ERTURK 2007 UN Human Rights Council Flashcards
“…dominant culture-based paradigms that justify or explain the violation of women’s right, reducing violence against women to a…
cultural problem”
“…cultural practices that discriminate against women are frequently regarded as belonging to…
‘others’ whether they live in developing countries or belong to local immigrant countrie”
“Embedded in this practice of ‘othering’ is a trend towards isolating VAW from the wider political and economic environment and the overall concern for…
women’s rights, empowerment and equality.”
“…neo-liberal era, identity politics, based on cultural differences has made culture the site of contestation and the notion of culture a tool of…
new forms of oppression.”
identity politics - “women…find themselves entangled in these ideological contests as they are reduced to ‘weak victims’ and are left with the ‘choice’ of joining forces with imperialist/hegemonic projects or compliance with..
oppressive practices”
“Culture is intimately connected with the diverse ways in which social groups produce their daily existence…
economically, socially and politically”
“Culture constitutes…normative systems that provides the rationale for varied patterns of gender roles and identities, which…
signify relations of power.”
“…Critics assert that international human rights norms are Western in origin and therefore not…
appropriate in non-Western contexts”
“VAW committed in the name of ‘culture’, ‘custom’, ‘tradition’ or ‘religion’ continues to be …
“…notion of gender inequality is contested when established interpretations of culture or projections of ‘their’ culture are used to justify and excuse acts of…
discrimination and violence against women”
“…Also been a tendency…to essentialise traditional cultures of the Global South as inherently harmful to women…human rights law has been perceived as an instrument to…
eliminate ‘harmful traditional practices’
“Cultural essentialism also ignores the agency of women in the developing world and the trajectories of their resistance to…
violence and oppression”
Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the Commission on Human Rights 1984 - identified the agenda for…
While the 1984 agenda helped recognise HTPs, it also contributed to essentialising certain cultures as the..
source of the problem
1984 agenda reinforced Western as ‘non-harmful’ to women and ‘Third World’ as..