Chapter 15 - Uses of assessment measures across contexts Flashcards
Why do we run developmental assessments on children?
- Growth and development in early years has a significant impact on later development - identification of children with difficulties should take place ASAP
(the sooner the intervention the better)
What 4 functions are tested in pre-school developmental assessments?
And why is it important to assess all 4?
- Physical
- Cognitive
- Emotional
- Social
- Problems in one area may affect another. Each aspect of functioning is not isolated.
It is NB to get a holistic view of the child
What are the two way which we assess pre-school development?
- Developmental Screening
- Diagnostic Measures
Outline the use of developmental screening in pre-school developmental assessment
(EXAM Q)(7 points)
- brief, structured evaluation of
developmental skills - can be done by non-pros with some
training - identifies kids who may be at risk for
developmental - qualitative in nature
- quick snapshot to flag areas of
concern - cost-effective
- can be done in groups
Outline the use of diagnostic measures in pre-school developmental assessment
(EXAM Q) 6 points
- in-depth, comprehensive and holistic
measures - done on individual basis
- administered by trained pros
- identify existence nature and severity
of problem - specific area being assessed
- quantitative in nature
What 3 types of measures are available for infant and pre-school assessment in South Africa
- Global developmental screening
measures - Educationally focused screening
measure (assesses underpinning
skills needed for academic progress) - Diagnostic measures (enables results
to be used for specific diagnoses)
List some of the Global developmental screening measure available for infant and pre-school development assessment in SA
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (personal and social competence
- Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test (DAP): age 5-16: rough estimate of cog ability (lots of NB qualitative observations)
- Panga Munthu (familiar and contextually relevant stimuli to non-western context)
List some of the Educationally focussed screening measures available for infant and pre-school development assessment in SA
- SETT (School-readiness Evaluation by
Trained Testers): whether a child is
ready for school or not - ASB (Aptitude Test for School
Beginners): specific aptitudes and
cognitive aspects for school readiness - VMI (Developmental test of Visual-
Motor Integration): Visual perception
and motor coordination
List some of the Diagnostic measures available for infant and pre-school development assessment in SA
*international measures adapted for use in SA
- Griffiths Scale for Child Development
(Griffiths) ~ special training required - McCarthy Scales of Mental Abilities
- Bayley Scales of Infant Development
When it comes to infant and pre-school developmental assessments, …….. is extremely helpful and important
(parents, teachers, sports coaches, after-care staff)
- use of multi-disciplinary teams (OT,PEAD, GP)
- naturalistic observations (in classroom etc)
- integrate assessment info and observation for holistic picture
*assessment results inform therapeutic interventions, so as much info as possible is NB
Provide 4 shortcomings of developmental assessments
- Exclusive standardization (culture,
language, SES, age group etc) - Limited standardization that assess
development of black pre-school
children - Related research is fragmented; limited generalizability
- Does not always provide holistic picture as socio-emotional functioning is not always assessed
go over types of personality assessment and makes q cards on the specific test
ahem…do it
List some of the roles filled by assessments of school-aged learners in educational setting
- school readiness testing (align that
which is assessed with curriculum and
learning outcomes) - help teachers plan how to facilitate
training - determine appropriate educational
intervention - teacher and psychologist - Identify learners with special needs
List some of the roles filled by educational assessment in a higher education context
- traditionally, admission to IHE
determined by matric results (but
these are growing more and more
unreliable in predicting academic
success) - assessment programs supplement matric information (eg NBTs)
List some of the purposes of Psycho-diagnostic assessments
- conduct in-depth assessment of
individual’s cognitive, emotional,
behavioral and personality functioning - to obtain comprehensive picture of individual’s functioning
- make psychiatric diagnoses
- guide the nature of an intervention
- in a legal context, guide court in
complex decisions
Give six points that outline the process of Psych-diagnostic assessment
- comprehensive evaluations using
multiple SOURCES - establish presence/absence of certain
symptoms - compare symptoms with standard
psychiatric disorders - make prognosis: course, prediction,
intervention - share oral and written report
- use battery of assessment measures
DAP provides a ……. of IQ and is a good opportunity to …..
crude estimate of mental development
establish rapport and gain cooperation
What are some of the qualitative aspect that should be taken note of during the DAP test
- pencil pressure
- placement/securing of page
- erasing
- size
- times used
What two things does the Kinetic Family Drawing provide an indication of?
- the child’s concept of self
- their interpersonal relations
*use the drawing to encourage dialogue
*ask them about what’s going on in the picture - don’t assume
*“family” is what the kids defines it as
*try make everyone DO something
What does the Beery VMI test assess?
The extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities
Briefly name and outline the 3 methods of child assessment we’ve covered
- DAP ~ establishing rapport with child;
rough estimate of cognitive functioning - ASB ~ areas of strengths and
weakness; school readiness - KFD ~ some people important in the
child’s world; ending assessment in a
positive way