Terrier Group Flashcards

Airdale Terrier
23 in tall for males
21 in tall for females
badger/water rat hunter
hard, dense, and wiry, with a softer undercoat
tan and black and tan and grizzle

American Staffordshire Terrier
17 to 19 in tall
general purpose dog
any color, solid, particolored, or patched

Australian Terrier
10 - 11 in tall
rodent and snake hunter
blue and tan, sandy or red coat
harsh texture

Beldington Terrier
17 to 23 lbs
15 to 16.5 in tall
mild, gentle, courageous
rat hunter
dark as puppies, fades to bluish gray, sandy or liver, each year
(looks like a lamb)

Border Terrier
11.5 to 15.5 lbs
fox hunter
wirey coat
red, grizzle and tan, blue and tan, or wheaten with dark muzzle

Bull Terrier
21 to 22 in tall
50 to 70 lbs
game sports
all whtie or colored
roman nose, with possible nose bleeds
temperment problem

Cairn Terrier
10 in
14 lbs
fox/rat/otter hunter
harsh, weather resistant outer coat
any color except white

Dandie Dinmont Terrier
8 to 11 in tall
18 to 24 lbs
vermin hunter
pepper and mustard

Fox Terrier
15.5 in or shorter
18 lbs vermin hunter
usually white with black or tan markings
wiry or smoothe coat

Glen of Imaal Terrier
12.5 to 14 in tall
fox hunter, vermin chaser
only terrier of Ireland
not defined by color, but acceptable colors are shades of wheaten, blue, and brindle

Irish Terrier
18 in tall
25 to 27 lbs
vermin hunter, farm dog
short and wiry coat

Kerry Blue Terrier
18.5 in tall
33 to 40 lbs
farm dog, small game hunter, retriever
born black, will fade to blue by 18 months

Lakeland Terrier
14.5 in tall
17 lbs
vermin hunter
blue, black ,liver, red and wheaten, with or without a patch of color over the back and shoulders called saddle

Manchester Terrier
12-22 lbs
fun loving, agile and devoted
vermin hunter
black and tan in color and have short, sleek coat

Minature Bull Terrier
10 to 14 in tall
vermin hunter, good watchdog
soild white or colored
Target dog
very loyal

Miniature Schnauzer
12 to 14 in tall
farm dog, companion
coat colors can be salt and pepper, black and silver, soild black

Norfolk Terrier
9 to 10 in
11 to 12 lbs
vermin hunter
known for drop ears
wiry weather resistance coat
red, wheaten, black, and tan or grizzle

Parson Russell Terrier
13 to 14 in
13 to 17 lbs
fox hunter
wire haired or smooth
white, white with black or tan markings, or tricolored

Scottish Terrier
10 in tall
18 to 22 lbs
fox/vermin hunter
black ,brindle or wheaten

Sealyham Terrier
10.5 in tall
24 lbs
badger/otter/fox hunter
all white, lemon, tan, or bader colored markings are allowed on head and ears

Skye Terrier
35 to 45 lbs
elegant, dignified, agile
vermin hunter
long double coat and profuse hair over their face protects them from injury and inclement weather

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
17 to 19 in tall
30 to 40 lbs
small game hunter, farm dog
soft, silky, with a gentle wave and a warm wheaten color

Staffordshire Bull Terrier
14 to 16 in tall
24 to38 lbs
game sports
soild red, fawn, white, black, blue, or brindle
smooth coat

Welsh Terrier
15 in
20 lbs
fox hunter
coarse wite texture coat
always black and tan

West Highland White Terrier
10 to 11 in tall
vermin hunter, family companion
strong willed personality
very bright white coat