terms Flashcards
Active sleep
A stage of Sleep in neonates and infants equivalent to REM sleep in adults.
Alpha activity
EEG waveform activity inthe 8-13 Hz (per second) range. Considered as the “wake” state.
Alpha intrusion
Alpha waves overriding/superimposing on all other sleep stages
Alpha rhythm
EEG waveform 8-13 Hz range. Considered as the wake state. Seen preedominantly in the occipitalregions
Alpha sleep
stage of sleep considered to be “wake”
alpha delta
sleep alpha waves overriding/superimposing on delta/slow wave sleep
Cessation of nasal or oral airflow lasting at least 10 seconds in duration
Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI)
The total number of apneic and hypopneic episodes per hour of sleep.
apnea index
the total number of apneic episodes (obstructive, mixed,or central apneas) per hour of sleep
A brief interruption in sleep; usually a 10-30% interruption on the epoch which may or may not cause a stage change
Without normal tension or muscle tone
Beta activity
EEG waveform with a frequency of greater than 13 Hz (cycles per second)
Beta rhythm
EEG waveforms which may be drug induced
refers to a sudden loss of muscle tone usually associated with a strong emotional stimulus. Appears to be a sudden on set REM-related muscle atonia but with out loss of consciousness
Cheye-stokes respirations
A breathing pattern characterized with a strong crescendo-decrescendo fluctuations in RR and VT
Circadian rhythm
A daily fluctuation of physiological or behavioral functions, including sleepwake statesgenerally tied tothe 24 hour daily dark light cycle, but sometimes at a measurbly different periodicity when light-dark and other time cues are removed
Cycles per second (cps)
the number of “peaks” (EEg waves) occuring in a one second time frame
Deep Sleep
also known as stages 3 and 4 sleep, slow wave sleep, and restorative sleep or delta sleep
Delayed sleep phase
A condidtion where ones internal clock is moved back or delayed in a given 24 hour sleep-wake cycle
delta activity
EEG wave form with a frequency of 0.5-2Hz with an amplitude of at least 75 uV from peak to peak in at least 20% of the epoch
Delta-sleep stage
Stage of sleep in which a person is in stages 3 or 4. Also known as slow wave sleep
Happening in the daytime
State of subtle wakefulness prior to sleep onset
A primary disorder of initiating or maintaining sleep or wakefulness
electroencephalogram (EEG)
a recording of electrical activity of the brainby means of electrodes placed on the surface of thehead. Used to score the stages of sleep
electromyogram (EMG)
a recording of electrical activity from the muscular system by means of surface electrodes placed in designated areasduring sleep.
Electro-Oculogram (EOG)
A recoring of voltage changes resulting from shifts in position of the ocular globes by means of electrodes placed near the eyes to record the movement of the eyeballs
Corresponds to a page of the polysomngram. Typically an epoch is 30 seconds in duration (considering you are running at 10 mm/sec)
Excessive daytime somnolence (EDS)
A subjective report of maintainig wakefulness ans a rapid initiation into sleep when the individual is sedentary. Most commonly occurs during the daytime, however excessive sleepiness may be present at night in an indivdual who has his majorsleep period during the day time.
First night effect
Reduced quality compared to that which would be expected in the subjects usual sleeping environmentwithout recording equipment. Habitation to the laboratory setting is found by the second night of recording
a unit of frequency; preferred term to the synonym, cycles per second
Excessive sleeiness; deep or prolonged major sleep period. May be associated with difficulty awakening or sleep drunkeneness
Occurrence of an event during the transition from wakefulness to sleep
occurrence of an event during the transition from sleep to wakefulness
An episode of shallow breathing (dimisnished airflow) during sleep lasting 10 seconds or longer; usually associated with a fall in blood oxygen saturation value
Difficulty in initiating and/or maintaining sleep
K complex
A sharp, biphasic EEG wave floowed by a high voltage slow wave. The complex duration is at least 0.5 seconds and may be accompanied by a sleep spindle.
Maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT)
A series of measurements to assess wakefulness in darkened room while in a semi-reclined position. Long latencies to sleep are indicative of ability to remain awake. Most useful for assessing the effects of medications upon the ability to remain awake.
the particular arrangement by which a number of derivations are displayed simultaneously in a polysomnogram
Movement arousal (MA)
a body movement associated with an EEG pattern of arousal or full awaking; a sleep scoring varible
movement time (MT)
EEG and EOG tracings are obscured for more than half the scoring epoch because of movement. The proceeding and succeeding epochs are in sleep.
multiple sleep latency test
a series of measurements whereby subjects are allowed a fixed number of opportunities to fall asleep during their customary awake period,. Excessive sleepiness is characterized by short latencies. Long latencies are helpful in distinguishing physical tiredness or fatigue from true sleepiness.
term used to denote an unpleasant and frightening dream that usually occurs in REM sleep. AKA dream anxiety attacks
nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT)
see sleep related erections (SRE)
paradoxical sleep
synonymous with REM sleep, the preferred term
periodic limb movement (PLM)
rapid, partial flexion of the foot at the ankle, extension of the big toe, and partial flexion of the knee and the hip that occurs during sleep. The movements occur with a periodicity of 20-60 seconds in a pattern lasting 0.5-5.0 seconds in durations
periodic movement of sleep (PMS)
same as periodic limb movement
PLM/Arousal index
the number of sleep related periodic limb movements per hour of sleep that are associated with an EEG arousal
Polysomnogram (PSG)
the continuous and simultaneous recording of physiological variables during sleep (EEG, EOG, EMG-the 3 basic stage scoring parameters), EKG respiratory airflow, respiratory movements, limb movements and other electrophysiological varibles
Quiet sleep
a term used for describing NREM sleep in infants and animals when specific NREM sleep stages 1-4 cannot be determined
REM density
a function that expresses the frequency of eye movements per unit time during sleep stage REM
REM sleep latency
the interval from sleep onset to the first appearance of stage REM sleep in the sleep episode
REM-Sleep Rebound (recovery)
lengthening and increase in frequency and density of REM sleep episodes which result in an increase in REM-sleep deprivation once the depriving influence is removed
Respiratory Disturbance index (RDI)
the number of apneas (obstructive, mixed, central) and hypopneas per hour of total sleep time. AKA AHI
sawtooth waves
a form of theta rhythm that occurs during sleep and is characterized by a notched appearance in the waveform. Occurs in burst lasting up to 10 seconds in duration
sleep efficiency
the proportion of sleep in the episode potentially filled by sleep. The ratio of total sleep time to time in bed
sleep latency
the duration of time measured from “lights out” or bedtime to the onset of sleep
sleep onset
the transition from awake to sleep
sleep onset REM period (SOREMP)
The beginning of sleep by entrance directly into stage REM sleep. The onset of REM sleep occurs within 10 minutes of sleep onset.
sleep paralysis
immobility of the body that occurs in the transition from sleep to wakefulness which is a partial manifestation of REM sleep.
sleep related erections (SREs)
the natural periodic cycle of penile erections that occur during sleep, typically associated with REM sleep. Consists of 4 phases:T-up (ascending tumescence), T-max (plateau maximal tumescence), T-down (detumescence), and T-zero (no tumescence). Preferred term over NPT
Sleep talking (somniloqui)
talking in sleep that usually occurs during stage REM sleep, at which time it represents a motor break through of dream speech. Can occur in the course of transitory arousal’s from NREM sleep.
sleep-wake cycle
the clock hour relationships of the major sleep and wake episodes in the 24 hour cycle
total recording time (TRT)
the duration of the time from sleep onset to final awaking. in addition to total sleep time, it is comprised of the time taken up by wake periods and movement time until wake-up. AKA time in bed
total sleep time (TST)
the amount of actual sleep time in a recording period equal to total recording time less total wake time. Total sleep time equals total REM and NREM sleep in a sleep episode
Trace alternant
EEG pattern of newborns, characterized by burst of slow waves, at times intermixed with sharp waves and intervening periods of relative quiescence with extreme low amplitude activity
PLM index
the number of periodic limb movements per hour of total sleep time