Terminology to go with chart of glands and hormones Flashcards
Type of communication pathways: Chemicals secreted into the blood stream.
Type of communication pathways: Chemicals secreted outside of the body or tubes that lead outside of the body.
Type of communication pathways: Chemicals only effect nearby cells.
Type of communication pathways: When cells release chemicals that only effect the cell that created the chemical.
Types of communication chemicals: Chemical messengers in the cerebral spinal fluid/nervous system.
Types of communication chemicals: Chemical messengers in blood/many are neurotransmitters.
Types of communication chemicals: Lipid based compounds/lipid suable - nonpolar goes through cell membrane.
Types of communication chemicals: Short protein/water suable - polar can’t go through cell membrane.
Types of communication chemicals: Ammino acids - some are lipid suable or fat suable.
Other compounds that act as hormones
Nitrous Oxide (NO), ATP, other kinds of chemicals
Brain (hypothalamus) sends signals to the pituitary gland (master gland), which then sends signals to other endocrine glands, which then targets organs/cells. (chain reaction caused by hormones)
Neuroendocrine pathway
Binds receptor proteins on cell membrane/one some proteins can bine with certain hormones.
Water soluble hormones action
Goes through the cell membrane directly to the nucleus/can go to any cell/hormone binds to proteins in the cell and interacts with genetic material.
Lipid soluble hormone action
Hormone effects: Start or increase metabolic activity.
Hormone effects: Stops or reduces metabolic activity.