Term Definitions Flashcards
What does exophytic mean?
tending to grow outward beyond the surface epithelium from which it originates; used to describe tumors.
What does fulminant mean?
Severe and sudden in onset
What does ‘defervescence’ mean?
Where does the term come from?
the abatement of a fever as indicated by a decrease in bodily temperature;
from Latin word meaning “ceasing to boil”
Define acral.
of or belonging to the extremities of peripheral body parts
Define recrudesce.
To recur; to break out again
Define schizogony.
Multiple fission in which the nucleus first divides and then the cell divides into as many parts as there are nuclei; called merogony if daughter cells are merozoites, sporogony if daughter cells are sporozoites, or gametogony if daughter cells are gametes.
Define chemotaxis.
The movement of a cell or organism in response to a chemical stimulus.
Define anisocoria.
The term anisocoria refers to pupils that are different sizes at the same time. The presence of anisocoria can be normal (physiologic), or it can be a sign of an underlying medical condition.
Define lagophthalmos.
The inability to close the eyelids completely.
[Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary]
Define cicatrization.
scar formation at the site of a healing wound
[Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary]
Define allodynia.
Pain resulting from a stimulus that would not normally provoke pain.
[Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary]
Define phlegmon.
What is the difference between an abscess and a phlegmon?
inflammation of soft tissue that spreads under the skin or inside the body
A phlegmon is unbounded and can keep spreading out along connective tissue and muscle fiber.
An abscess is walled in and confined to the area of infection.
[From https://www.healthline.com/health/phlegmon ]
A treelike figure or arrangement of branching parts
used in the description of cerebral vessels on CTA
Crying blood
Opsonization involves the binding of an opsonin, e.g., antibody, to an epitope on a pathogen. After opsonin binds to the membrane, phagocytes are attracted to the pathogen.
In other words, antibodies flag the pathogen for destruction.
Seeing flashes of light
Lockjaw; decreased jaw range of motion. It may be caused by spasm of the muscles of mastication or a variety of other causes.
Complete excision or surgical destruction of a body part
inability to recognize or describe one’s emotions