Terms 2 Flashcards
Hypoxylon canckers
Weakened point that breaks 10-15ft up. White trunk rot - fruiting bodies on trunk, happens on mature trees, rotation harvest more frequently and change species as it lives in soil.
Oak wilt
Exotic fungus. Red and Black oak more susceptible than whites. Orange leaves earlier, goes from leaf edge inward on reds, white top down color change
Fungal mat under bark, cross section is black streaks and black dots on xylem. Spread by insects and root graphing. Cut 2 chains further than visible
Climax forest
Tolerant species need to be able to reproduce under a canopy of mature trees
Study of fungi
Fungi spread by spores, different spore types and during different life cycle points
underground or on root tissue. Stringy feed and grow underground
Pines, weaken trees, more susceptible from bugs, drought, etc. Base of tree has rot and white under bark. Decomposes in soil until in finds a host (Saprophyte). Root rot, keep trees vigorous. Mycelial fan (white tendrils) and Rhizomorphs black strings
Fungi are symbiotic with plant roots. Feeds off of energy from plant and creates more root surface area to help with absorption of water and nutrients.
Rust fungi
Jack pine, oak-pine rust or pine-pine gall rust
Deciduous growing conditions
Long, warm, humid. More nutrient availability, better sites
Sugar Maple (hard maple)
Sinus and samaras U shaped
Sun vs Shade leaf
Shade leaf is broader with more surface area
Sun leaf has deeper sinuses, a little smaller
Eastern deciduous forest
Not fire adapted, main disturbance is wind. Suppressed trees waiting for sun/disturbance. Oak, Maple, Beech, yellow birch
American Chestnut
Largest DBH, 25% of all stems before FHP. Nuts for livestock, rot resistant. Chestnut blight from Asia, spread 24 miles a year. Red/orange canker spread by wind, bird, rain, insects. Rarely large trees mostly sprouts. Cross bread with Asian chestnut. Hypovirulent fungus to heal and take up space of blight
Water transferred to atmosphere by evaporation from soil and other surfaces and by transpiration or release of water vapor from plants.
Swamping out
Loss of trees in wetland. Cannot replant due to elevated water table. Water table stays low due to trees using water and evaporating from stomata.
Knowledge about specific species characteristics. Especially life history and environment
Art and science of managing the growth of forests to meet out needs in a suitable way
Wildlife adapted to successional forests
Moose, grouse, deer, golden-winged warbler
Climate vs Weather
Climate is what you expect weather is what you get each day.
A vs B Scenarios
A - Policy and behavior don’t change
B- Emissions drop off, big changes to reduce it.
Stands stay the same
Make more adaptable
Southern Yellow Pine
Virginia, Slash, longleaf, shortleaf, loblolly. More plantations less natural regen. Fire, soil. Prune and fertilize
Site Quality
Soil type, moisture, measure with NPC (Native Plant Community) or Habitat Typing
Suitability chart
Which spp do the best in certain NPC
Site index
Judge site by how well spp are doing. How tall can a spp grow on this site in 50 yrs. Measure height and take core sample, NOT DBH
Spp not on suitable sites, not good production, vulnerable to insect/disease
Rainshadow effect
Storm systems/moisture/clouds move up in elevation and clouds cool and drop precipitation. More rain on windward (west), clouds are dry on leeward (east), no moisture/precip for east side
Juniper woodlands (PJ)
Alpine zones
Shrub, grasses, or nothing very few trees
Spruce, fir with tight form from wind and snow
Upper Montane zone
mixed conifer forest
Lower Montane
Ponderosa Pine forests
Plain zones/Semidesert shrubland
Valley shrublands and grasslands
Dry-Mesic montane mixed conifers
Mid elevation, limited moisture. Ponderosa, Doug Fir, western larch
Moist Montane mixed conifer
Mid elevation, more moisture, linear trees. subalpine fir, grand
fir, Englemann spruce
Rocky mountain montane riparian
Water course at high elevation, flood is main disturbance. More moisture in soil
Mountain Pine Beetle
Large areas of dead pine. Under 1/2 inch in size, tunnel in xylem, phloem, and cambium. Some spp also carry blue stain fungus (rot/damage)
Use pheromones’ to communicate for mass attack/aggregation, mating and anti aggregation. Trees use pitch to push beetles out. Can have different types of beetle on the same tree on different parts.
Southwest US
Limited precipitation, extreme storms (Flash floods), Short times of abundant rain. Vegetation is spaced out with large root systems.
Plant defense against insects, grazing with spines or chemicals.
Plant water conservation with small leather leaves, only have leaves and flowers when it rains, otherwise dormant.
Pinyon-Juniper woodlands
PJ, junipers and pinyon pines. 2 or 3 fascicle, compact, more shruby with pine nuts. Follows Mnt ranges
Great Basin
Mainly Nevada and Utah, also CA, NM, AZ. Shrubland, very dry with sage brush
Southwest riparian Ecosystem
Bosque - Cottonwood forests. Near river /water
Jetty jacks - d-day bank stabilizations. Worked too well
Tamarix/Salt cedar - non native riparian, purple flower, displaces native. Massive root system, sucks up too much water, poor wildlife habitat (too dense) Burns easily.
Fixes nitrogen from atmosphere into soil and improves soil over times