Tension Member Flashcards
For high strength steel where the yield point is not well defined, the value of Fy is estimated at a point where
0.2% strain offset
Using AISC 2016 Table D3.1, determine the value of U assuming 3 bolts per line
For transverse welded connections when not all the elements are connected, the effective Area Ae is equal to the Area of the connected part A and therefore U is equal to
There is no Block shear failure in ASD because block shear failure happens in the __________
range of behavior
plastic or inelastic
High strength steel is less ductile than mild steel because of its low ______ content
Determine the net Area An of a ¼ in by 4 inches plate and the diameter of the bolt is 7/8 in.
Assume plate thickness is ¼ in
Rolled steel sections that do not belong to standard shape section like W,S,C and T are called
___________ shapes
The actual rupture strength of steel is lower than the rupture strength recorded in a coupon
The strength of a tension member is controlled by
lowest strength limit state
What is the equivalent diameter of the hole if the nominal hole diameter is ¾ in?
The value s 2/4g is an additional width of the section due to
The plates are secondary braces to ensure that ___________ members behave as a single unit
Using the formula U=1-x/L, Determine the value of U if L=10. Note: The 5 in leg is connected
on the plate
The center to center distance between two consecutive bolts in a bolt line is called
Block shear fracture thru bolt holes considers
shearing of the plate
The condition in which steel exhibits a considerable increase in tension strength beyond the
yield point is called
The range along the stress-strain curve where the x- sectional area starts decreasing prior to
failure is called
inelastic range
Serviceability limits due to vibration and sagging depend on the
The block shear failure mode is a combination of shear and tension failures on the
connecting plate
The equivalent hole diameter is equal to
any of the above
Pure axial tension members are those to which the force in tension is applied at the _______ axis
Which of the following statement is not true as far as the strength limit state condition on
tension members are concerned
The equivalent hole diameter considers both an allowance for bolt insertion and an
allowance for error due to____________ brought about by punching, drilling etc
The condition in which the efficiency of the cross-section is reduce to a certain percentage of
the net section is due to a behavior known as____________
shear lag
The length of a tension member is significant both in the strength and serviceability limit
state condition
Which of the following is not true for a W-shape section
none of the above
When all elements of the section are connected by fasteners or welds then the shear lag
effect is
The effect of stagger is beneficial to the strength of the connection