Lecture notes 10 Heteroscedasticity Flashcards
What is a real life example of Heteroscedasticity
Y = Wages
X= education
Those with university degrees will have a higher dispersion of variance compared to those who have just college
What is heteroscedasticity
When the dispersion of epsilon is not constant for all x
What are the consequences of heteroscedasticity?
What are the implications of this
-Unbiasedness of OLS estimators does not change
-Variance of OLS estimates changes , so test statistics needs to be modified.
Why does heteroscadicity cause the variance to change?
When simplifying sum of i=1 to n of w^2 Var(ei | x) is no longer equaled to sigma squared / sum. of i =1 to n (xi - xbari).
What is the issue of heteroscadicity and how can we improve this?
Statistical f-tests and t-tests are not valid
Therefore, we need to use heteroscadicity robust standard errors.
How can you test heterescedasticity
White’s Heteroscedasticity test on Xs again
y = b0 b1x1 + b2x2
run regression and save residuals e
then run e^2 on the independent x’s with gammas
H0 gammas are all equal to zero
H1 gammas are not equales to zero
if coefficinets are significant reject H0 and there is heteroscedascitiy