Terminologies in Introduction to Pharmacology Flashcards
The study of drugs and their interaction with living things which encompasses the physical, and chemical properties, biochemical and physiologic effects
Clinical Pharmacology
The study of drugs in human for patients and healthy volunteers
The use of drugs in human for patients and healthy volunteers
Any chemical that can affect living processes
Chemical Name
Drug’s chemical structure. Example: acetylsalicylic acid
Generic Name
Official, nonproprietary name, not owned by a company, and a universally accepted name. Example: aspirin
Trade/Brand Name
Proprietary name, chosen by a drug company and registered as a trademark. Example: St. Joseph aspirin
PRN=pro re nata latin meaning “as needed”. Nurse has discretion when to give a drug and sometimes the dose as well.
OTC Drugs
Over the Counter Drugs- Drugs found to be safe and appropriate for use without direct supervision of a Health Care Personnel
Study of the movement of the drug throughout the bod
Transmission of medications from the location of administration to the bloodstream
The transportation of medications to sites of action by bodily fluids
Changes medications into less active/ inactive form by the action of enzymes
Elimination of drugs from the body
The study of the effects of the drugs on the body