Terror 1793-94 Flashcards
What task did the CGS have?
Had overall responsibility for police security , surveillance and spying
It’s aim was to root out any anti republicanism
When was the revolutionary tribunal set up ?
10 March 1793
What task did the revolutionary tribunal have?
To try counter revolutionary suspects and intended to prevent massacres like sept 1792
It was the main instrument of the terror
Who were and what did the representatives on mission do?
They were mainly jacobin deputies from convention sent to provinces to reassert government control
Had unlimited powers over department administrations and the armies
What were the comites de surveillance ?
Set up in each commune and section of major towns
Following plots by royalists being blamed for vendee
They provided victims for revolutionary tribunal
When was the summary execution decree introduced ?
19 March 1793
What was the summary execution decree ?
Provided for the trial and execution of armed Rebels within 24 hours of capture
Trials were held without a jury and there was no appeal
What harsh laws were passed against émigrés ?
Their property was confiscated by government officials and they were to be executed if they returned to France
When was the CPS set up?
6 April 1793
What was purpose of CPS?
To supervise and speed up activities of ministers whose authority it superseded
The convention approved its powers each month
Why did the convention start to turn on the Girondins in May 1793?
Because they were attacking the sans culottes as drinkers of the blood and the Montagnards had asked them to stop but with no success this alongside blame for war failures
What did RObespierre do in relation to Girondins on the 26 May 1793?
He asked people to invoke themselves in an insurrection against the Girondins ?
What happened on the 31st may 1793?
A rising began when news of Jacobin overthrow in Lyon reached Paris
What happened on 2 June 1793 in relation to Girondins ?
80,000 national guardsmen surrounded the convention and directed canon at it demanding the expulsion of Girondins when deputies tried to leave thy were forced back
The Concention was forced to agree arrest of Girondin deputies to prevent massacre
Who did Charlotte Corday murder and when ?
Marat one of the extreme Jacobins and after the pure of the Girondins
She was a young royalist
When and why were the Girondins expelled from the Convention ?
June 1793 for supporting revolts backed by royalists aimed at destroying the republic but this was not true
(Federal revolts)
Why did federal revolts break out?
Due to worsening military crisis
Disillusion with war and course of revolution
Where was the most serious federal revolt?
The naval base of Toulon
There was an uprising which overthrew the town council and closed the jacobin club
How did the government deal with the federal revolts ?
In Toulon govt cut off food supplies but to prevent starvation town authorise negotiated with Britain who insisted monarchy be restored
Due to disorganised rebels govt was Abel to pick them off easily
Why were the Montagnards distrusted after 2 June?
Because of their treatment towards the Girondins but deputies did not want to see Republic overthrown by enemies so were reluctant accomplices of the Montagnards and jacobin minority
When was new CPS formed ? What did it consist of ?
Between July and September 1793
All either Montagnards or the plain
When did Ribespierre join the CPS ?
27th July 1793
He was expected to form the link between Jacobins and sans culottes
What was the commune and Paris sections in relation to government ?
They were administrative units of Parisian local government with their officials and elected committees
They controlled the national guard
When were certificates of citizenship issued?
They were proof of good citizenship and support of Republic and without them no on could be employed
What was presented to the people on the 24 June 1793?
A new constitution preceded by a declaration of rights of man further than those of 1789
It states the right of people to work, have assistance in time of need and be educated. The right of insurrection was also declared. All adult males to have the vote
What was the levee en masse?
Decreed 23 August 1793
Form of conscription
Until enemies of France had been expelled all Frenchmen were called to fight - unmarried men between 18 and 25 called
Nations resources put at government disposal for war
Who were the enrages and what did they want ?
Led by jacques roux and followers were wage earners, labourers and poor and unemployed
Wanted economic terror execution of hoarders and Purge of ex nobles from the army
When and why was roux arrested?
On 5 the sept 1793 after the journee against poor conditions on 4th
Ribespierre wanted him destroyed as he threatened the convention with direct action on the streets
What happened on 4th sept 1783?
Crowd gathered outside hotel de bille to demand bread and higher wages
Following day roux urged crowd to march on convention when he was arrested
Due to the 4th and 5th July what did the convention do?
Sections imposed on the convention the proclamation that terror is the order of the day
Convention also authorised formation of armee revolutionaire -consisted mainly of sans culottes purpose to confront counter revolution
What was the purpose of the armee revolutionaire?
Ensure food supplies in Paris
Round up deserters hoarders and refractory priests and royalist Rebels
Mobilise the nations resources for war effort by confiscating church silver and bells
Establish revolutionary justice in areas showing little enthusiasm for Rev
How many unauthorised armies were set up between sept and dec 1793 in the provinces ?
From who did the provincial armies meet opposition?
Rural population as they disliked requisitioning and also CPS didn’t like them as they were archaic and outside of control of authorities
What law was passed in July 1793 ?
Law imposing death on hoarders of food and other supplies
Convention gave into pressure from roux
When was the general maximum passed ?
29th sept 1793
What did the general maximum include ?
It was passed to control prices
It fixed the price of bread and other essential goods and services at 1/3 above prices in June 1790
However when peasants refused to sell grain at maximum price govt forced to requisition
Positive and negative of the maximum
Peasants hated it as the rate was below the cost of production
Farmers stopped sowing if they couldn’t make a profit
Maximum has to be imposed on the rich
Sans culottes wanted it so they could afford bread
When and why did the government revise prices of the maximum?
Feb 1794 to meet needs of farmers
Sans culottes were disgusted
What were some economic successes by end 1793?
Towns and armies were fed
Assignat rose in value from 22% to 48% in dec
What happened in October 1783?
Under recommendation from Cps constitution suspended and govt declared revolutionary until peace
How many cases did the tribunal hold up to 1793?
260 cases and pronounced 66 death sentences
What repression followed the federal revolts ? In 1794?
Between jan and may 1794
Troops shot at peasants Burned farms and crops and killed animals
women were raped and mutilated
Thousands surrendered and crammed the prisons
Many shot without trial
Who was responsible for the provincial repression?
Representatives on mission and revolutions armies
When was law of suspects passed ?
September 1793
What did law of suspects declare
Anyone suspected of counter revolution or undermining the Republic could be arrested and held without trial
Mass arrest of suspects took place around half a million
What did dechristianisation involve ?
Churches were closed
Church bells and silver removed
Roadside shrines and crosses destroyed
Paris commune stopped paying clerical salaries in May 1793 and November ordered all churches in Paris to close
Priests forced to renounce priesthood and some compelled to marry
Who was involved in dechristianisation ?
Not an official govt policy
Idea came from sans culottes in Paris commune
Rev armies and representatives on mission
They hated Catholicism
When was revolutionary calendar introduced ?
5th October 1793
What did the new revolutionary calendar include ?
Dated from 22 sept 1792 when Republic was declared
Years divided into 12 months of 30 days
Each month named after season
New calendar ignored Sunday’s and religious festivals
Why were people in the convention attacking Girondis ?
Because they blamed them for military failures especially dumouriez as they had backed him