Term 4 Flashcards
Where and when was language developed?
Africa 70 000 years ago
How do you use language to communicate?
Speaking and Listening
What is communication over time?
Writing a letter or reading what someone else has written
What are letters?
Letters are part of the alphabet example a, b, c. They are symbols that stand for different sounds.
What is a symbol?
A picture or sign that has meaning.The first symbols were scratches made on rocks.
What information can you get from a song?
Songs are as old as language. They tell stories and singing shows feelings like happiness, sadness, etc.
What is Art?
Communication through pictures. 35000 years ago the San People communicated through Art on rocks.
How does dancing tell a story?
Dance can show how people feel, happy or sad. Used to tell a story. San People used to dance for religious practice.
Who were the first people to live in Southern Africa
The San People. They were hunter gatherers
How did the San People communicate?
Through Art (drawing on rocks), Songs, Stories, they used art to symbolize and communicate religious beliefs
What did the shamans do in trance?
Leaned forward - boiling energy in stomach Sweated Bled from nose Felt they become an animal Spirit fly out of body Power of healing
What is trance?
Trance is when ordinary people become shaman during a religious healing dance. Being in a dream but you are awake.
What is a shaman?
Shaman is the healer. God communicates through him.
Name 4 types of modern communication?
Radio, Television, Telephone, Computers
Who invented the radio and when?
Guglielmo Marconi in 1895.
In 1920 radio stations and radio programmes started.
What does the word electronic mean?
Electrical energy to make something work
How does a radio work?
Radio signal travel through air to the aerial receiver. The receiver changes the waves into the sounds you hear.
What does telegraph mean?
Far-writer. It could send message by wire to another post office very quickly
Who invented the Morse Code used for sending telegraphs?
Samuel Morse (American)
What does telephone mean?
Far Sound. The telephone changes sounds into electrical signals
How does a camera work?
The light sensitive film is developed and a picture is printed on special paper
What does Television communicate?
Images and sound over distance. SO you can see what is happening far away. Moving pictures
How is TV sound captured?
Computer and internet is a form of what type of communication?
Long distance
What is a computer?
Electric machine that stores huge amounts of information. The information is called DATA. A computer turns DATA into text, numbers and images.
What is internet?
internet is a world-wide network of computer users and sites making up the world wide web www.
What is a cell phone?
wireless telephone using air waves to send signals. Satellites send and receive the information and covers the whole earth
How do cell phones work?
people connect through a service provider, we can sms, send photos, e-mail and connect to internet on our cell phone.