Term Test #1 Flashcards
Which areas in Italy acted as a foundation for the Renissance period?
Florence and Siena
What style does this painting represent?

Byzantine Style:
almond eyes, long nose, small mouth, abstract 2D
Artist, Title, Date

NA, Madonna and Child, 1200
What style does this painting represent?

French Gothic Style: “S” shaped people, decprative, elegant
Artist, Title, Date

Jean Pucelle, Arrest of Christ and Annunciation, 1325-28
What style does this painting represent?

Early Christian Style: bulky, simple, straight forward-not like gothic at all (4th century following legalization of Christianity
Artist, Title, Date

Ravenna, St. Lawrence going to his Martyrdom, 1450
What is drapery?
the manner in which cloth hangs on forms
Artist, Title, Date

Duccio, Maesta (front panel), 1308-11
What is iconography?
The subject matter of a painting. Also refers to the visual conventions for depicting the subject.
What is an altarpiece?
A kind of painting that stood on the back of an altar in a church.
Artist, Title, Date

Giotto, Madonna and Child Enthrones, 1310
What is modeling?
A transition from highlight to shade through color saturation (aka shading)
What is pictorial space?
The illusion of a 3D space.
What is style?
It is how the forms are represented
Artist, Title, Date

NA, Entry into Jerusalem (Midieval Wall Painting), ND
Artist, Title, Date

Duccio, Maestra (back panel)–Entry into Jerusalem, 1308-11
What is fresco?
A method of wall painting that includes adding pigment to wet plaster.
Who did this? When did they do it? What is this place called?

Giotto, 1305-06, Arena Chapel
Artist, Title, Date

Giotto, Entry into Jerusalem (at Arena Chapel), 1305-06
Artist, Title, Date

Giotto, Lamentation (at Arena Chapel), 1305-06
What does Renaissance mean and what does this time period focus on?
Renaissance= rebirth. Classical tradition; focus on human; celebration of the individual; celebration of the physical world.
What is this building called and where is it located?

Orasanmichele, Florence
Artist, Title, Date

Ghiberti, John the Baptist, 1412-16
Artist, Title, Date

Donatello, St. Mark, 1411-13
What does contrapposto mean?
(counter position) It is the way of posing the body with a stiff leg holding the weight and a bent knee in contrast.
Artist, Title, Date

Nanni di Banco, Four Crowned Saints, 1412-15
Artist, Title, Date

Donatello, Feast of Herod, 1425
Artist, Title, Date

Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi, 1423
Artist, Title, Date

Masaccio, Madonna and Child Enthroned, 1426
Artist, Title, Date

Masaccio, Holy Trinity with the Virgin, Saint John, and Two Donors, 1428
Where are these paintings? Who did them and when?

Brancacci chapel. Masaccio and others, 1424-27 (there is an alter to the right of the image)
Artist, Title, Date

Masaccio, The Tribute Money (at Brancacci chapel), 1425
What is atmospheric perspective?
It is the shift from one color to another and/or the reduction of detail into the background that is used to create the illusion of distance
Artist, Title, Date

Fra Angelico, Annunciation, 1440-45
Artist, Title, Date

Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1482
Artist, Title, Location, Date

Filippo Brunelleschi, Dome, Cathedral of Florence, 1420-36
What is this called, where is it located, and when was it designed?

S. Croce, Florence, late 13th Century (also, recognize this design plan!)

What is the basilica?
The large middle isle within a cathedral
What is the nave arcade?
The pillars on either side of the main path within a cathedral
What is the clerestorey?
The area above the pilars on either side of the main path where the windows are located in a cathedral
What is the transept?
The top of the “T” design commonly used in cathedrals
What is the choir or sanctuary?
The center or the largest of the chapels at the top of the T that houses the choir during services (as in common cathedrals)
Where are the chapels located?
In the top of the T (also called the transept) of a cathedral. They are little square boxes.
Artist, Title, Location, Date

Brunelleschi, S. Spirito, Florence, 1436 (also, recognize these design plans!)

What are impost blocks?
The blocks that sit above each column as decoration
What is a crossing?
The distance between one column to the next
What is the bay?
The area at the center of the church where all of the crossings come to meet
Who is Vitruvius?
An ancient author who wrote a theory about architecture
Who is Alberti?
A man that read the work of Vitruvius and christianized what he had said
Artist, Title, Location, Date

Brunelleschi, Pazzi chapel (attatched to S. Croce, Florence, 1440

What is facade?
The front of the church, it’s exterior look
Artist, Title, Location, Date

Leon Battista Alberti, S. Andrea, Mantua, 1470

Who made these calendar like images? Artist, Title, Date

Limbourg Brothers, Tres Richese Heures du Duc de Berry, 1413-16
Artist, Title, Date

Robert Campin (master of Flemalle), Merode Alterpiece, 1425-28
Artist, Title, Date

Jan van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini and his bride, 1434
Artist, Title, Date

Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition, 1435
Artist, Title, Date

Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper, 1495-97/98
Artist, Title, Date

Leonardo da Vinvi, Virgin and Chid with Saint Anne and the Infant St. John, 1505-07
Artist, Title, Date

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 1503-06
What is sfumato?
The indistinctness of the contour–no harsh lines
What is Neoplatonism?
A kind of Christian philosophy that branched off the ideas of Plato and meshed with Catholic beliefs
Artist, Title, Date

Michelango, David, 1501-04
Artist, Title, Date

Michelangelo, Moses, 1513-15
What is this place? What portion did Michelangelo paint? When?

Sistine chapel, Ceiling, 1508-12

What are ignudi?
Nude men
Artist, Title, Date

Michelangelo, Creation of Adam (Sistine chapel ceiling), 1508-12
Artist, Title, Date

Michelangelo, The Last Judgment (Sistine chapel wall), 1536-41
Artist, Title, Date

Raphael, Modanna of the Meadow, 1505-06
Artist, Title, Date

Raphael, Philosophy (School of Athens), 1509-11
Artist, Title, Date

Raphael, Galatea, 1513
Artist, Title, Date

Pontormo, Descent from the Cross, 1525-28
Artist, Title, Date

Giovanni Bellini, San Zaccaria Atarpiece, 1505
Artist, Title, Date

Giorgione, The Tempest, 1510
What is impasto?
The raised bumpy surface of paint
Artist, Title, Date

Titian, Assumption of the Virgin, 1516-18
Artist, Title, Date

Titian, Venus of Urbino, 1538
What are forms?
The objects
What is composition?
How the forms are arranged on the canvas
What is a line?
A continuous, invisible line of sight used to create forms, movement, and texture
What is color?
the wavelength of light that is visible (hue-the name of the color, value- high lights and low lights, intensity- the brightness)
What is texture?
1) True texture is the actual feeling of something you can touch. 2) Representational texture is the illusion of texture using light and color
What is proportion?
The size of objects in relation to one another
What is scale?
How the proportion of an object relates to the dimension of the art
What is perspective?
How elements are arranged and scaled in order to create the illusion of 3D
What is foreshortening?
A means of suggesting a part of the body is 3D even though it is not visible