Term 2 Week 1: Confidence intervals Flashcards
Confidence interravla take into account the _____ associated with statsitcal ______ by butting CL/B around PE
confidence limits/ bounds
point estimates
What is a poitn estimate
taking the ____ found in your ______ as a signle best _____ of the pp
they are subject to SE
popuation parameter
sampling error
Why use CIs?
sample, chance
what do CIs set? to amount of error our measures are subject to
randomly sampling from a popualtion or randomingly assinging to experiement groups = risk of sampling error
ppt by chance more or less representative of the population we are studing
therefore the statistical results are subject to error
probable limits
What infleuces the size of error? (SD)
Study design
taking bigger samples reduces teh CIS haves a more precise estimate
What do 95% CIs mean?
range of ____ that we can be 95% certain contains the ______ ________ (e.g. ________ _____)
population parameter
population mean
What is central limit theorem?
the greater the sample size the comler the sampling distrigution of the mean will ressemble the normal distribution
If the popualtion distribution is NOT normal the smapling distribution will not be nirmaly espcially if the sample size is small
n> 30 sampling distriution of the mean will be close to normal
What does the central limit theorem Imply?
The SD of the M for a sufficiently large sample is
a normal distribution
the mean = the popualtion (mu) mean
a standard devition (SD of the pop (sigma)/ sqaure root of the sample size (n))
The SD of the smapling distribution is also know as the XX
because it is the average X we make when we use sample mean to estimate popualtion mean
standard error
Estimation and confidence intervals
what is a CI?
gives a range of values that is more liekly to contain the true poit estimate alone = interval estimation
95% of sample means fall within 1.96 SE either side of the mean
(see card 7 for formula)
Confidence intervals allow us to specify a pm of error around an estimate
a wide CI signifies X uncertainty about the X
probable margin
greater estimate
Cis only take into about SE (or E due to RA)
Shouldn’t use CIs when
sampling error
or error due to random allocation
non response bias
poor sampling strategy
sampling isn’t random
Hypothesis testing
Ho = null H H1= alternative H (direction or non directional)
If H0 true….
95% of z values lie (-1.96 & +1.96)
5% of z values < or > +/- 1.96
Standard normal distribution
mean = 0 SD = 1
1.96 critical values
z 1.96 = critcal region/ region of rejection
Tpoes of errors in H testing
alpha - acpection H1 when there is no affect
Beta error rejection the alternative hypothesis where there is an affect
ONe tailed hypothesis
if strong theorectical reason to H a particualr direction will be found
Larger or smaller
two tailed hypothesis
non direction H - there will be a difference
What to remember when HTesting
before collecting tdata must:
clearly specify H
determien the level of significane
decider weren one tail or 2 tail
H0 until proven H1