Terms - In General Flashcards
What is Alte Reben?
Old Vines - Germany
What is sonnenuhr?
Sundial vineyard
What is remuage?
Riddling - Champagne
What is bouvreux?
Second crop that rarely ripens and is left on the vine due to rain interrupting flowering - Champagne
What is a crayeres?
Chalk Cave - Champagne (Ruinart)
What is les bleus de ville?
Parisian garbage compost bags (Champagne) - outlawed in 1998
What is a marc?
2,550 L per 4,000kg of fruit
102 L of must for every 160kg of grapes
What is blocage and deblocage
Respectively, the reserve and release of wine stocks for use in future vintages
What is the vin de cuvee?
The first 2,050 liters of pressed juice (Champagne)
What is the vin de taille?
The 500 liters of pressed juice following the vin de cuvee (Champagne)
What is the rebeche?
Third extraction of pressed juice in Champagne, required by law. Must comprise 1-10% of the total. Used for distillate, not Champagne
What is debourbage?
The settling of pressed juice (Champagne)
What are bourbes?
Remaining solids after debourbage (Champagne) - these are then racked
What is vins clairs?
High-Acid base wines (Champagne) - 11% abv
What is assemblage?
Blending components to a final wine
What is liqueur de tirage?
A mixture of still wine, yeasts, sugar, and fining agents that serve to ignite the second fermentation (Champagne)
What is prise de mousse?
The second fermentation (Champagne)
What is a bidule?
A plastic capsule that catches sediment during remuage (Champagne)
What is sur latte?
Bottles are stored horizontally (Champagne)
What is autolysis?
The breakdown of dead yeast cells
What is pointage?
Bottle is briskly shaken in order to prevent sediment from sticking to the sides of the bottle (Champagne)
This is no longer widely practiced, new strains of yeast do not stick
What is a pupitre?
Two large wooden planks fastened together in an upright “A” shape, with sixty angled holes cut into each plank of wood (Champagne)
What is a gyropalette?
Spain’s answer to remuage by hand. An automated device that holds 504 bottles.
What is sur pointe?
Once the sediment has settled in the neck of the bottle, bottles remain in the upside-down vertical position for a short period of time prior to degorgement (Champagne)
What is a la glace?
Degorgement method involving dipping the neck of the bottle in a freezing brine solution. The bottle is then turned upright. The force of internal pressure will expel the semi-frozen sediment as the crown cap is removed. (Champagne)
What is liqueur d’expedition?
Dosage, a liquid mixture of sugar syrup and wine. The amount of sugar in the dosage is determined by the desired style of the wine. (Champagne)
What is a muselet?
Wire cage that secures the cork of a bottle (Champagne, sparkling)
What is transvasage?
Transfer method that is permitted if the bottle is larger than a Jeroboam and smaller than a half bottle. (Champagne)
What is Club Tresors?
Special Club (Champagne)
What is methode ancestrale?
Sparkling winemaking method - oldest and most rudimentary. Single fermentation begins in tank, but the wine is transferred to bottle before the process is complete - no liqueur de tirage
Bugey Cerdon
Clairette de Die Methode Dioise Ancestrale
Gaillac Mousseux Methods Gaillacoise
What is the charmat method?
Cuve Close/Tank Method
Eugene Charmat
Post primary fermentation, liqueur de tirage is added, occurs in a pressureized nemal-lined tank, or autoclave, over a matter of days.
What is continuous method?
Russian Continuous Method
Developed in the USSR - base wine is pumped through a series of interconnected (continuous) tanks while undergoing the second fermentation. Liqueur de tirage is consantly added to the wine, and lees accumulate in the first several tanks, offering a higher degree of autolyzed flavors than the standard tank method
German Sekt (Tank or Continuous)
What is en provignage? Who uses it?
Layering (also called en foule, meaning “in a crowd”), results in a cramped, slightly unkempt-looking vineyard of seemingly infant vines. In this system, the vine renews itself constantly by layering a previous year’s cane in November. Above the ground, it forms a new fruiting cane, and under the ground it grows its own roots, adding to the thick, zigzagging carpet of roots.