Terms - Sept 20, 2014 (Barroco- Basso Continuo) Flashcards
Barroco (2)
Term “Baroque” evolves from this Portuguese word
Refers to a irregularly shaped pearl used in jewelry; 1600- 1750
Binary Form (3)
Baroque form used in dance movements, suites
Two part form (A-B), each section normally repeated
B section explores a contrasting key
Ternary Form (3)
Baroque form used in dance movements/suites (Minuet)
A three-part form (A-B-A), statement with A in tonic
Contrast/departure in contrasting key (B), repetition (A)
Homophonic Texture (5)
A musical texture, expresses a harmonic progression
A melody predominates, supported with chords
Without melody, the harmony is often arpeggiated as a single affection
Dominant texture of the Classical period
E.g. Bach’s Prelude in C minor (period unspecified, Baroque through 20th century)
Polyphonic Texture (4)
Dominant musical texture of Baroque
2 or more independent melodic lines woven together as equals
Melodic interest shifts between voices, also counterpoint and imitation
E.g. Bach’s Fugue in C minor
Single Affection (3)
Baroque compositional technique
A piece or section is composed from a single melodic/rhythmic idea
E.g. Vivaldi’s La Primavera or Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in C minor
Word Painting (5)
Baroque compositional technique
A musical “pictorialization” of the text
Melody, rhythm and harmony reflect images/emotions
Also known as the Doctrine of “the Affections”
E.g. Vivaldi’s La Primavera or Handel’s Messiah
Terraced Dynamics (5)
Baroque Dynamic style
Loud/Soft levels shift abruptly, without gradual crescendo/decrescendo
Full orchestra heard loudly; smaller group softer
Due to dynamic limitations of instruments
E.g. Vivaldi’s La Primavera
Figured Bass / Basso Continuo (Thorough Bass) (3)
Baroque musical shorthand/notation system
A bass line, with numerals below referring to the interval above the bass
That interval defines the harmonic progression to be realized by the performer (harpsichord + lute)
Basso Continuo (Thorough Bass) (3)
Baroque performance practice requiring 2 musicians
One plays the bass line (cello); one realises the harmony (harpsichord, organ, lute)
E.g. Vivaldi’s La Primavera