Terminology-Week 2 Flashcards
What are declare rules?
Declare rules are special rules that, once defined, never need to be invoked in order to run. Instead, they are managed by Pega’s declarative network.
What is a Declarative Network?
A Declarative network is the interconnected set of Declare rules in a Pega application, updated by listening for and responding to events such as a property’s value changing
What is a Calculated field?
a calculated field is a field in a view that is generated by evaluating some expression on load. It is not declarative.
What is a Declare Expression?
A declare expression is a property that updates itself by listening for changes to source properties and then evaluating its expression
What is a Validate Rule?
A validate rule is a rule which defines the criteria that a set of properties must meet in order to be considered valid
What is Edit Validate Rule?
Edit validate rule is a Java-based rule which checks a string using the inputted code and considers the String valid if the code returns true
What is a Constraint rule?
Constraint rule is a declarative way to do validation. It listens for certain events, then runs validation checks against given properties. Adds error messages to whatever assignment is currently being run.
What is forward chaining?
forward chaining is when a listener listens for changes in property values or other events, and responds immediately. Can chain many listeners together.
What is Backward chaining?
Backward chaining is when a listener only responds to changes in other property values or events when the final result is needed.
What is a Section rule?
A section rule is a standalone UI module in Pega. It organizes a variety of elements and behaviors for those elements, including other Sections, layouts, controls, and so on.
What is a layout?
A layout is a way to organize the display and arrangement of elements in a Section. A layout’s working areas is divided into cells.
What is Control?
Control is an interactive feature of a Section, like a button or a text entry field.
What is a Cell?
A cell is a single unit of working space inside a layout. It can contain a Section, a Layout, controls, or data displays.
What is an Action set?
An action set is the behavior of a button or interactive item, broken up into events (what the user does) and actions (what the system does)
What is a Portal rule?
A portal rule links access roles to a Harness. Called a channel in app studio.
What is a Harness?
A harness is akin to a top-level Section. It contains all Sections, Layouts, etc for a portal.
What is a Skin rule?
A skin rule unifies all style-related rules for an application.
What are Mixins?
Mixins are Standard, reusable style rules for specific elements of an application. They can inherit from other mixins.
What are formats?
Formats are based on mixins, and applied to things users actually see, like data displays, controls, Sections, etc.
What is a Mobile channel?
A mobile channel is a channel dedicated to the creation of a mobile app.
What is Pega Mobile App preview?
Pega Mobile App Preview is the official Pega app for seeing how mobile channels will look when deployed.
What is a duplicate case?
A duplicate case is a case whose data matches data in another case - thereby meeting defined base conditions - and that meets enough weighted conditions to breach the defined threshold of a Search Duplicate Cases step.
What are Basic Conditions?
Basic Conditions are expressions in a Search Duplicate Cases step that must be met to be a candidate duplicate case before it can be flagged
What are Weighted Conditions?
Weighted conditions are optional conditions in a Search Duplicate Cases step that each have a numerical weight that is added to a running total when a particular condition is met
What is a Threshold?
A threshold is the sum that met weighted conditions must add up greater than or equal to in order to be considered a duplicate case
What is a Correspondence Rule?
A correspondence rule allows writing of templated text that properties can be inserted into, which can then be used in other places, such as a Send Email step.
What is a Report?
A report is data from the Pega database or application that is formatted into a chart or table
What is a Process Report?
A process report is a report that focuses on Pega metrics, like cases per month or time per case.
What is a Business Report?
A business report is a report that focuses on user-defined metrics within an application, like unit sold or gross income.
What are Decision Trees?
A decision tree is a series of If-Then logic that calculates a value from a set of test conditions organized as a tree structure
What are Decision Tables?
A Decision Table is used to derive values that have one of a few possible outcomes, where each outcome can result from a test of a condition that includes multiple variables
What is a Cascading Approval?
Cascading approval is when you configure a series of approvals