Term 2: Continental Extensional systems Flashcards
A single normal fault
- Detailed observations in coalfields show single normal faults which are ‘blind’ with ‘tip lines’
- In order to maintain compatibility - strata bend up in FW (drag) down in HW (rollover)
- Flexural isostatic effects uplift the footwall
- Sediment source
- Topographic high
- Degree of uplift depends on type of rock
- Examples
- Basin and Range
- Baikal Rift, Siberia
- The degree of footwall topography depends strongly on the rock type involved.
- e.g. limestones = high scarps, schists or unconsolidated sediments = low scarps
Normal faults in 3D
- Like thrust faults - normal faults are not continuous along strike and display ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ linkage –
- Hard linkage implies one or more minor faults linking the main segments
- Soft linkage involves ‘relay ramp’ structures
Slip rates on faults:
To work out throw (slip) rate – divide throw (15 m) by time period 15 ka (15/15,000 yrs = a throw rate of 1 mm per year)
Non - rotational planar faults
- ‘Classic’ Andersonian view of normal faults
- Forms horst and graben structures,
- e.g. Rhine graben
Problems with classical Andersonian normal faults
- Large scale crustal extension cannot be accommodated due to compatibility problems
- Conjugate faults must move sequentially - not energetically efficient for large faulting (works for small faulting)
- Central graben ‘falls in’ under large extension
- No rotation of bedding allowed - but it clearly does happen
Rotational – planar faults
Domino’ fault block model - Domino or bookshelf normal faulting
• Think about the base of each fault: space problem?
• This seems to be the main style of extension in the continental crust
• Large extension possible (e.g. 200%); commonly asymmetric half graben
• Large strain
- Extensional detachments are rotated high angle faults that have stopped moving
- Basin & Range is classic detachment country
- but active normal faults are steep
Some detachment faults could be the result of exhuming low angle ductile shear zones at the base of the seismogenic layer?
Lister and Davies model:
- The idea is that detachments originate as low-angle ductile shear zones, with aseismic movement.
- They are then exhumed & reactivated in a brittle manner.
- The important property of these structures is that deeper levels are exhumed – metamorphic rocks at depth are brought to surface and juxtaposed with unmetamorphosed sediment.
- These structures are called ‘Metamorphic core complexes
Metamorphic core complexes
• Mid-crustal metamorphic rocks supposedly exhumed by low angle, extensional
detachment faults”, underneath unmetamorphosed upper crustal rocks.
• Problem: scarcity of neotectonic (active) examples, especially evidence for low angle seismogenic normal faults.
• Alternative model - Detachments formed when lower crust flows?
Rotational - non-planar faults
Stair-step - ramps and flats
Listric - smooth concave - up form to maintain compatibility the hangingwall must undergo gravity driven deformation - generates roll-over structures (passive folds)
Gravity driven deformation zones
• Listric faults are thought to form in gravity driven deformation zones
• Either - Collapse of sediment in regions where sediment piles become unstable and collapse downhill, e.g., landslips - extension is balanced by compression at the toe
- and/or -
• Thick salt has acted as weak detachment horizon that facilitated collapse – Gulf of Mexico
• Passive continental margins provide both possibilities
Extensional basin formation
• 2 end-member conceptual models
o ‘McKenzie’ pure shear model
o ‘Wernicke’ simple shear model
McKenzie model (1978)
“pure shear”
• The deep crust thins by ductile deformation; the upper crust is extended by faults that deform the strong, seismogenic layer. This is the rift phase.
• A sedimentary basin fills up with ‘syn-rift’ sediments – this happens over a ‘short’ time scale, up to 20 Myrs
• Lithospheric mantle is thinned and replaced by hot asthenosphere mantle
• Following extension, the elevated part of the asthenosphere cools, becomes denser, and so subsides.
• It effectively becomes part of the mantle lithosphere. This subsidence takes place over 50-100 Myrs. This is post-rift subsidence.
McKenzie and Beta Factor
- The model quantifies subsidence occurring due to crustal and lithospheric thinning.
- The beta (b) factor is the ratio of initial to final lithospheric thickness. So, if the lithosphere thins from 100 to 50 km, b = 2. If this happens, magmatism is generated.
- The second half of McKenzie’s model simulates the thermal subsidence phase of basin evolution, as asthenosphere cools and is added to the base of the lithosphere.
Calculaing Beta-Factor:
- Sum of all heaves (horizontal offset)
- Change in thickness
Steers Head
Some, but not all, rift basins show a “Steer’s Head” geometry where the post-rift phase occurs over a wider area than the syn-rift phase.
This may be because mantle lithosphere stretches over a wider area than the crust.
Wernicke model (1981)
- Based on a ‘simple shear’ regime where the crust is stretched asymmetrically by a large-scale detachment fault.
- The thermal subsidence region is offset from the area of rifting
- Low angle extensional “detachment” faults are a key element of this model – strong reliance on fieldwork data from the western USA.
- Metamorphic core complexes are supposedly exhumed by extension of this type.
- The Wernicke model originates in the Basin and Range, but is not applicable to the active normal faults in the area, which are relatively steeply-dipping.
- Core complexes and detachment faults now
- Proposed for sites on the ‘inside’ corners at mid ocean ridges.
Fault-controlled sediments
• Extensional faulting controls
o Basin architecture
o Sediment distribution, facies types, etc.
• Faults active at same time as sedimentation are ‘growth faults’ - thickening of sequences into HW of faults
• Faulting affects drainage patterns through the evolution of fault-related topography
• All the elements necessary to produce and trap oil and gas can be contained within one half-graben: source, reservoir, seal and trap – and enough subsidence to mature the source.
Elastic interaction between faults
- Assume random fault distribution at start of rifting
- Positive feedback during slip on en-echelon faults
- Gives rise to linkage & larger stress enhancement/ reduction
- Faults in stress shadows less likely to slip & eventually die
Cowie’s model of strain localisation
- Numerical models suggest that strain localisation is driven by elastic interaction
- Key point: fault patterns observed in North Sea arise due to elastic interactions between seismogenic faults – no need to invoke large-scale ductile flow in upper mantle!
- Could ultimately lead to continental breakup?
Inversion Tectonics
- Process whereby pre-existing normal faults are reactivated as a thrust fault by a later phase of shortening.
- Very common in extensional basins later affected by compressional deformation, e.g. the North Sea
- Inversion is very important for trapping hydrocarbons, e.g. in SE Asian Tertiary rifts.
3 Types of normal fault
Non - rotational planar faults
‘Classic’ Andersonian view of normal faults
Forms horst and graben structures, e.g. Rhine graben
σ1 = max, σ2 - int, σ=med
Rotational - planar
Domino Model
This seems to be the main style of extension in the continental crust
Rotational - non-planar faults
Listric - Ramp shaped fault with ‘roll-over’ anticline