Terminology/Definitions Flashcards
Abdominal Quadrants
Four divisions of the abdomen used to pinpoint the location of pain or injury
The front of the body or body part
Anatomical Position
The standard reference position of the body in the study of anatomy; in this position, the body is standing erect, facing the observer, with arms down at the side and the palms of the hands forward
A small tube located near the junction of the small and large intestines in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, the function of which is not well understood
The microscopic sac of the lungs where gas exchange with the capillaries take place
The Study of the body structure
The largest artery in the body; it transports blood from the left ventricle to begin systemic circulation
The ability of the heart to generate and conduct electrical impulses on its own.
Any blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart
The two upper chambers of the heart’ the right chamber receives deoxygenated blood returning from the body, and the left chamber receives oxygenated blood returning from the lungs
The smallest kind of artery
Cardiovascular System
The system made up of the heart and the blood vessels
Coronary Arteries
blood vessels that supply the muscle of the heart
The C- Shaped structure that extends from the lower end of the larynx into the chest cavity behind the heart.
Node embedded in the wall of the right atrium and considered the pacemaker of the heart
The top, back, and sides of the sjull
Central Nervous System
system consisting of the brain and spinal cord
The Bones in the wrist
Cardiac Muscle
Specialized involuntary muscle found only in the heart
The Collarbone
Middle and thickest layer of the heart
Cardiac conduction system
A system of specialized muscle tissue that conducts electrical impulses that, in turn, stimulates the heart to beat.
Carotid arteries
The large neck arteries, one on each side of the neck, that carry blood from the heart to the head
A thin-walled. microscopic blood vessel where the oxygen/carbon dioxide and nutrients/waste exchange with the body cells take place
Brachial Artery
Artery of the upper arm; the site of the pulse checked during infant CPR
Autonomic nervous system
The division of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary motor functions
The heel bone
The two large sets of branches off the trachea and entering the lungs in the lower respiratory tract
On both sides
Blood Pressure
The pressure caused by exerting force against the walls of the blood vessels
The round saclike organ of the renal system used as a reservoir for urine
The Bone of the upper arm, between the shoulder amd the elbow
Inadequate perfusion of the cells and tissues of the body caused by insufficient flow of blood through the capillaries
A Sac on the underside of the liver that stores bile produced by the liver
The inner layer of the skin. rich in blood vessels and nerves. found beneath the epidermis
A hormone produced by the body: as a medication, it dilates respiratory passages and is used to relieve sever allergic reactions
The dome shaped muscular structure that divides chest cavity and the abdominal cavity
Digestive System
System by which food travels through the body and is broken down into absorbable food
Dorsalis pedis artery
Artery supplying the foot, lateral to the large tendon of the big toe on top of the foot
The outer layer of the skin
Diastolic blood pressure
The pressure in the arteries when the left ventricle is refilling
The large bone of the thigh
A leaf shaped structure that prevents food and foreign matter from entering the trachea
A passive process in which the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm relax, creating positive pressure, causing the chest cavity to decrease in size and air to flow out of the lungs
Femoral Artery
The Major artery supplying the leg
The lower, posterior portions of the pelvis
Also known as the voicebox
The two fused bones forming the upper jaw
The Superior and widest portion of the pelvis
Organs of the renal system used to filter blood and regulate fluid volume in the body
The largest glandular organ of the body; produces bile to assist in breakdown of fats and assists in the metabolism of various substances in the body
An active process in which the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm contract, creating negative pressure, expanding the side of the chest cavity and causing air to flow into the lungs
The Superior portion of the sternum
A hormone produced by the pancreas or taken as a medication by many diabetics
Protrusion on the side of the ankle
Involuntary Muscle
Muscle that responds automatically to brain signals but cannot be consciously controlled
The point where two bones come together
Large Intestine
The muscular tube that removes water from waste products received from the small intestine and removes anything absorbed by the body toward excretion from the body
The organs where exchange of atmospheric oxygen and waste carbon dioxide take place
Tissue that connects bone to bone
Lower jaw bone, the only movable joint in the skull