Use of the term ‘honour killing’ and whether it is an appropriate description of a unique and particular crime, or rather a racist and misleading phrase use to promote violent stereotypes of particular communities, particularly…
Muslim minorities in North America and Europe
Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women, which works to end violence against women justified in the name of…
Western media reports use terms such as
‘honour killing’
‘Islamic Law’
Many advocacy groups in Europe and North America argue that there was no difference between…
honour killings and DV
TERMAN argues that ‘honour killing’ exists as a specific form of violence against women, having particular characteristics that warrant is classification as a..
unique category of violence
TERMAN - while ‘honour killings’ are recognised as such in many non-Western contexts, there is a trend among advocacy organisations in the North American and European Diaspora to avoid, ignore, or rebuke the term as a misleading label that is…
harmful to Muslim populations
Misleading label of honour killings and its harm is a direct response to the misuse of the term mostly within media and public discourse that serves to further…
marginalise Muslim and immigrant groups
Recent years - discussions over honour killings and other culturally specific VAW have been framed within the ‘clash of civilisations’ discover in
Europe and North America
Primary source of conflict is the ‘cultural’ difference between the West and non-West, with Islam presented as the predominant antithesis to…
Western civilisation and culture
Honour killings - deemed ‘cultural’ and are placed in a perceived ‘fixed’ culture rather than a ‘fluid’ culture. Placed in the same category as…
forced/early marriages
the veil
When ‘honour killings’ are seen as something separate from ‘DV’, Muslim culture is reinforced as something separate from Western culture; even if both potentially harm women, they are essentially different and one is almost always seen as…
worse than the other - depending on who is talking
The way we define ‘honour killing’ in conjunction with DV has real affects within..
public policy and the justice system
2005 the UK introduced the Domestic Violence, Crimes, and Victims Act, which offered legislative changes to the way DV is addressed in the criminal and civil justice system. However, the document was widely criticised by many women’s groups who argued that the bill failed to address issues affecting..
black and minority women
2005 DV, CRIMES, AND VICTIMS ACT - particularly problematic was the narrow definition of DV as concerning only..
intimate partners
2005 DV, CRIMES, AND VICTIMS ACT - problem - ‘honour crimes’ most often include violence perpetrated by other family and community members, and many feared the bill would fail to protect potential victims of thee and other culturally specific forms of violence unless…
‘honour’ was taken into account in the writing of the law