Test 02 Flashcards
W.1 You want to display the data in a view of WebDynpro component. However the data you want to display are stored in the context of component controller . What is the best way to display the data?.
A. Move the context of the component controller to the context of the view controller and bind the control that displays the data to the context of view controller.
B. Copy the context of component controller to the context of view controller and bind the control data that displays the data to the context of view controller .
C. Bind the control that display the data to the context of component controller.
D. Map the context of components controller to the context of the view controller and bind the control data that displays the data to the context of view controller.
D. Map the context of components controller to the context of the view controller and bind the control data that displays the data to the context of view controller.
B.4 What do you do if you want to extend SAP table sbook although in your company its strictly forbidden to modify SAP objects?
A. You have to define a structure where you put in the field travel_agency in and include this structure in the SAP table sbook.
B. You have to create an append structure where you can define an appropriate field with name zztravel_agency
C. You have to extend the SAP table sbook by adding the field travel_agency directly into the definition of the table sbook.
B. You have to create an append structure where you can define an appropriate field with name zztravel_agency
W.5 You want to create WebDynpro Application in the object navigator. What do you need to specify in the WebDynpro application?
A. A Webdynopro component and window within this component.
B. A Webdynopro component and context within this component
C. A Webdynopro component and interface view within this component
D. A Webdynopro component and controller within this component
C. A Webdynopro component and interface view within this component ***
B.6 You detected an error in SAP standard program , you need to correct this error in the development system and then transport it to the production system . What is this action called?
A. Support Package
B. Repair
C. HotFix
D. Modification
B. Repair
- B.15 When you implement a class you can use most of the procedural ABAP statements within the class. But some statements are forbidden within the class definitions? (3 correct answers)
A. The TABLES statements
B. Definition of nested structures
C. Typing with LIKE to ABAP dictionary types
D. Definition of internal table with header line.
A. The TABLES statements
C. Typing with LIKE to ABAP dictionary types
D. Definition of internal table with header line.
W.17 You want to write a ABAP program that make use of SAP GUI . Which of the following UI types can you see? (2 correct answer)
A. Business Server Pages(BSPs)
B. Classical Screens(dynpros) with controls(like ALV control)
C. ABAP WebDynpro
D. Selection Screen
B. Classical Screens(dynpros) with controls(like ALV control)
D. Selection Screen
B.22 SAP programer has written a standard program in way that it can call customer coding, you want to implement this coding . What is this technique called?
A. Enhancements B. Modifications C. Corrections D. Personalization E. Repair
A. Enhancements
B.26 Which kind of enhancements can BADIs provide? (3 correct answers)
A. Table Enhancement B. Menu Enhancement C. Functional Enhancement D. Data Element Enhancement E. Screen Enhancement
B. Menu Enhancement
C. Functional Enhancement
E. Screen Enhancement
B.28 Why doesnt SAP recommends to modify the SAP standard programs. (2 correct answer)
A. To simplify the upgrade to new versions
B. To avoid performance problems
C. To ensure smooth support from SAP
D. To protect SAP’s intellectual property.
A. To simplify the upgrade to new versions
C. To ensure smooth support from SAP
W.30 You want to create Web Dynpro component with two view. The selection view contains two input fields for departure and arrival city and a button to trigger the search flight connections between two cities. The resulting view contains a table that displays the found flight connections and a button to navigate back to selection. In each view you have defined an outbound plug that will be fired by pressing the button in that view. Furthermore you have defined the inbound plug in each view. Which is the easiest way to define the navigation structure between two views?
A. Create a combi view that contains two viewcontainerui element controls. Embed the combi view in a window and the other two views in the viewcontainerui element . Then connect the outbound plug of selection view to the inbound plug of result view and the outbound plug of result view to inbound plug of selection view.
B. Embed each view in its own window . Then connect the outbound plug of the selection view to the inbound plug of result view and the outbound plug of result view to inbound plug of selection view.
C. Embed both the views in same window, within the window connect the outbound plug of selection view to the inbound plug of result view and the outbound plug of result view to inbound plug of selection view.
D. Create a combi window that contains two Viewcontainerui element , Embed these two view in two viewcontainerui element. The connect outbound plug of selection view to the inbound plug of result view and the outbound plug of result view to inbound plug of selection view.
C. Embed both the views in same window, within the window connect the outbound plug of selection view to the inbound plug of result view and the outbound plug of result view to inbound plug of selection view.
B.34 You want to add two field to SAP standard table using append technique. What do you have to keep in mind of this technique? (Only 2 correct answers)
A. The name of Append structure should start with ZZ or YY.
B. An Append structure can be assigned to more than 1 table
C. The fields of the Append structure should start with ZZ or YY
D. Append structures must be compared with the SAP original in release upgrade
E. Append structures are not possible for tables containing long field
C. The fields of the Append structure should start with ZZ or YY
E. Append structures are not possible for tables containing long field
W.35 You need to create the ABAP program that list a invoice from a supplier. What types of programs can you create to achieve this goal? (2 correct answer).
A. ABAP WebDynpro applications
B. ABAP Executable Program.
C. ABAP subroutine
D. ABAP Include program.
A. ABAP WebDynpro applications
B. ABAP Executable Program.
B.37 You want to run a dialog program that update all the changes to the database. You want to bundle all the changes by using update function module. You want to inform the user of the update function module fails. Which is the easiest way to do it?
- Perform the update synchronously, retrieve the status and write the message to the inbox of the user
- After the commit work , wait for couple of seconds , check the result of the update , write to the inbox of user
- Run a job periodically checks the result of the update and writes the message to the inbox of the user
- The system notifies the user automatically with the express message.
- The system notifies the user automatically with the express message.
B.40 Your colleague need advise on several ABAP types, Which of the following statement are correct? (There are 3 correct answers)
A. Data object of ABAP type STRING initially takes up no spaces, If any data is put into it at runtime , it takes up exactly the space that is needed . If its cleared the value changes to spaces, but the previous length remains.
B. A data Object of type X has fixed length while data object of type XSTRING the length changes dynamically depending upon the length of the content
C. Type X is useful for working with bit information
D. You can compute date with the following DATA: old_date type d, new_date type d, old_date = sy-datum. new_date = old_date + 14.
B. A data Object of type X has fixed length while data object of type XSTRING the length changes dynamically depending upon the length of the content
C. Type X is useful for working with bit information
D. You can compute date with the following DATA: old_date type d, new_date type d, old_date = sy-datum. new_date = old_date + 14.
B.41 You defined two classes cl_airplane and cl_passenger_plane, where cl_passenger_plane is subclass of cl_airplane. In the class cl_airplane , the public instance method display_attributes is defined, which has no parameters. In the sub class of cl_passenger_plane, the public instance method display_number_of_seats is defined which has no parameters.In your program, you have implemented the following lines: DATA: r_plane type ref to cl_airplane, r_passenger type ref to cl_passenger_plane. create object r_passenger. r_plane = r_passenger. Which of the methods are syntantically correct? (3 correct answers)
A. r_airplane->display_attributes( ).
B. r_passenger->display_number_of_seats( ).
C. r_airplane->display_number_of_seats( ).
D. r_passenger->display_attributes( ).
A. r_airplane->display_attributes( ).
B. r_passenger->display_number_of_seats( ).
D. r_passenger->display_attributes( ).
B.43 In a class cl_vehicle, you need get_fuel method , which estimates the fuel consumption of a vehicle. This method is implemented as functional method . How you define a functional method? (2 correct answers)
A. Functional method can have any number of importing and exporting parameters
B. You can use functional methods directly in arithmetic expressions
C. A functional methods needs atleast one return statement.
D. A functional method has exactly one returning parameter.
B. You can use functional methods directly in arithmetic expressions
D. A functional method has exactly one returning parameter.
B.44 You like to create a list with the global class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. In the class the event DOUBLE_CLICK is defined. This event is triggered whenever a user double clicks a line in the ALV,. In your case every time the user makes the double click on the list a popup should appear which shows the number of the line on which has been double clicked. What do you have to do therefore? (2 correct answer).
A. Define a local class in which event DOUBLE_CLICK is redefined and raised.
B. Write a handler method for the event DOUBLE_CLICK of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, which calls the dialog box.
C. Register for the event DOUBLE_CLICK by using SET_HANDLER statement.
D. Catch the Event DOUBLE_CLICK with the CATCH statement under which the dialog box call is implemented
B. Write a handler method for the event DOUBLE_CLICK of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, which calls the dialog box.
C. Register for the event DOUBLE_CLICK by using SET_HANDLER statement.
B.46 One of your colleague has left the company and now you are in charge of all his programs. One program deals with handling the list, you go through the coding, and in the main part of the program you find the following lines DATA: current_list TYPE I. current_list = cl_list=>number_of_lists(). What type of component is the number_of_list?
A. number_of_list is public static functional method of the class cl_list.
B. number_of_list is public static attribute of class cl_list
C. number_of_list is public instance functional method of class cl_list
D. number_of_list is public instance attribute of class cl_list
A. number_of_list is public static functional method of the class cl_list.
C.47 What you can control using the field catalog of SAP ALV GRID Control (3 correct answer)
A. Hide Individual Columns
B. Specify color of the list rows
C. set the output characteristics of a column position or width
D. Influence the format properties of column contents, such as number of decimal places or the alignment of the content cell.
A. Hide Individual Columns
C. set the output characteristics of a column position or width
D. Influence the format properties of column contents, such as number of decimal places or the alignment of the content cell.
B.49 You have implemented a class CL_CUSTOMER where you have defined a private instance variable , from where you can access the private instance attribute directly? (2 correct answer)
A. You have direct access to the attribute name from all methods of the class cl_customer itself
B. you have direct access to the attribute name from the main part of the program.
C. You have the direct access to the attribute name of all methods of all the subclasses of cl_customer
D. you have direct access to the attribute name from all the methods of a class cl_friend, where cl_customer grants friendship to the class cl_friend.
A. You have direct access to the attribute name from all methods of the class cl_customer itself
D. you have direct access to the attribute name from all the methods of a class cl_friend, where cl_customer grants friendship to the class cl_friend.
B.50 You as a ABAP consultant have been asked by customer to lists out the benefits of moving from non-unicode to unicode system? (2 correct answers)
A. Unicode system requires less database space
B. Transfer of character sets between two unicode systems from different cultures is easier than between NON-unicode systems.
C. A unicode system can support users of different cultures
D. A unicode system automatically translates between different cultures.
B. Transfer of character sets between two unicode systems from different cultures is easier than between NON-unicode systems.
C. A unicode system can support users of different cultures
B.56 In your program you need a name of the field of a structure wa_material at run time. Therefore you can use RTTI classes. The root class is CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR, provides a public static functional methods describe_by_data. This method returns a reference of type CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR.You have defined a reference r_descr as follows DATA: r_desc type ref to CL_ABAP_STRUCTDESCR. The class CL_ABAP_STRUCTDESCR is a subclass of CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR. Which of the following statements are syntantically correct?
A. r_desc = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( wa_material ).
B. r_desc ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( wa_material ).
C. r_desc != cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( wa_material ).
B. r_desc ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( wa_material ). *
B.58 You are writing BSP applications where you use global class CL_BSP_CONTROLLER2. This class has implemented the global interface IF_BSP_CONTROLLER in which the method HANDLE_EVENT is defined. There is no other method in the class CL_BSP_CONTROLLER2 with the name HANDLE_EVENT. In your program we find following lines: DATA: r_class TYPE REF to CL_BSP_CONTROLLER2, r_int TYPE REF to IF_BSP_CONTROLLER. CREATE OBJECT r_class. CREATE OBJECT r_int TYPE CL_BSP_CONTROLLER2. Which of the following methods calls are syntantically correct (in relation to above coding)? (2 correct answer)
A. r_int->handle_event( ).
B. r_int->if_bsp_controller~handle_event( ).
C. r_class->handle_event( ).
D. r_class->if_bsp_controller~handle_event( )
A. r_int->handle_event( ). ***
D. r_class->if_bsp_controller~handle_event( )
B.60 You can realize the polymorphism between objects from different classes if these classes are connected via inheritance. For objects of classes that are not connected via inheritance, another technique exists to achieve polymorphism. With which of the following concepts you can also acheive polymorphism?
A. The Friend concept
B. The Interface concept
C. The Event concept
B. The Interface concept **
B.65 You want to implement a BADI that provides a functional enhancement. What do you need ?
A. Define an interface for BADI
B. Implement a class which implements BADI
C. Create an enhancement project with CMOD
D. call a BADI
B. Implement a class which implements BADI **
W.67 What kind of controllers exists within a Web Dynpro component ? (Only 3 correct answers)
A. View Controllers
B. Exactly one Component Controller
C. User Controller
D. Window Controller
A. View Controllers
C. User Controller
D. Window Controller
B.72 Which of the following are tools of ABAP Workbench? (3 correct answer)
A. Human Capital Management System B. Class Builder C. Easy Access Menu D. Screen Painter E. Function Builder
B. Class Builder
D. Screen Painter
E. Function Builder
W.73 Which of the following Hook methods exists in View Controllers? (3 correct answers)
A. wdDOBeforeNavigation B. wdDOModifyView C. wdDOInit D. wdDOPostProcessing E. wdDoBeforeAction F. wdDOApplicationStateChanged
B. wdDOModifyView
C. wdDOInit
E. wdDoBeforeAction
B.74 In your team of ABAP developer there is lot of confusion concerning relationships between Enhancement point, Enhancement spots and Enhancement sections. Which statements about these concepts are true? (2 correct answers)
A. An Enhancement point manages either new BADIs or explicit enhance point and enhancement section
B. classical BADI’s are not part of Enhancement spots
C. Enhancement point organizes the explicit enhancement spots, enhancement sections and new BADI’s
D. Enhancement spots organize explicit enhancement point, enhancement sections and new BADI’s
B. classical BADI’s are not part of Enhancement spots
D. Enhancement spots organize explicit enhancement point, enhancement sections and new BADI’s