Tentafrågor 1-10 Flashcards
A simple regression analysis generates the following equation based on unstandardized
regression coefficients: Y = 8.5 + .5*X. How much does the scores on Y increase for
every one unit increase in the values of X?
a. 9
b. 8.5
c. .5
d. None of the above
What is the most appropriate interpretation of one of the estimates from the following
regression equation ( = 6.5 + 1.43X)?
a. For every one unit change in Y, there is a 1.43 unit change in predicted X
b. For every one unit change in X, there is a 6.5 unit change in predicted Y
c. When X is equal to zero, the predicted value of Y will be equal to 6.5
d. When X is equal to 1.43, the predicted value of Y will be 6.5
Which of the following statements regarding multiple regression is true?
a. The outcome variable is expected to be measured without error
b. The predictor variables are expected to be measured without error
c. The predictor variables are expected to be uncorrelated among each other
d. All of the above statements are true
e. None of the above statements are true
A researcher, based on his regression analysis, generated the following equation to
summarize his findings: = 2.83 + .78X1 – .26X2 + .04*X3
Which of the following is correct about this regression equation?
a. The researcher has three predictor variables in the model
b. The researcher has three outcome variables in the model
c. The researcher found non-significant effect of X3 on the outcome
d. The researcher found a significant effect of X1 on the outcome
Which of the following statements is an example of a mediation effect?
a. As variable X changes, variable Y also changes
b. The effect of variables X and Z on variable Y changes depending on sample size
c. The effect of variable X on variable Y changes depending on different levels of
variable Z
d. None of the above
Baron and Kenny (1986) described several requirements to conclude for the presence of
a mediation effect. Which of the following is not one of these requirements?
a. The mediator should be correlated with the outcome variable
b. The predictor should be correlated with the outcome variables
c. The predictor should be correlated to with the mediator
d. The association between the predictor and the outcome should vary at different
levels of the mediator
A researcher wants to examine if a parent training program prevents development of
depressive symptoms among young parents. She hypothesized that the program could be
less effective for parents who has a child with chronic health problems, whereas the
program could be more effective for parents whose child has no health problems. Which
statistical analysis method can be used to examine her hypothesis regarding the potential
role of child health?
a. Chi-square analysis
b. Multiple regression analysis
c. Moderated regression analysis
d. Mediation analysis
A researcher reported her results:
“Hierarchical regression analysis was used to examine the role of problem-focused
coping style in predicting work related stress. In the first step, age, sex, education, and
occupational status were entered into the model to control for the role of demographic
variables. In the second step, problem-focused coping style was entered to the model to
predict the level of work-related stress above and beyond the role of demographic
variables. The results suggested that problem-focused coping style significantly predicted
18% of the variations in work-related stress above and beyond the role of demographic
variables, F(5, 1312) = 12.74, p < .001. In addition[rest of the results is not presented]
Based on the available information, what can you say about these results?
a. She could not enter age, sex, education, and occupational status into the model in
the first step
b. She must have reported the F-test for the overall R2 value of the model
c. She must have reported the robust F-test as the significance test of the R2
d. She must have run mediation analysis to answer her question
e. She better not use education and occupational status as control variables at the
same time
Spring re-exam 2023
A researcher has been studying the interplay between heart rate, body temperature, and
anxiety symptoms. Using standard medical devices, he measured heart rate and body
temperature. He used the standardized, 20-item trait anxiety inventory to measure anxiety
symptoms of her participants (N = 59). He wanted to use hierarchical cluster analysis to
analyze the data to identify if there are naturally occurring groups of people with
different levels of heart rate, body temperature, and anxiety symptoms. The correlations
among these three variables are below.
Which of the following statement can be made based on the scenario and the correlation
table above?
a. He cannot use cluster analysis with three variables. Cluster analysis is only for 2
variables at a time.
b. He cannot use these variables in the same cluster analysis because one of the
measures is a self-report, and the other two are physiological measures.
c. The magnitude of the correlation coefficients suggest that these variables could be
used as cluster indicators in the same analysis.
d. The correlation coefficients among the cluster indicators must be statistically
significant to run a cluster analysis. Thus, he should not use cluster analysis.
A simple regression analysis generates the following equation: Y = 2.5 + 1.5*X + e. How
much does the scores on Y increase for every one unit increase in the values of X?
a. 2.5
b. 1.5
c. 4
d. None of the above
What is the most appropriate interpretation of one of the estimates from the following
regression equation ( = 6.5 + .43X)?
a. For every one unit change in Y, there is a .43 unit change in predicted X
b. For every one unit change in X, there is a 6.5 unit change in predicted Y
c. When X is equal to zero, the predicted value of Y will be equal to 6.5
d. When X is equal to .43, the predicted value of Y will be 6.5
Which of the following statements regarding multiple regression is true?
a. The outcome variable is assumed to be measured without error
b. The predictor variables are assumed to be measured without error
c. The predictor variables are assumed to correlated among each other
d. All of the above statements are true
A researcher, based on his regression analysis, generated the following equation to
summarize his findings: = 2.83 + .78X1 – .26X2 + .04*X3
Which of the following is correct about this regression equation?
a. The researcher has three predictor variables in the model
b. The researcher has three outcome variables in the model
c. The researcher found non-significant effect of X3 on the outcome
d. The researcher found a significant effect of X1 on the outcome
Which of the following statements is an example of a mediation effect?
a. As variable X changes, variable Y also changes
b. The effect of variables X and Z on variable Y changes depending on sample size
c. The effect of variable X on variable Y changes depending on different levels of
variable Z
d. None of the above
Baron and Kenny (1986) described several requirements to conclude for the presence of
a mediation effect. Which of the following is not one of these requirements?
a. The mediator should be correlated with the outcome variable
b. The predictor should be correlated with the outcome variables
c. The predictor should be correlated to with the mediator
d. The association between the predictor and the outcome should vary at different
levels of the mediator