Term 2 H2 Serial Correlation Flashcards
What is serial correlation?
Some form of linear dependence in a series.
how do you measure an ACF?
What is particular if the model has no lags?
corr(zt, zt−k) = =
cov(zt, zt−k)/
V (zt)
= pk
where ρ0 = 1 and |ρj | < 1, j ≥ 1.
What is the autocorrelation function?
What is this telling us?
This is a pictorial representation of the linear dependence
Plots values of row j against j
-Telling us proportion of intial shock that is remembered in time j
memory of shocks.
What are the 4 types of ACF models?
White noise
AR (Auto regressive)
MA (moving average)
ARMA (auto reg moving average)
What is the more simple way to present the formula of ACF?
What is the assumption under which this holds?
-gamma j = cov(zt,zt-1)
gamma 0 = v(zt)
i) E(zt) = m for all time
ii) V(zt) =sigma ^2
iii) cov(zt, zt-h) = gamma h
- What is a white noise process
zt = εt
E(εt) = 0 (constant mean)
V(εt) = σ^2 (constant variance)
cov(zt, zt−j ) = 0 j not equaled to 0
εt is normally distributed (perfectly unforcastable)
What would the plot of a white noise process look like?
there is only 1 point in the j=0.
If you shock the process today the 100% of the shock remains today but then dissipates out of the system.
What is the graphical representation of an AR(1):
a) with ϕ > 0
b) with ϕ < 0
c)What does phi change?
a) smooth decay to zero
b) zig zaggy decay to 0
c) the higher the phi the more persistent the shock is.
What is the basic construction of an AR(1) model?
ρj = ϕ^j
What are the yule walker equations?
- Yule-Walker Equations:
method to estimate the coefficients of an AR model using the autocorrelations of the time series.
-Gammas (γ) in the Yule-Walker Equations:
The ‘gammas’ (γ) represent the autocovariance values of the time series at different lags.
phi is the coefficient
by solving this system of equations if gives you the value of phi
What is an analogy to think about the ACF
After being shoved of a path how fast and with what method can you be moved back to equilbrium
What is the form of an AR(1) ?
zt = ϕzt−1 + εt
if zt is stationary absolute phi1<1
E(εt) = 0
v(εt) = sigma^2
cov(zt, zt−j ) = 0 j not equaled to 0
what is the form of the AR(2)?
zt = ϕ1zt−1 + ϕ2zt−2 + εt
if zt is stationary absolute phi1+phi2<1
E(εt) = 0
v(εt) = sigma^2
cov(zt, zt−j ) = 0 j not equaled to 0
What does gamma stand for in the AR(1)
gamma 0 = variance of t as it is the covariance of zt and zt
gamma 1 = covariance of zt and zt-1
What is the recursive sequence that can be used for the AR(2) model?
1.do it for gamma
2.do it for row
gamma j = phi 1 gamma j-1+ phi 2 gamma j-2
pj= gamma j/ gamma 0
row j = phi 1 row j -1 + phi 2 row j -2
What does the AR(2) shape and style of ACF depend on?
- phi1 is positive / negative
- phi 2 is positive / negative
- relative of phi 1 to phi 2
For the AR(2) what are the different possibilities in shape and what do these depend on?
- Smooth decay to 0, depends phi 1 >0 and phi 2 > 0 but phi 1 is much bigger than phi 2.
- Zig Zag to 0 phi 1 < 0 and phi 2 < 0 but phi 1 is much smaller than phi 2
- Oscillatory nature to 0, phi 1 and phi 2 have complex roots
What is the format for an AR(3) model
and what are the assumptions
zt = phi1zt-1 c+ phi2zt-2 + phi3zt-3 + epsilon
Constant mean
Constant variance
What is the AR(P) format?
What are the yule walker equations for an AR(P)?
zt = ϕ1zt−1 + ϕ2zt−2 + . . . + ϕpzt−p + εt
γ1 = ϕ1γ0 + ϕ2γ1 + ϕ3γ2 + . . . ϕpγp−1
γ2 = ϕ1γ1 + ϕ2γ0 + ϕ3γ1 + . . . ϕpγp−2
γj = ϕ1γj−1 + ϕ2γj−2 + . . . + ϕpγj−p j ≥ p
What is an MA(1) model?
Give me the format and what it means?
zt = θεt−1 + εt
zt is a weighted average of theta of epsilon - 1 and 100% of epsilon t.
What feature does an MA(1) have?
How do you calculate the shock?
It only remembers the shock for 1 period. Then the influence of the shock is less than 0
theta / 1 + theta squared
What is the format of a MA(2) model
give me what the special feature about this is?
zt = θ1εt−1 + θ2εt−2 + εt
That the shock dissipates after two periods
What will an MA(2) look like graphically?
Remembers shock for 2 periods before returning to eq path (0).
Why will an MA(p) only remember the shocks for p periods?
This is because after j>p gamma j = 0