Test 1 Flashcards
What is the main difference between a Psychometrist and a Registered Counsellor?
- scope of practice
- types of tests they’re allowed to use
Name two scales that Registered counsellors are not allowed to use
You cannot run the same psychometric test on in individual twice within ….. months?
Why not?
Familiarity with the test could skew the results
One of the reasons that unethical administration of tests (non-standardized conditions etc) is an ethical issue is because….
One has to wait 12 months to re-administer the test if initial results are invalid
SA has language exemptions for ….. but not for …..
Foreigners but not for SA citizens
(But RCs can make language concession recommendations post-testing)
Definition of psychometrics
the scientific way in which
psychological measures are developed and the
measurement standards that these must meet (eg rel/val)
Definition of psychological assessement
the gathering of infor through the use of tests and other sources - all info is then integrated
“Testing” is….?
a key element of a much BROADER evaluative approach
One needs to tweak ….. of and …. from tests based on the ….
Name the 7 characteristics of assessment measures
- Systematic methods of scoring
- Standardized conditions
- Different procedures for different indis/aims
- Different domains
- Procedures re interpreting data (norms etc)
- Valid and reliable tests needed
- Context NB
Some STudents DeePly DepenD on PVC pipes
Name 4 ways in which measures vary
intended purpose
whether time limits are imposed
In addition to the quantitative data drawn from a test,….. is imporant too and will influence interpretation and recommendations
qualitative observations (facial exps, body language etc)
Complete assessments should assess individuals across multiple …. (5 marks)
- domains (physical, emotional, social etc)
- occasions (time of day, monday vs friday etc)
- measures (verbal ability, comprehension, MCQ etc)
- sources (teacher, coach, parent…) - need written consent
- settings (school, home, sports field
In choosing a battery, one must take into account what 4 elements?
- age (of client)
- ability (of client)
- capacity (of client)
- purpose (of test)
What has been the greatest contribution to psychology being accepted as a science?
The use of scientific methods to create measures
Psychometrics were first used in SA for ….
And in what ways does this still happen?
White job reservation and white superiority motivation.
Now, psychometric tests are used in job applications - but these tests are still not fully normed to black SA populace and thus can be seen as reserving jobs for whites even still
Early psychometric measures in SA were only normed for which race group? (but were applied to all race groups)
How does the 1998 Employment Equity Act offers protection for employees against psychometric discrimination? (3 points)
- test must be valid and reliable
- test must be applied to all employees
- test cannot be biased against an employee or group
Provide 5 points in support of psychological assessment having a role to play in democratic SA
- tests are objective in nature (unlike interviews)
- tests provide structure to obtains baseline info
- tests allow for evaluation of programs and interventions (training, rehab, therapy)
- tests aid decision making
- tests can predict varsity and job performance
Baseline/Objective/ Prediction/Evaluation/Decisions
What is the value of ASSESSMENT over TESTING?
Assessment gathers clinical and statistical data from multiple sources and methods, it integrates this with acknowledgment of the context of the client
What are the two methods of adapting measures?
- Test translation - direct conversion to a local language
- Test adaptation - making a test more applicable to a specific context
List 3 reasons why cross-cultural adaptation of measures is necessary
- improve fairness (assess individuals in first language etc)
- to reduce costs and save time - avoid having to develop a whole new test
- to allow for comparative studies (across different languages, cultural groups etc)
List 3 challenges to test translation/adaption
- culturally bound concepts
- idiomatic expression un-translatable
- difference in terms and expression within subgroups of one language
What are 3 important considerations in test adaption
- Administration - test administrator must also be familiar with culture/language/dialect for communication and validity to not be compromised
- Item format - not all test-takers familiar with al formats (essay vs MCQ vs clay construction)
- Time limits - different cultural concepts of speed and intelligence