Terms Flashcards
Consciousness (Awareness)
A person’s awareness of everything that is going on around them at any given moment, which is used to organize behavior
-Not all forms of awareness are the same
Altered State of Consciousness “Variations
State in which there is a shift in the quality of pattern of mental activity as compared to waking consciousness
Mindfulness Meditation
Mental training practice that involves focusing your mind on your experiences (like your own emotions, thoughts, and sensations) in the present moment
Altered-State: Sleep
Sleep is one of the human body’s biological rhythms, natural cycles of activity that the body must go through
-Sleep is a unique state of consciousness; it lacks full awareness but the brain is still active
Circadian Rhythm “24 Hours”
The cycle of physiological and biological processes that fluctuate on a roughly 24-hour timetable (16 hours awake and 8 hours asleep)
-Sleep and wakefulness
- Metabolism
-Core Body Temperature
-Cortisol levels
-Melatonin levels
-Other hormones (growth hormone, thyroid hormone, etc.)
The Wake/Sleep Cycle
Sleep has a biological rhythm, cycle every 90-110 minutes, dive distinct stages
- The pattern occurs three to five times per night
non-REM Stage 1 “Light Sleep”
Transition period between wakefulness and sleep, drifting in and out of sleep
-Theta wave activity increases and alpha wave activity fades away (5-10 Minutes)
-Hypnagogic hallucinations: sensory experiences that occur without a sensory stimulus
Sensation of falling, hypnic jerk
non-REM Stage 2 “Sleep Spindles
Body temperature will drop, heart rate slows, breathing more shallow and irregular (20 Minutes)
-EEG will show first signs of sleep spindles (brief bursts of activity lasting a second or two)
-Sleep talking usually occurs during this stage
non-REM Stage 3 & 4 “Deep Sleep”
Slow-wave sleep, delta waves, begin to appear more often (35-45 Minutes)
-The most restorative stage of sleep, Difficult to be awaken
-Hard to arouse, breathing slowed down, pulse slowed down
REM Sleep “Paradoxical Sleep”
Rapid eye movements and your muscles become almost paralyzed, brain waves as if we are awake (10 Minutes(
- Known as “dream sleep”
- Rem sleep gets longer throughout the night
- Paralyzed
REM or Sleep Paralysis “Waking Nightmare”
The presence or persistence of features of rapid eye movement (REM) asleep during the transition into or out of sleep
- Your body is paralyzed so tat you do not act out your dreams. When these features occur during wakefulness, you will have an experience of sleep paralysis
Sleep Deprivation
Occurs any time that you get less sleep than your body needs The degree of sleep deprivation can range from total acute sleep loss to chronic deprivation
-The less sleep you got, the more your asleep deprivation will affect you
REM Rebound
Lengthening and increasing frequency and depth of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep which occurs after periods of sleep deprivation
-When people are unable to obtain an adequate amount of REM sleep, the pressure to obtain REM sleep builds up
Microsleep is a fleeting, uncontrollable, brief episode of sleep which can last anywhere from a single fraction of a second up to 10 dull seconds
-We are often unaware that microsleep has occurred, we assume we zoned out for a moment
Circadian Rhythm Disruption
An out-of-sync sleep/wake cycle
-Jetlag: Temporary condition caused by rapid travel across time ones and may leave an individual experiencing fatigue, insomnia, nausea, or other symptoms as a result of the circadian rhythm disruption
The ability to get to sleep, stay asleep, or get a good quality of sleep (psychological and physiological)
-Most people with insomnia spend more than 20 to 30 minutes falling asleep or getting back to sleep at night
Sleep Apnea “Stop Breathing”
Chronic medical condition where the affected person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep
-These episodes last 10 seconds or more and cause oxygen levels in the blood to drop or awakenings from sleep
Narcolepsy “Sleep Attack”
Sleep disorder in which a person falls immediately into REM sleep during the day without warning
- Narcolepsy is a genetic disorder, usually a trigger is an intense emotion
Sleepwalking (Somnambulism)
The purposeful movement of walking that occurs in a sleep-like state
-Sleepwalkers tend to remain in deep sleep during sleepwalking episodes
-Sleepwalking is a condition more common in children, but adults experience sleepwalking if they are sleep deprived
Bad dreams occurring during REM sleep
Night Terrors “Nightmare on Steroids”
Relatively rare disorder in which the person experiences extreme fear and screams or runs around during deep sleep without waking fully (combined with sleepwalking)
-Typically affects children
A dream can include any of the images, thoughts, and emotions that are experienced during sleep
-We all dream, even if we cannot recall our dreams
-The dreams of REM sleep are so vivid we may confuse them with reality