Symptom control / Cancer pain Flashcards
What is the medication used in palliative care for pain symptoms control?
- Morphine sulfate (1st line),
- oxycodone (2nd line),
What is the medication used in palliative care for pain symptoms control if renal impairment?
fentanyl/alfentanyl or
buprenorphine (renal impairment)
What medication is used for pain control if Nil by mouth/unsafe swallow?
transdermal fentanyl if NBM/ unsafe swallow
As well as just giving pain meds for palliative pain what else should be done?
- non-medical managment: support etc
- + treat cause of bone pain
- e.g. urinary retention, bowel spasm, bony mets –>
- if metastatic bone pain = bisphosphonates or radiotherapy
What is the medication used for agitation?
Midazolam 2.5-5mg/4h
Or levopromazine 12.5mg SC 6-12hrly
What medications / must be done for N&V?
Haloperidol 1-2.5mg/8h
or cyclizine 50mg/8h,
+ treat reversible causes e.g. laxatives (constipation can –>N&V)
What medication is used for the symptom control of respiratory secretions?
Hycosine hydrobromide 0.4mg/8h
or glycopyrronium 1.2-2mg/24h SC
antacids, chlorpromazine and haloperidol can helpn with what palliative symptoms?
O2, morphine, relaxation techniques, open windows & fans can help with what palliative symptom?
emollients, chlorphenamine, cetrizine, colestryamina and ondanestron can help with which palliative symptom?
Chlorphenamina = anti histamine
colestryamine = obstructive jaundice
Ondansetron (5HT antagonist dc comm. in the vomiting centre)
Saline neds, antihistamines, simple/codeine linctus, morphine
all help with what palliative symptom?
checking: Ca2+ or dehydration,
& try bisacodyl 5mg at night
helps with what palliative symptom?
How can palliative pts look after their mouths?
- treat any candida infections,
- chewing ice chips/pineapple chunks/gum;
- mouth washes,
- chlorhexidine & saliva substitutes
What do D2 antagonists, H1 antagonists, phenothiazines and 5HT antagonists all have in common?
they can act as N&V prophylaxis and treatment!
metoclopramide & domperidone are D2 antagonists what are their MOA & indications…?
block dopamine in the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ)
- TF used in drug induced nausea
& works in the GUT promoting gastric empyting
- TF good for opioids, gastroparesis
Indication: N&V (prophylaxis & treatment) - particularly reduced gut motility
What are the adverse effects & CI/interactions of metroclopramide and domperidone?
(D2 antagonists used for N&V proph and Rx - particularly in reduced gut motility)
Adverse effects TF:
- Diarrhoea (inc gastric emptying)
- extra pyramidal
- acute dystonic reaction
- CI: gastrointestinal obstruction & perforation (pro-kinetic)
- Caution: SE’s ↑common in children & young adults
- Interactions: extra-pyramidal SEs↑w/ anti-psychotics, don’t prescribe w/ Parkinson’s meds (as these are D2 agonists)