Terms Flashcards
Is a cornerstone concept that refers to the transfer of feelings originally experienced in an early relationship to other important people in a persons present environment.
Is a term used in philosophy psychology, sociology, and anthropology to conceptualize psychological relation between people
Transitional object
Security blanket is an item used to provide psychological comfort especially in unusual or unique situations
The investment of emotional significance in an activity, object, or idea
Is the psychological attempt made by an individual to repel one’s own desires and impulses towards pleasurable instincts by excluding the desire from one’s consciousness and holding or subduing it in the unconscious.
It is the state in which an individual becomes abscessed with an attachment to another person, being, or object; A strong attachment to a person or thing, especially such an attachment formed in childhood or infancy and manifested in immature or neurotic behavior or persists throughout life
Mechanism of Defense
Are automatic forms of response to situations that arouse unconscious fears. Example: avoidance, denial
Psychosexual stages of development
In Freudian psychology psychosexual development is a central element of the psychoanalytic sexual drive theory, that human beings,from birth, possess an instinctual libido that develops in five stages
Oral stage
In Freudian psychoanalysis, the term oral stage to notes the first psychosexual development stage where in the mouth of the infant is his or her primary erogenous zone
Anal stage
The second social and sexual stage of an infant development, in which the infant learns to control bowel movements. Freudian psychology maintains that children gain pleasure from both passing and withholding their feces. Psychoanalysts believe that development of an anal personality is associated with frustration over toilet training.
Phallic stage
The third stage of psychosexual development, spanning the ages of 3 to 5 years, within the infants Libido centers upon his or her genitalia as the erogenous zone
Latency stage
Originates during the phallic stage when the child’s Oedipus complex begins to dissolve. The child realizes that his or her wishes and longings for the parent of the opposite sex cannot be for filled and will turn away from their desires.
Genital stage
Used by Sigmund Freud to describe the final stage of human psychosexual development. The individual develops a strong sexual interest in the people outside of the family.
Object relations
Is the process of developing a psyche in relation to others in the environment during childhood. The way people relate to others and situations in their adult lives is shaped by family experiences during infancy.
Describes the act of expressing, or more accurately, experiencing the deep emotions often associated with events in the individuals past which has originally been repressed or ignored, and had never been adequately addressed or experienced.
Is a concept to denote the fact that pent up emotions associated with a trauma can be discharged by talking about it.
Anxiety is converted into physical symptoms
Is a force of “not wanting to know” in the patient
Is a defense mechanism characterized as a mental process involving the creation of a gap between an unpleasant or threatening cognition, and other thoughts and feelings. By minimizing associative connections with other thoughts, the threatening cognition is remembered less often and is less likely to affect self-esteem or the self-concept.
Is defined as redirection of a psychotherapists feelings toward a client or more generally as a therapists emotional entanglement with the client.
Reaction formation
Reduces anxiety by taking out the opposite feeling, impulse or behavior. An example of reaction formation would be treating someone you strongly dislike in an excessively friendly manner in order to hide your true feelings.
Repetition compulsion
A person repeats a traumatic event or it’s circumstances over and over again. This includes reenacting the event or putting oneself in situations where the event is likely to happen again.
Is the Greek word for death. The duck Drive is interested in negativity, risk, distraction, and that it takes the born to die approach.