Terms Flashcards
The “spirit of the time” that can determine whether social programs are supported or not supported
Consciousness groups
The phenomenon in which members within a social identity group become aware of how their group identification impacts their position in society, and therefore come together to pursue collective action to advocate for their shared interests
Any action taken in effort to bring about second-order change to address an injustice in society
population pyramid
Provides a picture of a population age-sex composition
Probability sampling
Random saming, randomization
non-probability sampling
conveinent, non-random, using a survey or snowballing sample
convenience sampling
using a survey, the most convenient
snowball sampling
people are recruited by other participants
primary deviance
violations of social norms, but no contact with social control systems
secondary deviance
violations of social norms and contact with social control systems
Swampscott conference
the 1965 inaugural conference in Swampscott, Massachusetts that led to the creation of the field of Community Psychology
needs assessment
helps you determine what needs to be accomplished to reach your project goals. Informs a projects overall plan and approaches by helping identify target strategies and resources
freedom movements
Is any organized effort within a society to promote, attain, liberation or independence based on social, political, economic, religious, or other ideological grounds
A state in which a country’s population has declined to much to support its current economic state
a species population becomes larger than the carrying capacity of its environment
self-fulfilling prophecy
process that occurs when our expectations about others lead us to behave towards those others in a way that make our expectations become true
victim blaming
seeing people who suffer from a problem as deficient and responsible for that problem even though it results from social conditions
Second order victim blaming
the means are avaliable to you, you choose not to use them, so it is your fault you are in the situation. Use of success stories
trauma tourism
is a body of work that deals with historically significant sites and their transformation into tourist attractions
mutual support group
a process where people who share common experiences, situations or problems can offer each other a unique perspective that is not available from those who have not shared these experiences
fundamental attribution error
when we tend to overestimate the role of person factors and overlook the impact of sitations
internal validity
the extent to which observable measurements can be replicated
external validity
generalizability of the results to other samples or other settings
covert racism
people will deny racism exists, but still have a negative view. Subtle mistreatment, highlights there is a power difference without fully declaring it
sampling frame
is a list of things that draw a sample from, only list, material, or device that delimits, identifies and allows an access to the elements of the survey population
overt racism
obvious and intentional, says racial slur or actively discriminates
institutional racism
racism that is embedded into both social and political structures
a person, group, or concept that is treated as insignificant or peripheral
unearned advantages that individuals have based on membership in a dominant group
four elements of sense of community
group membership, group influence, group integration and fulfillment of needs, shared emotional connection with group members
setting scripts
predictable behaviours within a setting
behaviour settings
social systems in which prescribed behaviours unfold overtime
social climate
the ‘personality’ of a social setting
diffusion of treatment
the ‘spilling over’ of treatment effects to other groups
ecological system
individuals live and develop within a nested social system
a person, or a group that has an interest in a program, topic or organization