Test 01 Flashcards
A.2 Which of the following command are allowed not if you are working with internal table of type sorted? (1 correct answers).
D. SORT* (Por que su naturaleza esta definida)
A.3 You design a classical screen with number 100 for an ABAP program,screen 100 contains input field that refers to ABAP dictionary structure SDYN_CONN. What do you have to do so that your ABAP program can access the data entered in the PAI processing?
A. Use the statement TABLES: SDYN_CONN to declare the structure named SDYN_CONN in the top include of your program.
B. Use the statement GET FIELD SDYN_CONN in the PAI module user_command_100.
C. Use DATA statement to declare a structure SDYN_CONN in the top include of your program.
D. Use the statement GET FIELD in the PAI logic of the Dynpro.
A. Use the statement TABLES: SDYN_CONN to declare the structure named SDYN_CONN in the top include of your program.
A.7 You design an executable program that displays flight bookings, the selection screen of the program contains the parameters pa_car of type SCARR-CARRID for the carrier, you want to make sure that users will be forced to re enter the carrier , if they type in a carrier for which they don’t have authorization. Hence you perform a authority check with authorization object S_CARRID. Where do you do this?
A. In th event block GET SCARR.
B. In the PBO module of the selection screen
C. In the event block AT USER-COMMAND
D. In the event block AT SELECTION-SCREEN.
C. In the event block AT USER-COMMAND *
A.8 During the debugging of the program you find that only in certain constellations an error appears. Watch points could help you to reach the erroneous constellations faster. Which statements about watch points are true? (2 correct answers)
A. Watch point is always related to the data object of the debugged program . No matter how you define the watch point, the system will always stop the execution if the contents of related data objects is changed and issues a message “Watchpoint reached” .
B. Several watchpoints can be combined using AND or OR .
C. Watchpoint can be created using ABAP menu Goto-> create watch point.
D. You can define the watchpoint only from within the debugger.
A. Watch point is always related to the data object of the debugged program . No matter how you define the watch point, the system will always stop the execution if the contents of related data objects is changed and issues a message “Watchpoint reached” .
D. You can define the watchpoint only from within the debugger. (*) Punto de interrupción
A.9 Which view allows a read only access? (Only 1 correct answer)
A. Database view with more than 1 table
B. Maintainence View
C. Projection view with 1 table
A. Database view with more than 1 table
A.10 You create function group ZATP that contains couple of function modules to manage material master data. What is the name of the correspondnig main program?
A. SAPLZATP Siempre es SAPL para el Funtion Group
A.11 You want to display the data of accounting documents with BELNR = 10000 from table BKPF and BPOS . These transparent tables contains HEADER data and POSITION data .The primary key of BKPF is MANDT and BELNR(document number) . The primary key of BPOS is MANDT , BELNR and POS(position).which would be the correct statement to achieve this ?
A. Select * from bkpf INNER JOIN bpos on bkpf.belnr = bpos.belnr into wa WHERE bkpf.belnr = ‘1000’.
B. Select * from bkpf RIGHT OUTER JOIN bpos on bkpf~belnr = bpos~belnr into wa WHERE bkpf~belnr = ‘1000’
C. Select * from bkpf INNER JOIN bpos on bkpf~belnr = bpos~belnr into wa WHERE bkpf~belnr = ‘1000’.
C. Select * from bkpf INNER JOIN bpos on bkpf~belnr = bpos~belnr into wa WHERE bkpf~belnr = ‘1000’.
A.12 In classical screen programming , where can you set the status and title for modal dialog box(popup)?
A. At the event TOP-OF-PAGE.
B. In the PBO module of corresponding screen
C. In the PAI module of corresponding screen
D. In the attribute of corresponding screen
B. In the PBO module of corresponding screen
A.13 Which of the following statement concerning with structures and internal tables in ABAP debugger?
A. With the ABAP debugger, you can edit internal tables(for example append lines, delete lines, change contents
B. With ABAP debugger you can change the definition of the structure at run time
C. With the ABAP debugger you can create new data objects even if they are structures or internal tables.
A. With the ABAP debugger, you can edit internal tables(for example append lines, delete lines, change contents
A.14 Which statement about the internal table concerning program performance are correct? (There are 2 correct answers)
A. The cost for reading a data record from the hashed table do not depends upon number of entries.
B. If the field symbol is assigned with READ … ASSIGNING statement, the entry in the internal table can be changed directly using field symbols
C. If you have a standard table , searching an entry using a fully qualified key is faster than searching by index
D. The cost for reading a data record are higher for a large number of entries in a sorted table than for a large number of entries in a standard table
A. The cost for reading a data record from the hashed table do not depends upon number of entries.
C. If you have a standard table , searching an entry using a fully qualified key is faster than searching by index
A.16 You execute the ABAP program with several dialogs steps(screen) which statements is correct?
A. The ABAP dispatcher takes over the entire execution of the ABAP program and gets the user context of the program from roll area
B. The program components for the individual dialog steps are usually executed in various dialog work processes that are released once the program components has been processed (while screen display on the front end).
C. The entire program is processed in exactly one dialog process. This dialog process is reserved for that program while the screen is displayed on the front end.
B. The program components for the individual dialog steps are usually executed in various dialog work processes that are released once the program components has been processed (while screen display on the front end).
A.18 Which of the following ABAP statements referring to type t1 is syntantically correct? (2 correct answers)
comp1 type scarr-carrid,
comp2 type scarr-carrname,
END of t1.
A. Data: str1 like t1.
B. TYPES str1 type t1.
C. Data: str1 type t1.
D. TYPES: t2 like t1.
B. TYPES str1 type t1.
C. Data: str1 type t1.
A.19 For a database table zdepartment you have defined a text table zdepartmentt in the ABAP dictionary , where the names of the department are stored. How would you design the text table zdepartmenttso that it is a text table of zzdepartment.
(3 correct answers)
A. The text table zdepartmentt is linked with table zdepartment by a foreign key of type key fields of text table.
B. The text table zdepartmentt as atleast one text field which is not a key field.
C. The text table zdepartmentt is a cluster tables
D. The text table zdepartmentt has same key fields as zdepartment plus one additional key field of data type LANG.
A. The text table zdepartmentt is linked with table zdepartment by a foreign key of type key fields of text table.
B. The text table zdepartmentt as atleast one text field which is not a key field.
D. The text table zdepartmentt has same key fields as zdepartment plus one additional key field of data type LANG.
A.20 You have to define two database tables where in both the tables you need fields change_date and change_time (which are not key fields) How do you proceed?
A. Define a append structure with these two fields and assign the append structure to both the tables.
B. Define two fields separately in both the tables.
C. Define structure with these two fields and include the structure in both the database tables.
C. Define structure with these two fields and include the structure in both the database tables. (Por no define la tabla)
A.21 Why do we need to bundle database updates in your dialog programs? (2 correct answer)
A. To increase the performance of your program.
B. Because there is no implicit database commit after each dialog step
C. To keep the database in a consistent state if the user wants to cancel the transactions
D. Because there is an implicit database commit after each dialog step.
B. Because there is no implicit database commit after each dialog step
C. To keep the database in a consistent state if the user wants to cancel the transactions
A.23 For a new colleague you have to explain the necessary steps for defining a database view in the ABAP Dictionary. What are the necessary steps for definition of database view in the ABAP Dictionary? (There are 3 correct answers ).
A. You have to define selection criteria for the view
B. You have to define the Join condition for this view
C. You have to name the database table where the view gets data
D. You have to choose the fields from the tables that should be part of the view
A. You have to define selection criteria for the view
C. You have to name the database table where the view gets data ***
D. You have to choose the fields from the tables that should be part of the view
A.24 You want to select the fields MATNR, ENAM and EDAT from table MARA to display them in report. Whats the best way to do this? (1 correct answer).
A. Declare the work area containing fields MATNR, ENAM and EDAT and use select matnr ename edat from MARA into wa. ENDSELECT.
B. Declare the work area of type MARA and use select* from MARA into wa.ENDSELECT.
C. Declare the work area of type MARA use select matnr ename edat from MARA into wa.ENDSELECT.
D. Declare the work area containing fields MATNR, ENAM and EDAT and use select* from MARA into correspodnig fields of wa.ENDSELECT.
A. Declare the work area containing fields MATNR, ENAM and EDAT and use select matnr ename edat from MARA into wa. ENDSELECT.
A.25 Which of the following statements are true about data type? (3 correct answer)
A. Data types can be defined only in ABAP dictionary
B. Data type can be used to define a variable of constants. C. Data types can be defined in the program.
D. Data types can be defined in ABAP dictionary
B. Data type can be used to define a variable of constants.
C. Data types can be defined in the program.
D. Data types can be defined in ABAP dictionary
A.27 You have written a classical dynpro with number 100 in module pool containing push button p_save. You have assigned function code ‘SAV’ against this button. In the PAI module USER_COMMAND_100 you want to check if the user has clicked on this button, how can yo achieve this?
A. Check if the field with the ok code attribute in the screen 100 contains the value ‘SAV’
B. Check if p_save-okcode equals to ‘SAV’.
C. Check if field SY-OKCODE contains the value ‘SAV’.
D. Check if p_save-ACTIVE = 1.
A. Check if the field with the ok code attribute in the screen 100 contains the value ‘SAV’
A.29 Which of the following places uses TYPES? (3 correct answer)
A. Definition of method parameters.
B. Definition of subroutine parameters
C. Definition of parameters for PBO modules
D. Definition of selection screen parameters.
A. Definition of method parameters.
B. Definition of subroutine parameters
D. Definition of selection screen parameters.
A.31 You want to have user entries on the selection screen checked( for example authorization check) . If there is any error , the user must correct the entries, which step you need to program?
A. You need to program the check at the event AT SELECTION-SCREEN, if there is any error an E type MESSAGE must be output.
B. You need to program the check at the event END-OF-SELECTION, if there is any error an E type MESSAGE must be output.
C. You need to program the check at the event AT SELECTION-SCREEN, if there is any error , processing must be interrupted with a STOP statement and an message type I must be output.
A. You need to program the check at the event AT SELECTION-SCREEN, if there is any error an E type MESSAGE must be output.
A.32 Which of the following two statements about the organization of developments are correct? (2 correct answers).
A. One important attribute of object directory entry of development object in the original system. It is convenient to use the production system as original system .
B. You can assign transport layer to each type of development object
C. One important attribute of package is the transport layer which determines the following system for a regular transport of package’s objects.
D. A development object must be either assigned to package or declared as local objects.
C. One important attribute of package is the transport layer which determines the following system for a regular transport of package’s objects.
D. A development object must be either assigned to package or declared as local objects.
A.33 You have written an ABAP executable program that displays the flight connections between cities for your customer. You hand over your program to your customer maintainence and need to explain to the customer’s programmer the properties of event blocks (2 correct answers).
A. Event Blocks starts with event key word and end with the start of any other modularization block. For example , another event block or subroutine.
B. Event Blocks are executed in sequence they occur in the program.
C. The ABAP runtime decides in which sequence to execute the event blocks
D. Event blocks can be nested , for example , you can have event blocks inside another event blocks
A. Event Blocks starts with event key word and end with the start of any other modularization block. For example , another event block or subroutine.
C. The ABAP runtime decides in which sequence to execute the event blocks
A.36 You want to display a dialog box window . Which statement can you use to do this?
A. WINDOW 200 starting at 5 5.
A.38 You have defined classical screen with mandatory input field, you want “CANCEL” function to work even if not all the mandatory fields have been filled. How can you achieve this?
A. The CANCEL function must have function code BACK
B. No special action required
C. There is no way to do this, you need to always fill in the required fields
D. You must temporarily switch of the required entry fields for the concerned input field within LOOP AT SCREEN… ENDLOOP.
E. The CANCEL function should be of type ‘E’ and must be handled in the module AT EXIT-COMMAND.
E. The CANCEL function should be of type ‘E’ and must be handled in the module AT EXIT-COMMAND.
A.39 Which of the following statements are true about SAP NetWeaver? (3 correct answer)
A. The main purpose of SAP NetWeaver is to integrate people, information and process to provide platform for applications.
B. SAP ERP is part of SAP NetWeaver
C. The Industrial Solution Utilities(ISU) is part of SAP NetWeaver
D. SAP NetWeaver can be used to integrate non-SAP application systems.
E. The Bank Analyzer is part of SAP NetWeaver F. SAP NetWeaver provides tools to integrate a hetrogeneous software landscape.
A. The main purpose of SAP NetWeaver is to integrate people, information and process to provide platform for applications.
D. SAP NetWeaver can be used to integrate non-SAP application systems.
F. SAP NetWeaver provides tools to integrate a hetrogeneous software landscape.
A.42 Some transactions contain SELECT statements in their applications that causes a very long runtimes. You should now improve the performance without changing the program. What techniques can be suitable for increasing the performance during database table access? (2 correct answers)
A. To unit the appropriate database in pool table
B. To define indexes for the appropriate database tables
C. To use table buffering for appropriate database tables
D. To put the appropriate database table in a special fast access tablespace of the database
B. To define indexes for the appropriate database tables
C. To use table buffering for appropriate database tables
A.45 You should implement search help, where the data of search help should be selected via outer join . Which of the following types would you use?
A. The HELP view
B. The DATABASE view
A. The HELP view
A.48 You need to create an integer data object and you wonder about the features of ABAP type I. Which of the following statements are correct.
A. A data object of type I always have length of 8 bytes
B. A data object of type I always have length of 4 bytes
C. A data object of type I have length of 1,2 and 4 bytes depending upon the content
B. A data object of type I always have length of 4 bytes
A.51 Which of the following are true about subscreens (2 correct answer)
A. Subscreens have their own ok code fields
B. Subscreens may have their own PBO and PAI logic
C. you call subscreen using ABAP command CALL SUBSCREEN
D. you call subscreen using SCREEN command CALL SUBSCREEN.
B. Subscreens may have their own PBO and PAI logic
D. you call subscreen using SCREEN command CALL SUBSCREEN.
A.52 You want to create a simple search help, last search help you created was long time ago. Therefore you try to recall what component are needed for simple search help (3 correct answer)
A. The dialog behavior, for instance selection screen appear or not
B. The interface, import and export parameter.
C. The selection method, from which table or view the data should come from
D. The attachment to a field, at which level search help should appear.
B. The interface, import and export parameter.
C. The selection method, from which table or view the data should come from
Tercera ???
A.53 You are writing application to stores data in internal table temporarily. Since application is runtime critical, you wonder which type of internal table to use. Which statements about internal table are correct? (2 correct answers)
A. There are four types of internal table, standard, sorted, hashed and indexed tables.
B. If you want to add entry to sorted table, sort sequence must remain same.
C. You can use index to access hashed tables.
D. You can use the INSERT TABLE statements to add data records to all types of internal tables.
B. If you want to add entry to sorted table, sort sequence must remain same.
D. You can use the INSERT TABLE statements to add data records to all types of internal tables.
A.54 When you refer to the field of database table typically you refer to a data element ,which in turn refers to domain. But it is also possible to set to data element without refering to domain. Which feature do you get in , if you refer the data element to a domain?
A. Only then you can add this field to the database view.
B. Only then you can link the search help to this field
C. Only then it is possible to define a check table for this field.
C. Only then it is possible to define a check table for this field.
A.55 In classical screen programming, which conditions must be fulfilled in programming check so that screen field is ready for input (2 correct answer)
A. Module must output an E Type or W Type message B. An I type message must be outputted C. The check module must be called using FIELD field_name MODULE check_module. D. The check module must be called using FIELD field_name MODULE check_module MESSAGE Enn.
A. Module must output an E Type or W Type message
C. The check module must be called using FIELD field_name MODULE check_module.
A.57 Which statements concerning ABAP workbench are true? (3 correct answers)
A. Workbench favorites can be maintained in the navigation area
B. Navigation area and tool area are always coupled . For example you maintain a program in the tool area , the same program will automatically will appear in the object list of navigation area
C. Navigation area can be hidden so that tool area appears in full screen mode.
D. Within the object navigator you can maintain each type of ABAP workbench object ( programs, screen, includes etc..).
B. Navigation area and tool area are always coupled . For example you maintain a program in the tool area , the same program will automatically will appear in the object list of navigation area
C. Navigation area can be hidden so that tool area appears in full screen mode.
D. Within the object navigator you can maintain each type of ABAP workbench object ( programs, screen, includes etc..).
A.59 Which of the following statements about field transport between ABAP and classical screen (dynpro) are correct? (3 correct answers)
A. Dictionary structures in SCREEN requires a TABLES statement in ABAP
B. Name equivalence is imperative for field transport between ABAP and SCREEN
C. Field transport from screen to ABAP is delayed if you have FIELD statement.
D. Field transport from ABAP to screen generally takes place before the first PBO module of screen.
A. Dictionary structures in SCREEN requires a TABLES statement in ABAP
B. Name equivalence is imperative for field transport between ABAP and SCREEN
D. Field transport from ABAP to screen generally takes place before the first PBO module of screen.
A.61 The SAP NetWeaver Application server offers the possibility to install an ABAP or JAVA stack. Which of the statements are true about possible combinations of ABAP and JAVA stack in one SAP NetWeaver Application Serve
A. In one SAP NetWeaver Application Server there can be installed either an ABAP stack or JAVA stack , but never both the stacks.
B. In one SAP NetWeaver Application Server there can be installed either a stand alone ABAP stack or a stand alone JAVA stack or combination of ABAP and JAVA stack
C. In one SAP NetWeaver Application Server there can be installed either a stand alone ABAP stack or combination of ABAP and JAVA stack but never a stand alone JAVA stack.
B. In one SAP NetWeaver Application Server there can be installed either a stand alone ABAP stack or a stand alone JAVA stack or combination of ABAP and JAVA stack
A.62 After creating a Search Help in ABAP dictionary you have to attach this search help to a field (There are 3 correct answers)
A. A Search Help can be attached directly to a field of structure or table
B. A Search help can be attached to a check table of the ABAP dictionary field
C. A Search Help can be attached to the data element.
D. A Search Help can be attached to the domain.
A. A Search Help can be attached directly to a field of structure or table
B. A Search help can be attached to a check table of the ABAP dictionary field
C. A Search Help can be attached to the data element.
A.63 You want to display data from transparent table BKPF and BPOS which contain header data and position data of accounting documents. The primary key of BKPF is MANDT and BELNR(document number) . The primary key of BPOS is MANDT , BELNR and POS(position). What are the options to select data from BKPF together with corresponding data of BPOS? (3 correct answers)
A. Use a view
B. Use a left outer join
C. Use two nested select loops
D. Use a inner join
A. Use a view
C. Use two nested select loops
D. Use a inner join
A.64 Which of the following statements are true about active and non active development objects?
A. The inactive version can be seen only by the developer who has created it, that is there is no shared view of inactive versions
B. If the inactive version is activated , it becomes the new active version of the object at the very moment the old active active version becomes inactive version.
C. Inactive versions can be transported as long as they were originally created in development system.
D. If a program P1 calls program P2 from outside of the development environment and even if there is a inactive version of program P2 , still the active version of P2 will be called.
A. The inactive version can be seen only by the developer who has created it, that is there is no shared view of inactive versions
A.66 You want to write subroutine names check_booking that receives a parameters of type sbook. You want to change fields of the actual parameter within your subroutine but only if your subroutine executes without any error. How do you declare the subroutine (1 correct answer)
A. FORM check_booking USING VALUE(p_book = TYPE sbook ).
B. FORM check_booking CHANGING VALUE(p_book) TYPE sbook
C. ORM check_booking CHANGING p_book type sbook ON RETURN
D. FORM check_booking USING p_book TYPE sbook.
B. FORM check_booking CHANGING VALUE(p_book) TYPE sbook
A.68 You review a ABAP program that needs to be migrated to a Unicode system. Within the program, two data objects city and member are declared in following way
DATA: city(20) TYPE c, Begin of Member, firstname(20) TYPE c, lastname(20) TYPE c, age TYPE i, city(20) TYPE c, End of Member.
START-OF-SELCTION. city = member+44(20).
Why the above line doesnot work as expected?
A. Because you cannot read beyond the non character data within the structure using offset notations
B. Because the result of offset calculations depends on the Unicode codepage used.
C. Because the integer has 8 bytes
D. Because of the Unicode systems, offsets are allowed for unstructured data objects only.
A. Because you cannot read beyond the non character data within the structure using offset notations
A.69 On a classical screen (Dynpro) there is an input field for an airline code coming from the field carrid of the database table zcarr. This field carrid refers to the data element z_carr_id which itself refers to the domains z_char_3. You task is to change the F1 help of the field carrid on the dynpro. The documentation of which object do you have change in order the F1 help on the dynpro?
A. Documentation of the domain z_char_3.
B. Documentation of the data element z_carr_id
C. Documentation of the field carrid of the table zcarr.
B. Documentation of the data element z_carr_id
*A.70 Your colleague need some advise on implicit conversion issues. Which of the following statements are true?
A. As a matter of principle , it is forbidden to assign a data object of type string to the content of type I.
B. Implicit conversion works for ABAP types only, not for dictionary types.
C. As a matter of principle , it is forbidden to assign a data object of type I to the contents of type STRING
D. A data object of type N may be used for calculations (although Type N is not the best type to do so)
B. Implicit conversion works for ABAP types only, not for dictionary types.
*A.71 When analyzing older program as associate consultant will often find the definition and use of an internal table with a header line, for example DATA: it TYPE TABLE of spfli WITH HEADER LINE. Which statements about the internal table with header lines are correct? (2 correct answer)
A. To address a component of the header line you can use the following : it[]-component = ‘ABC’.
B. Internal tables with header lines are faster than internal tables without header lines
C. Instead of LOOP at IT ….. ENDLOOP one might as well use LOOP at it into it. …. ENDLOOP.
D. Two data objects with the same name exists , the internal table’s body and header line, which is a structure of the row type of the table
C. Instead of LOOP at IT ….. ENDLOOP one might as well use LOOP at it into it. …. ENDLOOP.
D. Two data objects with the same name exists , the internal table’s body and header line, which is a structure of the row type of the table
A.76 You create the classical screen (dynpro) to enter flight connection data. Each connection is identified by the contents of the fields MANDT, CARRID and CONNID in the database table spfli. The carriers are stored in the scarr table and identified by CARRID . What is the easiest way to ensure that only CARRID values from field SCARR-CARRID can be entered in the dynpro?
A. Maintain SCARR as the value table of the domain of SPFLI-CARRID.
B. Implement a search help that ensures that user can enter only correct values.
C. Implement a PAI module that check the user have entered correct values.
D. Define SCARR-CARRID as foreign key with check table SPFLI and foreign key as MANDT and CARRID
E. Define SPFLI-CARRID as foreign key with check table SCARR with foreign key as MANDT and CARRID
E. Define SPFLI-CARRID as foreign key with check table SCARR with foreign key as MANDT and CARRID
A.78 You want to write the dialog program that changes data on the screen . You want to bundle all updates by using UPDATE FUNCTION MODULE. What do function modules have to do if they encounter problems?
A. ABORT the message with message axxx(nnn).
B. Write an error message with message exxx(nnn)
C. Write a warning message with message wxxx(nnn)
D. Inform the user with message ixxx(nnn)
A. ABORT the message with message axxx(nnn).
A.79 The database interface is responsible for which tasks? (3 correct answers)
A. Database independence of applications programs
B. Syntax check of native SQL statements
C. Conversion of Open SQL statements from ABAP statements into the corresponding database statements
D. Data consistency check with respect to foreign Keys relationships
E. Usage of SAP buffers
A. Database independence of applications programs
C. Conversion of Open SQL statements from ABAP statements into the corresponding database statements
E. Usage of SAP buffers
A.80 You write a ABAP executable program that displays the flight connections between two cities. You have provided selection parameters for departure city and destination city . In your program you have written event blocks for events AT SELECTION-SCREEN, INITIALIZATION, LOAD-OF-PROGRAM, START-OF-SELECTION. In which sequence will ABAP runtime call these event blocks