival hyperplasia:
fiery red, bleeds easily, epithelial cells spread apart
Desquamative gingivitis
red, raw nasty looking, can pull gums apart with minor force. Ddx: lichen planus, mucous membrane pemphigoid, pemphigoid vulgaris, systemic lupus erythemous, hypersensitivity
Drug-related gingival hyperplasia
cyclosporine (25%), phenytoin (highest percentage 50%), nifedipine (25%)
tissue covers a tooth- operculum
Papillon-Lefevre syndrome
cathepsin c gene, accelerated periodontitis, A.A., palmar plantar keratosis
honey colored crusts. Strep pyogenes or staph aureus
Scarlet Fever
disseminated group A beta hemolytic strep. 2 days of white strawberry tongue then red strawberry tongue desquamation in 3-8 weeks. Pastias lines: rash in areas where pressure and skin folds are
cornebacterium , humans are sole resevoirs
treponema pallidum. Primary: painless chancre. Secondary: painless lymphadenopathy, rash tertiary: latent
mycobacterium, acid fast, aerosol dispersed. Lupus vulgaris (TB of skin) scrofula (tb from contaminated cows milk)
isreali: sulfer granules. Mandible. Can occur in tonsillar crypts, plaque, and carious dentin.
Cat-scratch disease
bartonella henselae. Self resolves in four months
Psuedomembranosis candidia
Median rhomboid glossitis
bald pink symmetrical circle on posterior dorsal tongue
Chronic multifocal candidiasis
median rhomboid glossitis and infection elsewhere (angle of mandible)
Angular chelitis
red rash on corners of mout. Candidiasis and staph aureus
Denture stomatitis
infection under a denture- maxillary
Acute atrophic candiasis
antibiotic sore mouth
Chronic hyperplastic
candida leukoplakia- white that won’t come off. Anterior buccal mucosa
Mucocutaneous candida
APECED. Endocrine
most common in US. capsulatum, ohio and Mississippi river valley. Bird and bat excrement. Mobile and spongey
dermatitidis. Us and Canada. Breathe ins pores after rain. Can introduce a psuedoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (benign reaction in epithelium that looks like cancer)
brasiliensis: armadillo. Mickey mouse or mariners wheel organisms
immitis. San joaquin river valley fever- SW and mexico. Bag of marbles on histo slide. Flu like symptoms. Arthrospores from mold
neoformans: pigeon excrement. Mucopolysacharide capsule that protects it
mucormycosis: enhanced by iron. Rhinocerebral form is what dentists worry about. Diabetes at risk nasal infection, facial pain, visual disturbances. Black necrotic tissue in middle of face
second in frequeny to candidiasis. Antrolith if calcified. A. fumigatus and a. flavus. Surgically debride