Terminal Care Flashcards
What are the prinicples of palliative & end of life care?
- Involving patient and those close to them
- giving access and early referral to specialist palliative care services for patient and family support if needed
- HCP collaboration
- appropriate, regular & tailored medications for individual patients for symptom relief and prevention
- regular assessment and support
- emergency back-up available 24 hours a day
What is the definition of end of life care?
- –> the care experienced by people who have an incurable illness and are approaching death
- covers the care received by people who are likely to die:
- in the next 12 months,
- as well as care in the last days and hours of life,
- and care after death, including
- bereavement support for families and loved ones.
What kind of conditons are included in end of life care?
- advanced, progressive, incurable conditions
- general frailty and coexisting conditions that mean they are expected to die within 12 months
- existing conditions if they are at risk of dying from a sudden acute crisis in their condition
- life-threatening acute conditions caused by sudden catastrophic events.
What does end of life care aim to achieve?
- Aims to help people live as well as possible and to die with dignity
- Earlier identification of people leads to earlier planning and better co-ordinated care
There are challenges to prognostication in end of life care - there are 3x ways of dying:
- Rapid
- Erratic
- Slow
Give examples of conditions for each.
- Rapid –> Cancer - fine until you can no longer cope/compensate then rapid drop
- Erratic –> Organ failure, (graph dips) - progressive decline with intermittent exacerbations
- Slow e.g. dementia & frailty

Below are v. importnant points, what do they represent?
- Maintaining dignity and privacy
- To retain a degree of choice and control
- To have an understanding of what to expect
- Adequate relief from pain and other symptoms
- The opportunity to ensure wishes are respected
- Advance care planning
- In some cases an Advanced decision to refuse treatment (ADRT)
- To die naturally and not have life prolonged pointlessly
the concept of a “good” death
What isssues are important when someone is dying?
- Treatment decisions
- Concerns
- Who to involve
- Where to be
What things does a palliative care clinician need to consider for a “good” death?
- Likely disease path and symptoms
- Patient’s priorities
- Information needs
- Realistic options
- Timing of decision making and planning
What tools are available to use for palliative care indicators?
- GSF prognostic indicator guidance
- SPICT - supportive and palliative care indicators tool
One prognostic indicator tool involves:
- looking for 2+ general indicators of deteriorating health
another prognostic indicator involves:
- asking the surprise question,
- general indicators of decline
- and specific clinical indicators related to certain condtions.
Which tool is which?
- asking the surprise question, general indicators of decline and specific clinical indicators related to certain condtions. = GSF prognostic indicator guidance
- looking for 2+ general indicators of deteriorating health = SPICT (supportive and palliative care indicators tool)
What is the surpise question in palliative care (GSF prognostic indicator guidance)?
Would you be surprised if this patient were to die in the next few months? weeks? days?
What are the general indicators of decline (GSF prognostic indicator guidance)?
Which one is biggest predictor?
- Decreasing activity
- co-morbidity! <- regarded as the biggest predictive indicator of M&M
- general physical decline & inc need for support
- Advanced disease (unstable and deteriorating syx)
- decreasing response to Rx, dc reversability
- choice of no further active treatments
- >10% weight loss in past 6 months
- repeated unplanned admissions
- sentinel event e.g. serious fall, berevement, transfer to nursing home
- <2.5g/l serum albumin
How can you tell someone is “decreasing their acitvity” in general incdicators of decline (GSF prognostic indicator, palliative care)
Barthel score (is of ADLs basically, 100/100 is independence - like a percent of what acitivities they can do)
increased dependence in most ADLs
Dementia and frailty both have specific clinical indicators of decline.
What are these for dementia?
- unable to walk without assistance,
- incontinence,
- no consistently meaningful conversation,
- unable to do ADLs - Barthel score <3, UTIs,
- stage 3-4 pressure sores,
- recurrent fever,
- reduced oral intake,
- aspiration pneumonia

Dementia and frailty both have specific clinical indicators of decline.
What are these for frailty?
- multople co-morbidities with significant impairment in day to day living
What do these criteria represent?
- Performance status is poor or deteriorating
- (the person is in bed or a chair for 50% or more of the day);
- reversibility is limited.
- Dependent on others for most care needs due to physical and/or mental health problems.
- 2+ unplanned hospital admissions in the past 6 months.
- Significant weight loss (5-10%) over the past 3-6 months, and/ or a low body mass index.
- Persistent, troublesome symptoms despite optimal treatment of underlying condition(s).
- Patient asks for supportive and palliative care, or treatment withdrawal.
SPICT or supportive and palliative care indicators tool
- where you look for 2+ or more general indicators of deteriorating health
What clinical indicators of one or more advanced conditions maybe seen with neurological disease?
- Progressive deterioration in physical and/or cognitive function despite optimal therapy.
- Speech problems with increasing difficulty communicating and/or progressive swallowing difficulties.
- Recurrent aspiration pneumonia; breathless or respiratory failure.
What clinical idicators of one or more advanced conditions would be seen in heart/vascular disease?
- NYHA (new york heart association) Class III/IV heart failure, or extensive, untreatable coronary artery disease with:
- Breathlessness or chest pain at rest or on minimal exertion.
- Severe, inoperable peripheral vascular disease.
NB: NYH classification:
- Class III - Marked limitation in activity due to symptoms, even during less-than-ordinary activity, e.g. walking short distances (20—100 m). Comfortable only at rest.
- Class IV - Severe limitations. Experiences symptoms even while at rest.
What clinical indicators of one of more advanced conditions would be seen with respiratory disease?
Severe chronic lung disease with:
- Breathlessness at rest or on minimal exertion between exacerbations.
- Needs long term oxygen therapy.
- Has needed ventilation for respiratory failure or ventilation is contraindicated.
What clinical indicators of one of more advanced conditions would be seen with kidney disease?
- Stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease with deteriorating health.
- (eGFR < 30ml/min; w/end stage aka stg 5 =<15)
- Kidney failure complicating other life limiting conditions or treatments.
- e.g. kind of comorbs building up
- Stopping dialysis.
What clinical indicators of one or more advanced conditions would be seen with liver disease?
Advanced cirrhosis (aka chronic liver disease) with one or more complications in past year:
- diuretic resistant ascites
- hepatic encephalopathy
- hepatorenal syndrome
- bacterial peritonitis
- recurrent variceal bleeds
what clinical indicators of one or more advanced conditions would be seen in someone with cancer?
- Functional ability deteriorating due to progressive metastatic cancer.
- Too frail for oncology treatment or treatment is for symptom control.
- e.g. Performance status is poor or deteriorating (the person is in bed or a chair for 50% or more of the day = PS3, PS4 =bed bound) –> used to see if eligable for oncological treatment
What clinical indicators of one or more advanced conditions would be seen with dementia/frailty?
- Unable to dress, walk or eat without help.
- Eating and drinking less; swallowing difficulties.
- Urinary and faecal incontinence.
- No longer able to communicate using verbal language; little social interaction.
- Fractured femur; multiple falls.
- Recurrent febrile episodes or infections;
- aspiration pneumonia
In the management of a dying patient: Information offered to people approaching the end of life, and their families and carers, should include:
- information about treatment and care options, medication and what to expect at each stage of the journey towards the end of life
- who they can contact at any time of day or night to obtain advice, support or services
- practical advice and details of other relevant services such as benefits support
- details of relevant local and national self-help and support groups
what do you do if patients do not want information/these conversations?
- All communication and information provision should be sensitive to the needs and preferences of the person approaching the end of life and their families and carers,
- including those who do not wish to have such conversations at the present time.
- Those who do not wish to have information should have their preferences respected.
What is this the definition of?
- physical, psychological, social, spiritual, cultural, and where appropriate, environmental considerations.
- This may relate to needs and preferences as well as associated treatment, care and support.
Holistic care/treatment/support
What should palliative care be?
- holistic
- comprehensive
- multidiciplinary
- dynamic and timely
- encompassing all aspects of EOL care taking into account the pts personal preferances, their families and carers.
What topics will end of life assessments involving pts, families and carers be around
- written and other forms of information
- face-to-face communication
- involvement in decision-making
- control of physical symptoms
- psychological support
- social support
- spiritual support
- organ and tissue donation.
What is in a personalised care plan?
- Symptom control (physical and psychological)
- Social support
- Spiritual support
- Support for families/carers
- Coordination of care – important for ensuring timely, safe and effective transfer of appropriate documentation, patient records, equipment and medication
- Advance care planning: What they DO want to happen VS what they DON’T want to happen, who will speak for them.
What symptoms for EOL care are normally needed to Rx?
- pain/SOB
- agitation
- resp secretions
- nausea
- STOP constipation
- STOP uneccesary medications
- artificial nutrition/hydration
- ADEQUATE MOUTH HYGEINE (e.g. esp. if not eating/drinking etc)
What is haloperidol/levopromazine given for in EOL symptom control?
What are
given for in EOL symptoms control?
What is midazolam given for in EOL symptom control?
What is glycopirronium given for in symptom control of EOL care?
respiratory secretions
What 4 things are ways of advanced care planing?
- Advance statement
- advence devision to refuse treatment
- life sustaining treatment
- lasting power of attorney
What is an advanced statement?
is it legally binding?
- Advances statement = statements about what the patient would or would not want to happen in the future.
- They can be about medical treatment
- (“I would wish to be ventilated if I stop breathing”)
- or about social aspects of care.
They are not legally binding but must be taken into account when best interest decisions are made about the person after capacity has been lost.
What is an advance decision to refuse treatment?
is it legally binding?
- Valid and applicable advance decisions to refuse treatment
- => legally binding statements
- (usually written documents)
- allows patients to refuse specific medical treatments if they lose capacity in the future.
Patients can refuse only medical and nursing treatments in advanced - not basic care.
NB: you can AD refuse Rx but not CHOOSE , advanced statements are taken into best interests decisions but not law enforced)
How is the refusal of life sustaining treatment to be documented?
Life sustaining treatment: When the treatment to be refused is potentially life sustaining, e.g. CPR
the decision must be:
- written,
- & signed by the patient
- in the presence of a signed witness
What are the 2 types of lasting power of attorney?
- “property and financial affairs”
- and
- “health and welfare.”
How is advanced care planning undertaken?
(see picture attached for Gold standards framework - advance care planning summary)

This is a PROCESS, not a one-off conversation, and it may include the following:
- Values, beliefs and wishes
- Preferences about care, treatment and information
- Anything the patient would wish to avoid happening to them
- Communication and consultation with others
- Organising affairs (e.g. a Will, Lasting Power of Attorney)
- CPR decision making
See the attached image.
This is a care in the last few days of life pathway. What one is this?

this is from the:
- Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People: ‘one chance to get it right’ 2014
- (is the new/amendement to the Liverpool Care Pathway)
focuses on individualised care planning by guiding prinicples for HCP to identify the 5 key priorities for care:
- Recognise that the patient may die within the next few days or hours
- Communicate this clearly and sensitively
- Make decisions in accordance with the person’s needs and wishes, involving the patient and those close to them
- Regularly review interventions and revise decisions as needed
- Ensure that the needs of those close to the patient are explored, respected and met as far as possible (support)
- An individual plan of care including food and drink, symptom control psychological, social and spiritual support, is agreed, coordinated and delivered with compassion
What symptoms indicate someone is in their last few days of life (unless sudden or unexpected death)?
- Profound weakness
- Diminished intake of food and fluids
- Difficulty swallowing medications
- Drowsiness or reduced cognition
What are common symptoms at EOL?
- Pain*
- Breathlessness*
- Restlessness/agitation/confusion*
- Nausea/vomiting*
- Noisy breathing/respiratory tract secretions*
- Urinary incontinence/retention
- Constipation*
- Dry/sore mouth*
- Extreme fatigue
* = prescribe
- Pain/SOB: morphine/diamorphine/oromorph/oxycodone/alfentanyl
- Agitation: midazolam
- Respiratory secretions: glycopirronium
- Nausea: haloperidol/levomepromazine
- Treat constipation
- Stop unnecessary medications
- Artificial nutrition/hydration
What are good communication tips when discussing EOL care?
- A patient centred approach
- Addressing concerns of the patient and those close to them
- Emphasising choice and priorities
- Openness and honesty
- Picking up on cues
- Sensitivity
- Avoiding jargon
- Avoiding euphemisms
- Listening is not the same thing as waiting for the opportunity to speak