Ir, Ser, Estar Flashcards
Eu vou
I go/ I will go
Vc, A gente vai
You, she , him, we go/will go
Nós vamos
We go/will go
Vcs vão
You guys/they go/ will go
Eu fui
I went/ I was
Vc, a gente foi
You, he, she, we went/were
Nós fomos
We went/were
Vcs foram
You guys, they went/were
Eu ia
I used to go
Vc, A gente ia
You, he, she, we used to go
Eu irei
I will go
Vc, A gente irá
You, he, she, we will go
Nós iremos
We will go
Vcs irão
You guys they will go
Eu iria
I would go
Vc, a gente iria
You, he, she, we would go
Nós iríamos
We would go
Vcs iriam
You guys they would go
Eu sou
I am
Vc, a gente é
You, he, she, we are/is
Nós somos
We are
Vcs são
You guys, they are
Eu era
I used to be
Vc, A gente era
You, he, she, we used to be
Nós éramos
We used to be
Vcs eles eram
You guys, they used to be
Eu serei
I will be
Vc, a gente será
You, he, she, we will be
Nós seremos
We will be
Vcs eles serão
You guys, they will be
Eu seria
I would be
Vc, a gente seria
You, he, she, we would be
Nós seríamos
We would be
Vcs seriam
You guys, they would be
Sendo, sido
Being, been
Eu estou
I am
Vc, a gente está
You, he, she, we is/are
Nós estamos
We are
Vcs estão
You guys, they are
Eu estive
I was(completed action)
Vc, a gente esteve
You, he, she, you were/was (completed action)
Nós estivemos
We were (completed action)
Vcs estiveram
You guys, they were
Eu estava
I used to be
Vc, a gente estava
You, he, she, we used to be
Nós estávamos
We used to be
Vcs estavam
You guys, They used to be
Eu estarei
I will be
Vc, a gente estará
You, he, she, we will be
Nós estaremos
We will be
Vcs estarão
You guys, they will be
Eu estaria (ia estar)
I would
Vc, a gente estaria (ia estar)
You, he, she, we would be
Nós estaríamos
We would be
Vcs estariam
You guys, they would be
Estando, estado
Being, been