Test 1 Flashcards
Give an example of finding ones value and worth through self justification?
What word describes receiving the unmerited favor of God?
Grace, blessing
Who provided a great example of knowing when to lead others and when to support others?
John the Baptist
Who provided an example of frustration and anger because they wanted to live their own way?
In what city did Paul make his address about Christian philosophy?
Who wrote the book of Romans?
Who wrote the fable of the tortoise and the hare?
In what manner does God call us to treat other people?
Who was the member of the Jewish ruling council who came to see Jesus at night?
What is known as choosing not to retain the knowledge of a God?
Give an example of finding ones value and worth through justification by faith?
Abrahams son who became the forefather of the Jewish faith?
No one has been declare ___ by following the law of God.
What did God provide for us to make us aware of our sin?
They were the political ruling governemt during the time of Jesus?
Who was Abraham’s wife?
Give an example of being justified by having faith that God will provide an answer even when the circumstances don’t look like it.
Abrahams son who became the forefather of the Islamic faith.
Whose well did Jesus meet the Samaritan woman by?
Who was Abrahams wife’s maidservant?
In Romans 2, it is written that the consequence for those who “are self-seeking and who reject the truth and who follow evil” is “wrath and anger”, who is the one responsible for this?
What city did God call Jonah to go and preach repentance to?
The action of breaking through the separation of sin and reuniting with God.
What does it mean to be seen as guilt-free and pure before God?
The confidence in claiming that we are pure in the eyes of God by our faith.
Who did Jesus interact with to show us an example of true love?
Samaritan woman.
What did Jesus say he did not come into the world to do?
Condemn it.
What are the three ways in which Satan tempts Jesus?
Flattery, appeal to pride, and mocking.
This individual was in the family line of Abrahams son Isaac?
Which lessons were taught by Jesus’ either immediately prior of after his teaching on prayer in Matthew 7?
Do not worry, love your enemies, and do not store treasures on earth.
In the beginning, who was with God?
Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Word.
The ultimate purpose of the Old Testament is to?
Prepare the way for the coming Messiah.
The teaching in James 1 and Romans 5, states that we are to respond to problems?
With joy.
The reason the teaching in James 1 and Romans 5 states that we are to respond to problems in this manner is?
Our character and maturity will develop.
What does Romans 3 teach as the beginning of knowledge?
What is the consequence given in Romans, chapter 3 about what happens when people do not fear God?
They don’t have peace.
What verse is “All of sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”?
Romans 3:23
The desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another?
Being rude or impolite: having or showing a lack of respect for other people.
Having no pity: cruel or merciless.
What does it mean to worship?
What we promote to others, what we pay attention to, and what we spend money on.
Why does Paul describe a life without displaying love to others as “nothing”?
Because loving is the only purpose of our life.
Maturity is described in James, Chapter 1 as?
Not lacking.
At the beginning of the books of Acts, Jesus teaches his disciples to receive ___ and be his witness in Jerusalem, all of Judea, and Samaria and ends of the earth.
The Holy Spirit.
What is the job that Jesus gives each of us to do while on earth?
According to Romans, people who have not heard the word of God will have this consequence at their death?
Will be judged by the secrets of their heart.
What did Paul mean when he taught that God does not live in temples built by human hands?
God is beyond the understanding of human beings and should be humbly sought after.
What does Psalm 37:4 teach us about how God will grant us the desires of our heart?
We will receive it as a result of delighting ourselves in God.
Why was the Jewish ruling council so upset about Jesus preaching that he was the messiah?
They didn’t want to lose control of the Jewish church.
Romans 2:24 states “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” What is the significance of this verse?
You can use it to be self-aware.
What did Paul mean when teaching in the book of Acts that God determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live?
Gods purpose for our lives is not circumstantial, the people in our lives are there for a reason, the situations of our lives are not random, they hold significance.
When Jesus said he did not want affirmation from man, what did he know was in a man?
They were only looking to give the affirmation so they could get something.
What did Eve have to believe when she was tempted by the serpent?
God was a liar, she would become equal with God, she would not be happy the way she was originally created.
Paul called the people he spoke to in Athens as very “religious” because they?
Were consistent in their worship for the latest ideas of the day.
When an individual attempts to justify themselves by works, they will?
Think they are worthy and valuable because of their accomplishments, think they are worthy and valuable because of their wealth and power, and think they are worthy and valuable because of the praise and attention they receive from others.
The two ways in which God has made His existence plain to man?
Divine nature and eternal power.
What are the two primary ways in which we all have credibility in the eyes of others that will allow us the opportunity to evangelize to them about Jesus?
Our story and talents.
Why is “disobeying one’s parents” list among the words of depravity like murder, strife, gossip, etc?
What does Romans, chapter 1 state that man exchanged the truth of God and the creator for? Give examples.
What was the reason Jesus said “peace” to the disciples the first time?
He wanted them to calm down because of fear and over excitement.
Who did Jesus say that it is necessary to forgive and why did Jesus say that it is necessary to forgive them?
He said it was necessary to forgive the disciples. We need to forgive them because they were just overjoyed.
Who wrote the excerpt?
Leo Tolstoy.
What does the author mean by finding “their keenest suffering in the glaring contrast between what is and what ought to be”?
He means that they need to find joy in their problems and selfishness. They are doing what they want instead of what should happen.
Using your understanding of what the purpose of God’s law is, how would you respond to the hopelessness in his excerpt?
You would respond in love because that us ultimately what we are supposed to do.
Our father in heaven:
Acknowledging his existence.
Hallowed be your name:
Acknowledging his authority.
Your kingdom come:
Acknowledging heaven and eternal life.
Your will be done:
Love God and love others though evangelism.
On earth:
Where we are.
As it is in heaven:
In love.
Give us today our daily bread:
All we ever need.
And forgive us our trespasses:
Forgive us.
As we forgive those who trespass against us:
As we also have been forgiven.
Lead us not into temptation:
Save us from getting tempted to be selfish.
But deliver us from the evil one:
Take us away from the devil.
Name the 16 ways of love in 1 Corinthians, chapter 13.
Patient, kind, envy, boast, proud, rude, self-seeking, easily angered, trusts, hopes, protects, perseveres, never fails, keeps no records of wrongs, doesn’t delight in evil, and rejoices in truth.