Terms Flashcards
Position of power created after king decline, carried out religious and judicial duties, 9 archons elected for 1 year terms
Derives from the word demos (people) and cracy (rule, means rule by the people
Direct democracy
Not used in 21st century, invented for direct participation in political decisions, any class in Athens could have a say, voting was restricted to 40 000-300 000
Solon reforms
Archons from 2 upper classes were chosen by the assembly, became part of court of appeal and council of elders
Principle of Athenian democracy
Only males over 30 could vote (suffferage), guaranteed rule of law, all citizen were equal before the law (justice),
The citizens (men) met 40 times a year, passed law and foreign policy, elected generals
Council of 500
500 members chosen to serve one year, proposed and administered law, conducted routine business when not sitting
Machine in which volunteer jury members placed their selection
Ostracism (ostracon)
Occurred once per year where citizens voted to exile one citizen for 10 years, citizens with a 6000 majority vote were exiled (on ostracon/pottery)
Athenian democracy legacy
Power was in the hands of 40 000 out of 300 000, system worked for 200 years and continued in modern states, Athenian is had power of speech and equality, laid foundation for western democracy, Sparta and Athens had narrow standards for citizenship
Upper privilege class of 25 000 who had full citizenship rights
Means overseer, 5 men elected by assembly who acted as judges that decided laws and customs of the state, council and assembly would have to support policies
Council of elders (28 elected men) over 60 years old that served for life
means dwellers roundabout, third class below spartiates and ephors, could carry out trade and affairs but had no political rights
Serf/slave, 250 000 people(majority of population), no rights at all