Terminology and Chronology Flashcards
What are the tooth numbers for the maxillary central incisors?
#8 #9
What are the tooth numbers for the mandibular central incisors?
#24 #25
What are the tooth numbers for the lateral maxillary incisors?
#7 #10
What are the tooth numbers for the lateral mandibular incisors?
#23 #26
What are the tooth numbers for the maxillary canines?
#6 #11
What are the tooth numbers for the mandibular canines?
#22 #27
What are the anterior teeth?
central incisors
lateral incisors
What are the posterior teeth?
What are the tooth numbers for the maxillary premolars?
#4 #5 #12 #13
What are the tooth numbers for the mandibular premolars?
#20 #21 #28 #29
What are the tooth numbers for the maxillary molars?
#1 #2 #3 #14 #15 #16
What are the tooth numbers for the mandibular molars?
#17 #18 #19 #30 #31 #32
What is the tooth numbering system for primary teeth?
maxillary: a-j
(mandibular: k-t)
dark red portion of lips
vermilion zone
sharp junction of the red zone and skin
vermilion border
demarcates lip and cheek
nasolabial groove
middle of upper lip
slit-like space between teeth and lips/cheeks
oral vestibule
attachments of the lips and cheeks to the alveolus (bony area surrounding the teeth)
labial/buccal frena
what are the parts of the hard palate?
incisive papilla
rugae (tissue folds)
midline palatine raphe
What part of the palate is the uvula
soft palate
What are the 2 parts of the oropharynx
- tonsils
- anterior (palatoglossal arch) and posterior (palatopharyngeal arch) Pillars of the fauces
What are the 2 parts of the floor of the mouth?
- sublingual folds
- lingual frenum
raised folds where submandibular salivary ducts open
sublingual folds
Part of the mouth that attracts the tongue to the floor of the mouth
lingual frenum
2 parts of the cheek and retromolar region
- buccal mucosa
- retromolar pad
chronology of tooth development (5)
- time of ERUPTION of each tooth
- time crown begins to CALCIFY
- time crown is COMPLETELY calcified
- time of completion of ROOT DEVELOPMENT
- time of EXFOLIATION of DECIDUOUS teeth
Why is chronology important?
- assess patient’s DENTAL AGE
- dental procedures
- medications
- forensics
When is the first sign of tooth development?
6-7 weeks in utero
When do deciduous teeth begin to calcify?
13-20 weeks in utero
When have all deciduous teeth begun to calcify?
by 18-20 weeks in utero
When do deciduous teeth erupt?
6-30 months
emergence into the oral cavity
loss of deciduous tooth
How many deciduous teeth are there?
How many central incisors are in each arch of deciduous teeth?
How many lateral incisors are in each arch of deciduous teeth?
How many canines are in each arch of deciduous teeth?
How many first molars are in each arch of deciduous teeth?
How many second molars are in each arch of deciduous teeth?
Which teeth are not included in the deciduous dentition?
When do the deciduous mandibular central incisors erupt?
6-8 months
When do the deciduous maxillary central incisors erupt?
10 months
When do the deciduous maxillary lateral incisors erupt?
11 months
When do the deciduous mandibular lateral incisors erupt?
13 months
When does the deciduous maxillary first molar erupt?
16 months (before mand.)
When does the deciduous mandibular first molar erupt?
16 months (after max.)
When does the deciduous maxillary canine erupt?
19 months
When does the deciduous mandibular canine erupt?
20 months
When does the deciduous mandibular second molar erupt?
27 months
When does the deciduous maxillary second molar erupt?
29 months
What is the deciduous eruption pattern?
incisors –> first molars –> canines –> second molars
When do primary teeth start to erupt?
~6 months
When have all primary teeth erupted?
~ 30 months
How long does deciduous dentition last?
until eruption of the first permanent tooth (~ 6 years)
Approx when does the first permanent tooth erupt?
6 years
only deciduous teeth present (up to 6 years)
deciduous dentition
mix of deciduous and permanent teeth present
mixed dentition
only permanent teeth present
permanent dentition
How many central incisors per arch in permanent dentition?
How many lateral incisors per arch in permanent dentition?
How many canines per arch in permanent dentition?
How many first premolars per arch in permanent dentition?
How many second premolars per arch in permanent dentition?
How many first molars per arch in permanent dentition?
How many second molars per arch in permanent dentition?
How many third molars per arch in permanent dentition?
permanent teeth that replace deciduous teeth are called:
succedaneous teeth
permanent teeth that do NOT replace deciduous teeth are called:
non-succedaneous teeth
When do the permanent mandibular first molars erupt?
6 years (first)
When do the permanent maxillary first molars erupt?
6 years (later)
What are the non-succedaneous teeth?
permanent molars
When do the permanent mandibular central incisors erupt?
6-7 years
When do the permanent mandibular lateral incisors erupt?
7-8 years
When do the permanent maxillary central incisors erupt?
7-8 years
When do the permanent maxillary lateral incisors erupt?
8-9 years
When do the permanent mandibular canines erupt?
9-10 years
When do the permanent maxillary and mandibular first premolars erupt?
10-11 years
When do the permanent maxillary second premolars erupt?
10-11 years
When do the permanent mandibular second premolars erupt?
10-12 years
When do the permanent maxillary canines erupt?
11-12 years
When do the permanent mandibular second molars erupt?
11-13 years
When do the permanent maxillary second molars erupt?
12-13 years
When do the permanent mandibular and maxillary third molars erupt?
17+ years
When is root development completed in permanent teeth?
2-3 years after eruption of teeth
When is calcification of crown of teeth completed in permanent teeth?
1/2 time of eruption and add 1 year
What is the first part of the tooth to calcify?
When do the maxillary and mandibular central incisors begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
3-4 months
When do the maxillary lateral incisors begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
10-12 months
When do the mandibular lateral incisors begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
3-4 months
When do the maxillary and mandibular canines begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
4-5 months
When do the mandibular first premolars begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
1 1/4 - 2 yr
When do the maxillary first premolars begin to calcify?(perm. dent.)
1 1/2 - 1 3/4 yr
When do the maxillary second premolars begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
2 - 2 1/4 yr
When do the mandibular second premolars begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
2 1/4 - 2 1/2 yr
When do the maxillary and mandibular first molars begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
at birth
When do the maxillary and mandibular second molars begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
2 1/2 - 3 yr
When do the maxillary third molars begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
7-9 yr
When do the mandibular third molars begin to calcify? (perm. dent.)
8-10 yr
Can eruption times vary?
When do the maxillary and mandibular central incisors begin to calcify? (prim. dent.)
14 (13-16) weeks in utero
When do the maxillary and mandibular lateral incisors begin to calcify? (prim. dent.)
16 (14 2/3 - 16 1/2) weeks in utero
When do the maxillary and mandibular first molars begin to calcify? (prim. dent.)
15 1/2 (14 1/2 - 17) weeks in utero
When do the maxillary canines begin to calcify? (prim. dent.)
17 (15-18) weeks in utero
When do the mandibular canines begin to calcify? (prim. dent.)
17 (16-) weeks in utero
When do the maxillary second molars begin to calcify? (prim. dent.)
19 weeks in utero
When do the mandibular second molars begin to calcify? (prim. dent.)
18 weeks in utero