Termini da ricordare Flashcards
sono schizzati
- have skyrocketed
- have soared
- have leapt
- have spiked
- have surged
rispetto all’anno scorso
- compared to last / the previous year
- on last year’s (€200)
- collapsed
- plunged
- dropped by 4%
(steeply, sharply)
per un valore di
- with an estimated market value of €4 million
- worth (around) €4 million
- valued at €4 million
i dati stimati
- estimates
- recorded data
diverse scuole
- a number of
- a range of
- many
- a dozens of
- scores of schools
i dati previsti
- forecast
- estimated
- expected
- predicted
il prezzo del gas si aggira intorno ai 300 per megawattora
the price of gas is hovering around 300 per megawatt hora
la crisi energetica si aggravava sempre di più
the energy crisis is:
- worsening
- deepening
- intensifying
- getting progressively worse
inflazione ha raggiunto il 4%
the inflation rate:
- has reached
- has approached
- has hit
- has jumped to
- has risen to
- has climbed to
raggiungere un record
- hit a new record
- set a new record (high or low)
- cooling
- easing
- dropping
- tumbling
- plunging
secondo le stime, si passerà da 461 a 588, con una crescita di 127 euro
estimates show that it will jump from €461 to €588, up €127 / a €127 increase
- strike
- walkout
- boycott
indire uno sciopero
- call
- call for
- stage
- hold
- announce