TEST 1 Flashcards
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cultural landscape:
the tangible, material expression of human
settlement, past and present.
Formal regions:
Formal regions take their name from the fact that they are defined by
some aspect of physical form, such as a climate type or mountain range,
such as Appalachia. Cultural features, such as the dominance of a particular language or religion, can also be used to define formal regions.
functional region:
a functional region is one where a certain
activity (or cluster of activities) takes place.
people and places through
converging economic,
political, and cultural
activities—is one of the most
important forces reshaping
the world today
Glocalization (which combines globalization with locale) is the process of modifying an introduced product or service to accommodate
local tastes or cultural practices. For example, a McDonald’s in Japan
may serve shrimp burgers along with Big Macs
GEO-graphic information systems (GIS)
Vast amounts of computerized data from sources such as maps, aerial
photos, remote sensing, and census data are brought together
absolute location on Earth (or in airplanes
above Earth’s surface) is determined through satellite-based global
positioning systems (GPS). These systems use time signals sent from
your location to a satellite and back to your receiver to calculate precise coordinates of latitude and longitude
Remote Sensing:
This technology has many applications, including monitoring the loss of rainforests, tracking the biological health of crops
and woodlands, and even measuring changes in ocean surface temperatures. Remote sensing is also central to national defense issues,
such as monitoring the movements of troops or the building of missile sites in hostile countries.
sustainable development:
development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.
Monetary Fund
World Bank
World Trade Organization
Key Institutions of the modern global economy:
Transnational firms
companies that operate in more than one country
rate of natural increase - the annual
growth rate for a country
or region as a percentage
total fertility rate - s the average number of live births a woman has in her lifetime.
Japan-population-fertility rate:
RNI: –0.2
Life expectancy:
average number of years a typical male or female in a specific country
can be expected to live.
population pyramid:
the percentage of a population (or, in some cases, the raw number) that is male or female in different age classes, from young to old
demographic transition model:
a conceptualization that tracks the changes in birth rates
and death rates over time.
urban settlement:
urban settlement seems
to encourage the widespread use of mass transportation; both public
and private bus and van routes make getting around cities fairly easy.
However, the usual environmental problems that come from dense
urban settings ultimately require expensive remedies
cultural imperialism:
The active promotion of one cultural system at the expense of
Universalizing religions:
trate the point.
Universalizing religions, such as Christianity, Islam,
and Buddhism, attempt to appeal to all peoples, regardless of
location or culture.
lingua franca:
When people from different cultural groups cannot communicate directly in their native languages, they often employ a third
language to serve as a common tongue
people consider themselves
either nonreligious or outright atheistic.
Here nation describes a large group of people with shared
sociocultural traits, such as language, religion, and shared identity.
The word state refers to a political entity (a government) that has delimited territorial boundaries, control over its internal space, and recognition by other political entities.
the process of a colony gaining (or, more correctly, regaining) control over its own territory and establishing a separate, independent government.
the formal establishment of rule over a foreign population.
the many ways that newly independent states, particularly those in Africa, felt the continuing control of Western powers,
especially in economic and political matters.
violence directed at nonmilitary
Informal economy
informal sector, which is the provision of goods
and services without government regulation, registration, or taxation. Most people in the informal economy are self-employed and
receive no wages or benefits except the profits they clear.
core–periphery model:
According to this scheme, these countries and regions
constituted the global economic core, centered for the most part
in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas most of the areas in the
Southern Hemisphere made up a less developed periphery
More developed and less developed countries
purchasing power parity (PPP), which takes into
account the value of goods that can be purchased with the equivalent
of one international dollar in a particular country.
living on
less than $2 per day, and extreme poverty is living on less than $1.25
per day.
gross national
income (GNI) per capita figures are used, allowing large and small
economies to be compared, regardless of population size.
Human Development Index - combines data
on life expectancy, literacy, educational attainment, gender inequality, and income
Indicators of Social Development:
quality-of-life measures such as life expectancy,
child mortality, gender inequality, and education.