Test 1 Flashcards
Layers of embryonic disc 3
ectoderm, mesoderm, Endoderm
Ovum time
1-2 weeks fertilization to implantation
Embryo time and task 2
differentiation and organ development 8 weeks gestation
Fetus weeks and task
11 weeks to term (about 40 weeks) Growing
When do weeks of gestation begin?
First date of last period.
Milestone for 4 week?
Conductivity of what will be the heart can be seen on ultrasound
What is developed at 4 week? 5
Eyes, ears, nose throat, digestive tract, forming arms and legs
week 5 fetal development 1
Week 6 milestone
Liver can be seen
8 weeks formation 4 and 1 milestone
face recognition, external gen, all fingers, eye toes present, all organs
Is now called a fetus
10 weeks formation
Amniotic sack
10-12 weeks milestones 2 and one thing about each
Can hear heartbeat-Can figure out gestation
Placenta has developed and can secrete estrogen and progesterone and corpus lutetium can degenerate
12 weeks formations 3
teeth buds, bones are starting to ossify, fetal movement can be seen not felt.
16 weeks milestone
Fetus can react to light
Languo and when does it develop?
Fine downy hair on infant week 20
4 milestones 20 weeks
- viable fetus
- Breathing movements can be seen
- Quickening-sometimes sooner
- Heart can be heard with stethoscope
2 formations at 20 weeks
eyebrows and scalp
6 months 2 things
vernax caseosa and wrinkled because of lack of fat and needs to put on fat.
2 milestones with 28 weeks
Eyes are open and will respond to sound
One thing that is happening at 32 weeks
Weight gain growth in weight will exceed growth in length
Two things about 36 weeks
Has subq better prognosis for premature baby
3 things 40 weeks
- Full term
- Languo is disappearing but still on back, neck and shoulders
- caseo is disappearing but may still be there.
difference in sides of placenta
Rough side mom
soft side baby
how long is the umbilical cord at term?
22 in long
Anatomy of umbilical cord 3 and function
2sm art-unox blood
1 lg vein-ox blood
Whartons jelly- protects
amniotic fluid at term amount
How many weeks is postpartum period
6 weeks
How much folic acid supplement
Infant mortality rate 2 things
Birth to first birthday and deaths per 1000 live births
neonate mortality rate and percentage of deaths that happen in this part
Number of infants who die in the first 28 days after birth per 1000 births 65%
Perinatal Mortality rate
20weeks gestation or 500gms through first 28 days of life.
By week blank of gestation blood is blank
2 50% more
Major thing that happens with pregnancy 1
Smooth mm relaxes so it can handle blood increase
BP in pregnancy
Dont really want to see it go up at all but needs to go down by second semester
Clotting time and pregnancy
Decreases because of increase in fibrinogen
CO and preg and why
Increases by about 50%
3 things about moms heart in pregnancy
- Hr increases by 10-15 beats
- contractility increases
- Heart hypertrophies and it is normal
3 changes in moms respiratory system
need 30-50% more 02
increase in tidal volume
no change in respirations
Kidneys and changes to mom in pregnancy and one about them
Increase in plasma filtration rate- Poor filt and increase output
trace glucose and protein is ok
Na and H20 retention causes edema
What causes N/V in first tri
Smooth mm relax in pregnancy causes
Constipation by also increased absorption
What happens to mom’s gums in pregnancy?
They increase in vascularity and bleed and there is also an increase in saliva pH so increase in gum disease
Gallbladder in pregnancy name
Cholestasis so gallbladder disease
Fundal measurement
1cm per week increase-should equal gestation age
4 things that happen to the cervix in pregnancy 1 consideration
Vascularity, softens, purple color, mucus secretions yeast infections
Glands and function in breasts that happen in pregnancy
Montgomery secrete oil for BF and protection
Difference between possible and probably signs
Subjective/ objective
Chadwicks sign
Blue/purp color of vagina, cervix
2 signs that go together when assessing if preg or not. and what are they
Hegar’s sign-Softening uteren wall and goodels sign -Softening cervix
Positive signs of preg
Anything that involves actually seeing fetus
Labs normal vs preg normal for Hct, Hgb, WBC
normal then preg
Hct 37-47 below 35
Hgb 12-16 below 10-11
WBC 5,000-10,000 15,000
When partner has preg signs called blank seen in blank
Couvade 1st and 3rd trimester
What do kids and toddlers siblings do
Abortion types and time
Less than 20 weeks
spontaneous and therapeutic
Premature births range
20-36 weeks
One thing to remember about TPAL
Multiples only count as one birth
Naegle’s rule
Used to calculate due date
From 1st day of LMP -3months plus 7 days
When do you check for group B strep?
35-37 weeks
Hct and GTT checks during pregnancy
at first and at 24 weeks
Weight gain pregnancy
1st and 2nd
Total 25-35lbs
1st tri-3-5lbs
2nd tri-1lb a week
When is weightloss CI in preg?
1st trimester
6 nutrition for pregnant woman and percents for two
Protein 30 percent, Iron percent , Calcium, B6, B12, folic acid
Shot to get during each preg
Tdap prurtussus
What shots can you not have during pregnancy? 3
2 shots you cant have when breast feeding
Smallpox and yellow fever
Temp to avoid when preg
Seatbelt goes
under belly
Position how to document?
The relationship between the presenting part and moms pelvic quadrants
Three letters- 1. what maternal side
2. what is presenting
3. Is post font on A or P?
Measurement of cervix and relation to effacement
The cervix is 3-4 cm so 1cm loss is about 25 percent effaced
Different with cervix in first birth from multi
Dilation and effacement happen same time with multi
and 1st efface than dilate
Cardinal movements 1-3
Flexion, engagement and decent
Cardinal movement 4
Internal rotation
card movement 5
card movement 6- 2 names
External rotation restitution
Card movement 7
Time to go to hospital with contractions?
Every 5mins lasting one min for over an hour
3 phases in stage 1
Early, active, transition
from when to when 1st stage and how long for new and not new moms
First contraction- full dilation
10-12 hr or 6-8hr
What can you use for hyperventilating mom 2
Non-rebreather and longer exhale
2nd stage from when to when how long for new and reg mom
Full dilation to birth of baby
20-1.5 hr
3rd stage from when to when and time
Birth of babe to expulsion of placenta 5-20mins
Lacerations 5
1st degree- Mucus membrane and skin only 2nd degree- Perineal 3rd-anal sphincter 4th-into rectum Extension- Lap and then tear
How to heal laceration
Ice for 24 hours than heat past that with sits bath
blood loss normal levels for c and v
V-less than 500ml
C-less than 1000ml
Stage 4 from when to when and what happens after?
2hr after birth and ends when mom is stable
Postpartum period
2 types of cesarean incisions
Classical-from PS to naval
Lower transverse
Infertility time and second infertility
inability to conceive a child one year of reg intercourse unprotected same after one child