Beam-Column Flashcards
The value of Fr (residual stress) for welded built-up shapes in the old AISC code is
For a simply supported beam (pin ended) with no transverse loads and with equal end moments in single curvature, the value of Cb is
For a simply supported beam (pin ended) with no transverse loads and with equal end moments in reverse curvature, the value of Cb is
The number of plastic hinge is determined by the degree of indeterminacy plus
A stiffened element is more critical than an unstiffened elements in terms of local buckling
A compact section satisfies the condition that the width to thickness ratio of a plate element shall not exceed the limit for width to thickness ration to ensure that
The limit for the plastic moment Mp is
Flexurally compressed elements have no non-compact limits
A moment resisting frame or a beam-column frame is said to be braced if there is no
sidesways or lateral translation
A column is a part of an MRF. Determine the moment magnification factor B2 if the column is not braced against side sway. Note: The column is pinned at both ends and the end moments produces reverse curvature.
The interaction equation below is a
When a section behaves in the plastic mode, the neutral axis divides the section into two
Equal Areas
Perfectly plastic behavior means that the material will not rupture at a specified
In a beam-column a secondary moment is caused by the
primary deflection
The AISC value for Cm shown below is a modification which must always be
less than or equal to one
A column is a part of an MRF. Determine the moment magnification factor B1 if the column is braced against side sway. Note: The column is pinned at both ends and the end moments produces reverse curvature.
What is the relative stiffness of a fixed joint
The factor that takes into account the non-uniform bending moment distribution over an unbraced length Lb is
In a beam-column a primary moment is caused by the
primary loads
Moment magnification may not be required if second order analysis is used
A member of structure is safe if the ration of the load P with the resistance R is less than or equal to
The yield strength of a material is based on the
The range of values of the effective length factor k for sway frame is
1 < k < 20
Shape factor is simply a ratio of
A member subjected to some degree of bending and/or flexure is called
What is the relative stiffness of a roller joint (Note roller free to move laterally
Cm = 1 is a conservative value for braced and unbraced frame
A plastic moment is the largest moment which could be developed by the section
What is the effective length factor k of a column fixed at one end and roller (free to move laterally) at the other end
In the LRFD criteria for strength of flexural members, the main objective is to determine
Moment Capacity
For a bearing stress concept, the bearing stress per bolt considers an area equivalent to the area of the
Hole diameter x thickness
Bearing failure of the plate happens prior to shearing plate failure
Minimum distance “Lc” and minimum ctc spacing “s” is used to prevent
Shearing of the bolt
The transfer of loads from one plate to the other is basically through
with the plate side hole
The main difference between the bolt and rivet is in the
Method of tightening
A length correction factor ofd ______
is applied to account for the effect of length connection
Which of the following type of connection permits a bolt to be snug tight
Slip critical type
For a simple stress concept, the shear stress per bolt considers an area equivalent to the area of
Plane Section
When hole elongation exceeds 25° is tolerated then shearing failure of the bolt is more likely to
The actual proof load given on tables is based on
Maximum distance “Lc” and maximum ctc spacing “s” is used to prevent
Shearing of the bolt
Pre-compression of the plates for a riveted connection is achieved by
Applying heat and pressure
Slip critical connection is basically achieve by
Friction between plates
When threads are included at the shear planes the nominal strength Rn of the bolts
When hole elongation exceeds 25° is tolerated then the connection is slip critical
For a tension stress concept, the tension stress per bolt considers an area equivalent to the area of the
Bolt Section
For a slip critical connection the failure mode of the bolt is by
Hole elongation is common to connection where the failure mode is by
Bearing of the plate