Ter, Querer, & Fazer Flashcards
Eu quero
I want
Vc, a gente quer
You, he, she, we want
Nós queremos
We want
Vcs querem
You guys, they want
Eu quis
I wanted
Vc, a gente quis
You, he, she, we wanted
Nós quisemos
We wanted
Vcs quiseram
You guys, they wanted
Eu queria
I used to want/ would want
Vc, a gente queria
You, he, she, we used to want/ would want
Nós queríamos
We used to want/ would want
Vcs queriam
You guys, they used to want/ would want
Eu quererei
I will want
Vc, a gente quererá
You, he, she, we will want
Nós querermos
We will want
Vcs quererão
You guys, they will want
Eu tenho
I have
Vc, a gente tem
You, he, she, we have
Nós temos
We have
Vcs têm
You guys, they have
Eu tive
I had
Vc, a gente teve
You, he, she, we had
Nós tivemos
We had
Vcs tiveram
You guys, they had
Eu tinha
I used to have
Vc, a gente tinha
You, he, she, we used to have
Nós tínhamos
We used to have
Vcs tinham
You guys, they used to have
Eu terei
I will have
Vc, a gente terá
You, she, he, we will have
Nós teremos
We will have
Vcs terão
You guys, they will have
Eu teria (ia ter)
I would have
Vc, a gente teria (ia ter)
You, he, she, would have
Nós teríamos
We would have
Vcs teriam
You guys, they would have
Eu faço
I make/do
Vc, a gente faz
You, he, she, we make/do
Nós fazemos
We do/make
Vcs fazem
You guys, they make/do
Eu fiz
I did/made
Vc, a gente fez
You, he, she, we did/made
Nós fizemos
We did/made
Vcs fizeram
You guys, they made/did
Eu fazia
I used to make/do-i was making/doing
Vc, a gente fazia
You, we used to make/do-were/was doing/ making
Nós fazíamos
We used to make/do-were doing/making
Vcs faziam
You guys, they used to do/make- were doing/making
Eu farei
I will do/make
Vc, a gente fará
You, he, she, we will do/make
Nós faremos
We will do/make
Vcs farão
You guys, they will do/make
Eu faria
I would do/make
Vc, a gente faria
You, he, she, we would do/make
Nós faríamos
We would do/make
Vcs fariam
You guys, they would do/make