Terminology Flashcards
A hypothesis that make a specific prediction about the direction of the relationship between two variables
Theory needing investigation, a statement that is assumed to be true for the sake of arguement
A research hypothesis that does not stipulate the expected direction of the relationship between variables
The variable hypothesized to depend on or be caused by another variable; the outcome variable of interest
Dependent variable
The variable that is believed to cause or influence the dependent variable; in experimental research, the manipulated treatment variable
Independent Hypothesis
A hypothesis stating no relationship between the variables under study
Null hypothesis
What is the primary use of the null hypothesis?
Statistical testing, as the hypothesis is to be rejected
Purpose of an experiment
Reason for doing an experiment
First hand reports of facts or findings; the original report by the researcher who conducted the study
Primary Source
Second-hand accounts of events or facts; description of the research prepared by someone other than the original researcher
Secondary source
Research further removed and repeated through multiple people
Tertiary research
The investigation of phenomena, typically in an in-depth and holistic fashion, through the collection of rich narrative materials using a flexible research design
Qualitative study
The investigation of phenomenon that lend themselves to precise measurement and quantification, often involving a rigorous and controlled design
Quantitative study
The degree of consistency with which an instrument measures an attribute
A quality criterion referring to the degree to which inferences made in a study are accurate and well-founded; in measurement, the degree to which an instrument measures what it is intended to measure
A study design that begins by measuring a presumed cause and then goes forward in time to measure presumed effects
What is another name of prospective design?
Cohort design
A study design that begins with the manifestation on the dependent variable in the present, followed by a search for a presumed cause occurring in the past
The process of preventing those in a study from having information that could lead to a bias
Blind and double blind studies
Knowledge of which treatment group or participant is in
A study designed to collect data at more than one point in time
Data is collected at one point in time; sometimes used to infer change over time when data is collected from different age or development groups
Cross Sectional
A form of longitudinal research in which different samples from a population are studied over time with respect to some phenonmenon
The process of holding constant confounding influences on the dependent variable
A manner determined by chance alone
A group of people affiliated with an institution who convene to review proposed and ongoing studies with respect to ethical consideration
Institutional Review Board
What is fair and right
A fundamental ethical principle that seeks to maximize benefits for study participants and prevent harm
Representing the rights of others
Respecting the privacy of participants and subsequent results
Measurements to validate the effectiveness of an intervention
Pre and Post tests
A sham or pseudo intervention, often used as a control group condition
A design for testing an intervention an intervention in which participants are not randomly assigned to treatment condtions
What are the other names for Quasi-Experiments?
Nonrandomized Trail or Controlled Trial without Randomization
A measure of central tendency, computed by summing all scores and diving by the number of scores; an average
A descriptive statistic that is a measure of central tendency, representing the exact middle value in a score distribution, the value which above a below 50% of the scores lie
A measure of central tendency; the score value that occurs most frequently in a distribution of scores
The lowest level of measurement involving the assignment of characteristics into categories
A measurement level that rank orders phenomena along some some dimension
The most frequently used statistic for measuring the degree of variability in a set of scores
Standard Deviation
A measure of variability of dispersion equal to the standard deviation squared
A bond or association between variables, with variation in one variable systematically related to variation in another
Review by a researcher who critiques a research report or proposal and makes recommendations about publishing or funding the project
Peer Review
An interpretation of data
Is the study relevant to other populations or just the one studied?