Term List Flashcards
a) Eli Whitney
invented cotton gin, cut down production time and first system of interchangeable parts. Competed with the government in building rifles. Won a contract to build the riles. Named American System of Manufacturing.
b) Lewis and Clark
Tasked by Thomas Jefferson, Lewis and partner Clark exploring westward of the Louisiana Purchase.and illustrating maps, scientific studies and build relations with natives. Important for the growth of the country and its states.
c) Transportation Revolution
growth of transportation systems. Waterways were the only form. Thousands of miles of road, National Road built. Toll roads to collect money. eventually 4000 miles in NY. Clinton proposed Erie Canal which had 365 miles. Reduced shipping costs and times. Railroads boomed to 31,000. Big companies buy out small ones for year-round travel. Encourages a National Market and allows for specialization.
d) Temperance
Movement to curb Americans consumption of alcohol which was mostly men. The American Temperance Society was created to convince people of the negative effects of drinking. Largest reform movement and others followed the structure in movements to follow.
e) Missouri Compromise
First slavery compromise, by Henry Clay, allowed Missouri to be a slave state. It declared no slavery north of the 36º30 line. South begins to wonder if their slaves will remain ok to keep. The north begins to wonder if the south will push slavery North.
f) Monroe Doctrine
John Q. Adams stating 4 specifics about foreign policy suggested by British government :
1) US not to interfere in internal affairs of wars between European Powers.
2) The US would not interfere with existing colonies and western hemisphere.
3) No new European colonization in New World(US).
4) Any European attempt to oppress or control nation in western Hemisphere would be viewed as hostile. This was important as it proclaimed US as a protector of western hemisphere, assisted with US expansion and became cornerstone of US foreign policy.
g) Spoils System
A term used describing winning political party of an election can reward campaign supporters or active party supporters by appointment to other government offices. Also to remove those in current position. This was used by Andrew Jackson. Used to support claim to those being elected. Takes away power of the people and into the hands of those elected. It also does not consider the appointees qualifications for the job.
h) Force Act
This gave military power to Jackson, our president, allowing him to enforce laws by means of the military. This gave him powers to collect tariffs from South Carolina after the Exposition and Protest.
i) Pro Slavery Argument
Following Nat Turner rebellion, the south, ideas why slavery needed. 1) American culture would not exist, 2) we would not be prosperous. Censorship of anti slave mail and burned in public. Instituted the Gag Rule, where no argument of slavery into congress.
j) Nat Turner
Enslaved preacher encouraging the destruction of slavery. He and 60 other enslaved, and free colored men, raided Virginia plantations killing 60 whites. He, the 60 and others captured, executed and put on display. Slave debates followed and favored the slaves, but south put more restrictions on slaves movements to prevent more uprisings.
k) Manifest Destiny
Idea that American people under gods work are justified in the expansion westward in US and save backwards European people of country is inevitable. City on a Hill idea. We insisted this through annexation of Texas.
l) Popular Sovereignty
Lewis Cass proposed that when new territories reach a certain population it would allow the people of that state to vote for slavery within not the federal government. This leads to Bleeding Kansas.
m) Compromise of 1850
Written by Henry Clay, 1 law to handle 4 issues,
Voted down and Henry Clay retires with S. Douglas help rewrite into 4 separate . Created to reduce N and S tensions but is unsuccessful.
1) California Free State
2) Utah and N. Mexico, Popular Sovereignty
3) Slave sales suppressed
4) Fugitive Slave Law
n) Fugitive Slave Law
included in Henry Clays Compromise of 1850, when a slave disappears, 1st-Post in newspaper or around towns of missing slave, 2nd hire slave hunters and last could bring the slaves back to state and in front of a judge. The Judge was either paid $5 if was wrong slave or $10 if it was the correct slave. This encourages them to say yes which only increases tensions between the N and S.
o) Uncle Toms Cabin
In Harriet Beecher, Ohio wrote book to portray evils of slavery both slave and owner. This begins siege mentality.
p) Bleeding Kansas
Follows Kansas reaching popular sovereignty. Sets off violent war between Pro and anti-slave peoples.
q) Harpers Ferry
Attempt to capture a Federal Armory in Virginia, by John Brown, his sons and some colored men. He also intended for the slaves of the area to rise up with him which did not happen. The federal government displaced military units led by Robert E. Lee to capture or kill them all. John Brown is unsuccessful, 2 sons die. He is tried for treason and executed. North mourns him which creates more Southern Siege mentality.
r) Emancipation Proclamation
Written law by A. Lincoln that frees slaves in rebellion states. Turns into war to save slaves. No chance of foreign alliance for south.