Tense Practice Flashcards
It rains a lot in Ireland
Llueve mucho en Irlanda
Present tense to indicate timeless or habitual events that still
I smoke more than sixty a day
Fumo más de sesenta al día
Present tense to indicate timeless or habitual events that still
Maria’s Venezuelan
María es venezolana
Present tense to indicate timeless or habitual events that still
Sea-gulls eat fish
Las gaviotas comen peces
Present tense to indicate timeless or habitual events that still
I don’t have a credit card
No tengo tarjeta de crédito
Eating on my own depresses me
Me deprime comer sola
Those who are believers have that
Los que son creyentes tienen ese consuelo
Why are you so sad?
Por qué estás tan triste?
state rather than action, therefore present, not continuous
. It’s cold
Hace frío
state not action, present, not continuous
She seems tired
Parece cansada
state, not action, present
Isn’t the moon bright!
Cómo brilla la luna
state not action, therefore present
She’s wearing a suit today
Hoy lleva traje de chaqueta
state rather than action, present
We acknowledge receipt of your letter of
January 3
Acusamos recibo de su carta del 3 de enero
It sounds unnatural to me
A mí me suena poco natural
The opposition considers a maneuvre, the
liberalization policy announced by the
La oposición considera una maniobra el aperturismo anunciado por el régimen
Why are you getting involved in that
Por qué te metes en ese asunto?
present because finite
what did you say?
Qué dices?
present, not an action
Can’t you hear the dogs?
No oyes los perros?
I’m drowning!
Que me ahogo!
present, unlikely that this person would be saying that they are mid process in drowning
I’m coming
Ya voy!
is about to happen, not in process
Wait while I put this in the oven
Espérate que meto esto en el horno
Merino passes the ball to Andreas
Merino pasa la pelota a Andreas
Shall I bring it for you?
Te lo traigo yo?
Present is used for permission
Shall I write to our grandparents to tell
Escribo a los abuelos para decírselo?
present for permission
Shall I ring to see whether he’s come?
Llamo para ver si ha venido?
permission uses present
I was head of department (then stopped)
Yo fui jefe de departamento
‘I was head of department’ (at the time and may still be).
Yo era jefe de departamento
We had to cross two deserts to get to the oasis (and
we did)
Tuvimos que atravesar dos desiertos para llegar al oasis
We had (still) to cross two deserts to get to the oasis’.
Teníamos que atravesar dos desiertos para llegar al oasis
Yesterday I walked more than fifteen
Ayer anduve más de quince kilómetros
preterite because completed (yday)
It was a mistake not to return the money
to him (we didn’t)
Fue un error no devolverle el dinero
The party was a success
La fiesta fue un éxito
party is over
First I was a carpenter, then I was a taxi
driver and then I was a lion tamer
Primero fui carpintero, después fui taxista, y
después fui domador de leones
I had measles when I was a child
Tuve el sarampión cuando era pequeño
When the coffee was ready she handed
him a small cup
Cuando el café estuvo listo Ie alcanzó una
the preterite may show that an event or process has reached completion
the girl advanced towards him, and when she reached his side, said to him. . .
La chica avanzó hacia él, y cuando estuvo a su lado le dijo
preterite may show that a process or event has reached completion
the conversation gradually petered out
La conversación se fue espaciando
preterite may show that a process or event has reached completion
My daughter was talking by eleven months
My daughter (started) talking at eleven months (using tense)
Mi hija hablaba a los once meses (imperfect, she is still talking)
Mi hija habló a los once meses
preterite to indicate the beginning of an action (inchoate), her beginning of this has ended
I was posted in Bilbao for two years
Estuve destinado en Bilbao dos años
preterite for a finite period of time
You’re forgetting the time you were
Te olvidas del tiempo que estuviste casado
preterite for a defined period of time
The dinosaurs reigned on Earth for
millions of years
Los dinosaurios reinaron sobre la tierra
durante millones de años
finite period therefore preterite
For years we could talk of nothing else
Durante años no pudimos hablar de otra cosa
finite period, preterite
As far as I’ve heard, I’ve known of two
cases in the whole of my life
Que yo haya oído, en toda mi vida supe de
dos casos
finite, preterite
‘He always used to sleep as his father (had) slept, with his gun hidden in
his pillowcas
Siempre dormía como durmió
su padre, con el arma escondida dentro de la funda de la almohada
preterite as the implied finite period is the lifespan
I always sought to have a good time
Siempre procuré pasarlo bien
implied finite period of the life span, preterite
‘I never really liked that man
Nunca me hizo gracia ese hombre
implied finite period of the life span, preterite
Every summer they spent their holidays/vacation in San
Todos los veranos veraneaban en San Sebastián
time is habitual, therefore imperfect is used
‘He watered the garden every morning
Todas las mañanas regaba el jardín
habitual time, imperfect
When I was little I saw him pass
nearly every day
Cuando yo era pequeño yo le veía pasar casi todos los días
habitual time, imperfect
That week he rose at seven, and breakfasted at eight
Aquella semana se levantaba/levantó a las siete, y desayunaba/desayunó a las ocho
period is specified but action is repeated and disconnected, either preterite or imperfect is possible (latter more common)
Last summer she went out with him every day
El verano pasado salía/salió todos los días con
specified time period, actions are repeated and discontinuous, either form is possible, imperfect most usual
‘He worked hard that year
Aquel año trabajaba/trabajó mucho
specified time period, action repeated and disconnected, either imperfect or preterite permitted
what is the meaning change of tener in the imperfect and preterite
preterite means to receive/to get
Imperfect means ‘had’ ‘was in my possession’
II got the impression that . . .
Tuve la impresión de que
preterite as the meaning is ‘receive’
I had the impression that . . .
Tenía la impresión de que
imperfect because the meaning is ‘had’
I got a letter
Tuve una carta
(preterite because the meaning is ‘receive’
When he got the chance to study, he
graduated as an engineer from the Open
Cuando tuvo ocasión de estudiar consiguío
con la universidad a distancia el título de
preterite because ‘receive’
what is the difference in meaning between preterite and imperfect of ‘meet’
Preterite - to meet for the first time
Imperfect - to be acquainted with
I met Antonia (for the first time)
Conocí a Antonia
preterite for the first time
I knew Antonia
Conocía a Antonia
imperfect to mean acquainted with
I got up and drew the curtains. It was a splendid day
Me levanté y descorrí las cortinas. Hacía un día espléndido
first two preterite as they are finite. Hacer is imperfect because it is the backdrop
Since the sky was clear we went to the
Como el cielo estaba despejado fuimos a la playa
éstar is imperfect because its the background, ir is preterite because it is finite
I was coming back from the cinema when I saw Niso
Yo volvía del cine cuando vi a Niso
The monuments and statues that
adorned the avenues and squares were
Los monumentos y estatuas que adornaban
los paseos y las plazas fueron triturados
I went back to the living room, but he was no longer there
Volví a la sala, pero él ya no estaba
Matias was a tall, bald, slightly roundshouldered man
Matías era un hombre aito, calvo y un poco
cargado de hombros
unspecified period, imperfect
These Mexican meals lasting four or five
hours exasperated him
Le exasperaban estas comidas mexicanas de cuatro o cinco horas de duración
imperfect, unspecified time
Dona Amalia, on the other hand, was
overweight, and refused to recognise
that greed was a worse sin
Doña Amalia, por otra parte, era obesa,
y se negaba a reconocer que la gula era
peor pecado
imperfect because unspecified
I was just leaving when you rang
Me marchaba ya cuando has llamado
imperfect expresses events felt to have already begun at the time of the completed event.
I was talking to the neighbours when the
firemen came
Yo hablaba con los vecinos cuando llegaron los bomberos
What would you like?
Qué deseaba?
imperfect for polite requests
Excuse me, I’d like a word with the
Perdone, quería hablar con el director
imperfect for polite requests